Watching a president tank:( (bush)

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BrianMis said:
This just isn't true, there is not a civil war going on. There are people from outside of Iraq starting a civil war, there is not a civil war yet. Bob, please understand I'm not trying to say that the problems in Iraq are small, or that they don't exist. But as I've told you before I've been to Iraq, the country was a mess even before the first Gulf war. The dictator spent more money on building up his military, his palaces, his own pockets than he did on rebuilding his country after the Afgan war.

If its not a civil war then what is it?

saddam was bad, but the current situation isnt much different....
Bob Haller said:
If its not a civil war then what is it?

saddam was bad, but the current situation isnt much different....

Main Entry: civil war
Function: noun
: a war between opposing groups of citizens of the same country.

Last time I checked this hasn't happened yet, in fact the religious leaders of Iraq are trying real hard to stop it from happening.
i do believe even the Commie News Network and their ilk have repeated. most of the attacks are being perpetrated by syrians and iranians. ans bankrolled by the same.
I'm surprised this thread is still steamrolling. No one is going to change anyone's opinion on this subject. Posters are either flaming other posters or posting to hear themselves talk. Perhaps it's time to use your time for other productive purposes.
It's not his fault, if you want the truth you need to look outside the mainstream press. You really need to know where to look for your news. Network News favors the left, FoxNews favors the right. The truth is somewhere in the middle. I have friends in the Corps, stationed in Iraq we write back and forth about what is going on over there and here in the States. It is bad over there but not as bad as everyone thinks or how the media makes it out to be.

Remember our young Republic didn't start so much differently.
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sidekick said:
I'm surprised this thread is still steamrolling. No one is going to change anyone's opinion on this subject. Posters are either flaming other posters or posting to hear themselves talk. Perhaps it's time to use your time for other productive purposes.

I'm not trying to change any opinions, nor am I flaming anyone. If your going to debate the issues of the day, back them up with facts. Not some talking points off of the news.
juan said:
So where did Bush hide the 100,000 bodies?

at the undisclosed location...LOL they all say cheney is a vampire, bush has to keep him supplied with fresh blood. they kill all the iraqis, put them on boats, ship them here to our ports (probably why evil bush wanted someone else running them), then by rail to the undisclosed location. cheyney sucks the blood out and buries them.

so simple only a freakin liberal can understand it:eek: :devil: :devil:
dragon002 said:

the election of 2004 validated everything they do. not the polls.

the GOP will NOT lose control of congress, take that to the bank.

i lived in arizona for 6 years, goldwater was a God there. the mistake McCain made was trying to reach out to the mod dems, in an open primary state, and the party faithful will never forgive him for that.

BTW shane, the poll was not only gallop poll, it was CNN/USA TODAY-GALLOP, and i cant seem to find the demographics listed, WHY???

is it possible it was 34% GOP and 60% dunb -ass??

Blind partisan politics is exactly what real leaders need to move beyond in order to properly serve the public good. That's why mods like McCain EARN their credibility and respect, while others are content to preach to their respective choirs and hide within a body politic. What we need are free thinking outside-the-box types to lead us forward (rather than in circles, or, more to the point, backwards). I'd love to see a split ticket in the next presidential election w/ two solid types of just such a stripe. Greenspan seems to think an independent will rise to the occasion on behalf of the level-headed mods and stir up a whole lot of fun, maybe a split ticket will too.

The nation's tired of party rhetoric that doesn't match actions. They can't feed their kids or wrap themselves warm at night w/ empty talk about serving the American people, when it's all really just a big power/money grab for the top 1%. The GOP and the Dems are creating a class-fractured society by undermining the middle class and someone has to stop it before really, really bad things start to happen to us from within. Then we won't need foreign 'boogeymen' to keep us awake and fearful at night.
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3 / 14 Bush raises troop strength by over 700 because the sutuation is detoriating

terrorist infiltrated green safe american zone in iraq, as guards. apparently planning something big for the 3rd anniversary of the war.

bush appears less effective than ever, things in iraq are getting worse
he raised the troop strength by 700, so?

terrorist have been doing this for a while, old news,


bob , pull the tampon string out of your butt, un -wring your hands ,
stop watching CBS/CNN and for god sake man, put mien kamph and the communist manifesto down. reading that crap is rotting your mind.

bob, get on some blogs from our fine troops over there, and READ!

Why is it that when people post things that PROVE you are wrong about EVERYTHING you have no answer and move on to the next lie?
Bob Haller said:
3 / 14 Bush raises troop strength by over 700 because the sutuation is detoriating

terrorist infiltrated green safe american zone in iraq, as guards. apparently planning something big for the 3rd anniversary of the war.

bush appears less effective than ever, things in iraq are getting worse

Bob, here is the correct story.

"Interior Minister Bayan Jabr told the AP that authorities had foiled an Al Qaeda plot that would have put hundreds of its men at critical guard posts around Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone, home to the U.S. and other foreign embassies as well as the Iraqi government.

A senior Defense Ministry official said the 421 Al Qaeda fighters were actually recruited to storm the U.S. and British embassies and take hostages. Several ranking Defense Ministry officials have been jailed in the plot, the official said on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the information."

Please get your facts correct before you go on a rant.
brian and eric,

CARNAGE, CIVIL WAR, POTABLE WATER, INSURGENTS, IRAQI CASUALITIES (like we are killing them, and us pulling out would stop it)

BOB, i KNOW who should have pulled out!
BOB would not know a fact of it hit him up side his head.
He seams only interested in wasting the time of people much smarter than he by using totally illogical thoughts
Well it looks like the Dems have found their identity for the next four years!!!!:D :D :D

See picture.:devil:


  • sen.jpg
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Eric Goempel said:
Well it looks like the Dems have found their identity for the next four years!!!!:D :D :D

See picture.:devil:

A great description of Bush, he miss handled and bungled the war from the beginning:(
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