Watching a president tank:( (bush)

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Bob and gary look more and more like media whores just like slime bucket sheehan. Ehr three of them are holding a "we hate white Americans with a positive outlook on life part".
dragon002 said:
i wont be lonely at all, ill be getting on with my life installing directv. the flag is up and lit. i have to find this article for you, the pittsburgh anti war rally is expected to draw.......................................................................................................................300-400 protesters. 2.9 million metro area 6 major universities, 3-4 hundred BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

the freakin police arent even going to show up!!!

you go to your rally, tell mamma sheehan i said , HI!!

oh BTW, your next pres/vp will be Guilianni/McCain or the reverse order, does not matter, wont be a dem.

Ahh Vietnam anti war protests started small too, but grew as the dying and outrage continued.

Iraq been 3 years, how long do you want the carnage to continue?

The next congressional election will see a democratic landslide:(

NOT in your wildest drug induced DREAMS!!

what is this word CARNAGE with you, a dem "talking point"?

id give em carnage, pull the troops back 400 miles and NUKE baghdad!! then tell are next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW bob, are you any relation to john and tony haller here in donora?? if you are the apple didnt fall too far from the tree.
idiot democrats, except THEY served in ww2, as cooks , state side, BUT they served.

unlike you.
Why don't we take a moment and talk about the "future of the dem party" Hillery.

Seams she has a real problem with republicans enforcing the law when it might hurt the dem "voting base" illegal immigrants! That's right boys and girls, she doesn't think we have the right to enforce CURRENT laws. She might be as bad as her husband was. She says we do not protect our ports enough but then says we have no right to stop illegal immigration.

Why is it that she hates us being in Iraq but wants us to attack Iran and China at the same time. This lady will say ANYTHING she thinks will gain 1 single vote.

I decided to vote for Kerry during the last election. Yes I did, and I will tell you why.

He promised to LOWER TAXES WHILE- balancing the budget- eliminate the national debt - strengthen the military- spend more on schools- spend more on welfare- spend more on social security- spend more on hospitals- spend more on NASA- spend more on "Al gores" high speed internet for everyone - I was dieing to see him pull all this off. Then he was going to walk on water!!!
Bob Haller said:
Ahh Vietnam anti war protests started small too, but grew as the dying and outrage continued.

Iraq been 3 years, how long do you want the carnage to continue?

Carnage? Carnage is defined as an extensive slaughter. Is that what you think we have? It's a war. How many have we lost in 3 years in Iraq? 2000? That took about 30 minutes in Gettysburg or on Omaha beach. That's carnage.

Face it BOB, your just weak. Go curl up on the couch with Mr. Moore, Cindy can make some popcorn and all three of you can watch your Brokesack Mountain DVD. Let people with some spine save your butt from Islam.
Any of you have children, say under 30?

well theres a approaching crisis, people DONT want to go get killed for a war the american public isnt behind. It would be different if someone were marching thru florida on their way north. heck I would go too.

But what happens when enlistments drop below the replacement rate? DRAFT!

Give that some thought....

Another thing. The cost in trillions of bucks is coming out of OUR ECONOMY, how long till that causes troubles?

Just like a person with runaway credit card debt at some point you must pay the piper. so any talk of balanced budgets is meaningless while were fighting the war.

Lastly someone said 2000 americans dead. I believe that number is more like 2500. but no matter what about the soldiers missing arms legs, or so messed up in the head from the experience they will nevver be the same?

to say nothing of the innocent iraquis, 2/3 of which dont even have running water, and power. Saddam at least kept essential services going.....

Lets not forget the parents children and friends of dead soldiers who will miss them for a lifetime.

I hope the anti war protest number are way more than anticipated, its probably the onlky thing that will get our troops home.

Incidently Iran, the real threat must love this. we are getting our butt kicked, so iran knows they are secure. if we cant win in iraq, were not invading anyone else...
dragon002 said:
BTW bob, are you any relation to john and tony haller here in donora?? if you are the apple didnt fall too far from the tree.
idiot democrats, except THEY served in ww2, as cooks , state side, BUT they served.

unlike you.

to the best of my knowledge I am not related to any other hallers around here...

If I had been a little older no doubt I would of been drafted and sent to that other war we lost, vietnam....

I graduated high school in 1975, by that time it was over.
Earth to BOB. Just who is it that's getting their butts kicked? Tell me why is it that someone needs to be marching through Florida before you consider them a threat?

Iran is probably next. Should we wait until they hit Key West or Miami? How many will die there before you start whining?

Consider the cost of doing nothing BOB.
bobh is busy dude,

he is trying to find the lyrics for "kumbaya, michael rowed the boat ashore, fortunate son and war"

then he has to call soros, moore and mamma sheehan.

gotta pack up the granola bars and green tea into the backpack.

gas up the vw micro bus

busy day , dude
NightHawk said:
Earth to BOB. Just who is it that's getting their butts kicked? Tell me why is it that someone needs to be marching through Florida before you consider them a threat?

