WARNING! 921 ports now covered over on newly shipped units.


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Nov 5, 2003
I just discovered that the DISHwire ports have been covered with a piece of thin white plastic and screwed in place. I just talked with two guys who received their 921's
yesterday and they also have the DISHwire ports covered.

Needless to say, we are infuriated. This very clearly means something is up. If I don't have answers from DISH by next Thursday, I am demanding a refund on the 921 and quitting DISH. I won't put up with this kind of treachery (and that is what it is).
Yeah, Relax. I probably just means that Dish has decided not to implement the firewire ports on the 921.
Cyclone said:
Yeah, Relax. I probably just means that Dish has decided not to implement the firewire ports on the 921.

yeah...ominously similar to the way the 721 was initially advertised with ehternet/internet capabilities, but we find that the ethernet blurb was "whited-out" on the box.

BTW, still no internet support for the 721
The Direct Tivo does not have the Firewire ports and it does not have any issues, its releasing this week ahead of the 921.

Maybe testing has shown that the 921 and Firewire will cuase too many bugs and legal issues. They cant let Direct TV beat them to market.

Maybe this is the 921A model I have been hearing about. Look on the model lable cover on the back. What does it say?

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