Voice over IP and DBS??


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Las Vegas, Nevada
I am thinking about switching to a Voice over IP service i.e. Vonage. Has anyone used this with DBS? How does this work? They currently don't have my area code but I am able to pick any area code in the country. If I pick one say in Indiana but I live in Dallas how will that work as far as the phone line requirements go? Will this mess with my local qualifications? If you have this service is it reliable as far as voice use is concerned? Thanks in advance!!!
i've had vonage since jan and i love it. but it runs through my cable modem...not dbs service.
If you register yourself in the vonage website you could run thier compatability tests. It runs an UPLOAD test. I highly doubt it will pass with satellite or MMDS delivered internet due to its high latency, but you could prove me wrong and try.
You wouldn't want to do it over satellite. The latency would be way to high.
If you ask a question to whoever you are talking, you would have to wait for a couple of seconds for the reply to come back to you. It is just about impossible to have a conversation with delays like that.
I guess I was not clear enough. I do not have satellite internet I have a cable modem. I am just interested in getting Vonage and wonderd how that worked where D* was concerned...Thank you
I think I understand the question, but I don't have the answer. :(

silversurfer wants to replace his phone service with Vonage service.
His local telephone line with a number that reflects his location will go away.
Vonage does not offer a phone number in his area, so the number on his Vonage service will look like he is somewhere else - perhaps Indiana.

Will having a phone number that looks like he is in Indiana mess up his ability to get his locals on D*?

With more people going VOIP there will be more issues with people being able to connect their phone lines up and not be accused of anything having a different number show up. Perhaps if Dish sees that they are all coming from the same number and you tell them what the number is and the situation that the system will not detect an issue as a result.


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