Wasted Bandwidth

Poppa Smurf

Original poster
Dec 28, 2003
This is sort of a poll. Everyone list the channels they feel are just a waste of satellite bandwidth. Channels that we all could easily live without and feel there are much better channels out there that could make better use of the bandwidth this channel is wasting.

First on my list is, you guessed it.. The Bingo Channel!
ESPN .... Are you crazy ?
LEt me guess that you were in the Band in HS ?
I was. Marched with a mellophone, sat with a french horn. Nothing wrong with having a little music in your life.

I wouldn't say that ESPN was a total waste, but it is one of my least watched channels. I suppose the classic answer to the question is:
Any channel I don't watch :D

ESPN .... Are you crazy ?

LEt me guess that you were in the Band in HS ?

You bet.
And now I hire members of the football team to mow my lawn.

BTW, how much do you charge?
Big Bob said:
You bet.
And now I hire members of the football team to mow my lawn.

BTW, how much do you charge?

I lettered in 2 sports and did band in the fall (and no, both contact sports)

You anti-sports people drive me totally nuts. What, someone ran you up a flagpole when you were a zit faced freshman in high school?

Anything that has as much TV programming devoted to it as sports (not to mention the gazillions of dollars in expendeture) must be important to a fair percentage of the population. Consider yourself weird. But please, please, don't try to even pretend for a second that most people care what you think.
And back to the thread...
Remember, many of the the channels that we think are a waste pay E* quite a bit of money. Those shopping channels actually help to lower you bill.

Another question would be: "How much more would you be willing to pay to have "channelName" removed."
Also, if a non-revenue generating channel or a channel that E* must pay for replaces one that provides income to E*, you will be the one to pay for that too.
hancox said:
I lettered in 2 sports and did band in the fall (and no, both contact sports)

You anti-sports people drive me totally nuts. What, someone ran you up a flagpole when you were a zit faced freshman in high school?

Anything that has as much TV programming devoted to it as sports (not to mention the gazillions of dollars in expendeture) must be important to a fair percentage of the population. Consider yourself weird. But please, please, don't try to even pretend for a second that most people care what you think.

Actually, I lettered as well. (Football if you must know. Starting defensive line) Didn't feel that was important as in no way was I implying that sports are bad.

please read my post again. I'll wait.....

Thank you. In my response I was in no way anti-sports. I was pro-band. That is all.

And my lawn looks very nice.
"And now I hire members of the football team to mow my lawn."

you're kidding, right? that's not anti-sports?
Big Bob said:
No, just the the truth.

Wow. That's really relevant, too. Why not get rid of the international channels because of the demographic of the average lawn cutter too?

you're skirting your own absurd point.
One person's waste of bandwidth someone else's favorite channel or a source of revenue to the provider. Just don't watch waht ytou don't like.

Heck Bigo TV has not even debuted. AMybe it weon't be your cup of tea but will be someone else's.
hancox said:
Wow. That's really relevant, too. Why not get rid of the international channels because of the demographic of the average lawn cutter too?

you're skirting your own absurd point.

First, an apology for letting this thread get this far off track.
I did try to get us back on track earlier, but I got sucked back in. Sorry.

My intentions all along have been in support of "band". They were not to diminish sports in anyway. I have participated in many sports and continue to enjoy a wide variety of them.

Sadly, disagreements like this seem to force people to take side. You are either "pro-sports" or "pro-band". Seems petty to me. I support both as both have unique qualities that should be explored.

Unfortunately, in my past posts, I have not made my point clear and I am afraid this has caused a really stupid tangent off this thread. Sorry.

I was using the point of members of the football team mowing my lawn as a playground-like response to Rolltide's post.

ESPN .... Are you crazy ?

LEt me guess that you were in the Band in HS ?

Sadly, many of my former team members have not done so well after high school. My arm-chair analysis is that they put too much emphasis on sports and did not have a well rounded outlook on life. Balance is important. But that is just my opinion.

I will not respond to anymore posts down this tangent. It is time for it to die or move to a new thread
The Dish Interactive stuff.. Dish Home does nothing for me, BingoTV, the Shopping Channels and all the extra PPV Channels.. I know they have them so they can run movies at different times but it seems a waste to me because I dont buy PPVs.
Okay lets get this thread back on track.

First: The shopping/ppv/interactive/bingo channels are in theory a source of money for dish. So taking them away isn't an option.

I definatly think that ESPNHD is "wasting" a lot of bandwidth because it is upconverted so often. I have no problem with it if they are playing real HD. But somehow ESPN needs to be pressured into getting some real HD content.

Also it looks like the HD Demo channel is being removed. When I called about getting it (just as another way to show of the HD TV) I was told it was not available anymore on 148 and would be leaving the other wing soon.

322 with Legacy Quad ?

508 and 811 with 2 TV's

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