Iran is probably next. Should we wait until they hit Key West or Miami? How many will die there before you start whining?

Consider the cost of doing nothing BOB.

Look is our military position in Iraq something to be proud of?

If we cant win in 3 years against a bunch of terrorists, the most powerful nation in the world, then we cant invade anywhere else. Unless you want to leave a bunch of countries in civil war behind you:(


We are living russias afghanistan, they finally gave up too. did you know terrorism in afghanistan is UP? Taliban is resurging:(

We LOST vietnam and have lost iraq, its just a matter of time before we pull out.

both wars were lost because we failed to give the military the manpower and supplies it needed:( Because in BOTH cases we didnt want to appear to overwhelming.


bush has screwed around

you better get moving. youll miss the 100 man peace march.:rolleyes:

and dont forget the tie-dyed t- shirt and the pot dude.:eek:
Bob Haller said:
If we cant win in 3 years against a bunch of terrorists, the most powerful nation in the world, then we cant invade anywhere else We are living russias afghanistan, they finally gave up too. We LOST vietnam and have lost iraq, its just a matter of time before we pull out.

both wars were lost because we failed to give the military the manpower and supplies it needed:( Because in BOTH cases we didnt want to appear to overwhelming.


bush has screwed around

Comon, we eliminated their real fighting forces in just a few weeks. We didn't lose. Now we are trying to establish a working pseudo-democratic government. Very different thing, very difficult to do. It took us just as long in Germany after WWII but anyone with any foresight can see it's in our best interest and their best interest. We are now dealing with kamikaze manics from Iran, Syria and elsewhere. That's fine, kill em as fast as they show up.

You want to get tougher on them and devote additional manpower? I'll agree with you there. I'm sure George Bush would also but he's hamstrung politically at home by cut-n-run democrats constantly crying about cost and casualties.
GaryPen said:
Perhaps folks like dragon and eric, and those that share their political and ideological beliefs, or those who simply support Bush and the current GOP philosophy for some reason, can explain the following incongruities:

- Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush's
daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business with him
and a bad guy when Bush Jr. needed one for a war.

- Trade with Cuba is wrong because the country is communist, but
trade with China and Vietnam is vital to a spirit of international

- A woman can't be trusted with decisions about her own body, but
corporations can make decisions affecting all citizens without regulation.

- Jesus loves everyone, yet shares your hatred of homosexuals and Hillary

- The best way to improve military morale is to praise the troops in
speeches while slashing veterans'benefits and combat pay.

- If condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents won't have sex.

- Providing health care to all Iraqis is sound policy. Providing
health care to all Americans is socialism.

- Global warming is junk science but creationism should be taught in schools.

- A president lying about an extramarital affair is an impeachable
offense. A president lying to enlist support for a war in which
thousands die is solid defense policy.

- Government should limit itself to the powers named in the
Constitution, which should include banning gay marriage.

- The public has a right to know about Hillary's cattle trades, but
George Bush's cocaine conviction is none of our business.

- Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you're
a conservative radio host. Then it's an illness and you need our
prayers for your recovery.

- What Bill Clinton did in the 1960's is of vital national interest,
but what Bush did in the '80's is irrelevant.

Wow! A breath of fresh air in this idiotic thread. This reminds me of when I'm driving and get behind some idiot doing something stupid and I blow the horn. My wife says "You're not going to make them any smarter by blowing the horn". Same here. Nothing is going to change the mind of some one who is a brainwashed fundementalist. BTW this is my last post on this thread so I guess you can call this a "flame".
Marc Kessler said:
Wow! A breath of fresh air in this idiotic thread. This reminds me of when I'm driving and get behind some idiot doing something stupid and I blow the horn. My wife says "You're not going to make them any smarter by blowing the horn". Same here. Nothing is going to change the mind of some one who is a brainwashed fundementalist. BTW this is my last post on this thread so I guess you can call this a "flame".

Let's see;






Another childish namecaller with nothing intelligent to say.
Nighthawk- didnt you get the memo? Dems do NOT need any facts to back up anything they say. Only republicans need to do that. They can substitute name calling for facts.
No I was off the mailing list.

I'm not a full-fledged right winger. I'm not religious, nor do I care about abortion or condoms or Bill Clinton's sex life. I just find it astonishing as to the number of people who can't recognize a threat to our culture. The world is not a nice place. Peace and security are achieved through strength and like Ronald Reagan, George Bush has not disappointed me there.

The United States and Britain stood firm and saved the world from fascism, communism and imperialism. Now it's radical Islam and we must fight it anywhere we can. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, it doesn't matter. Those people want to kill us for no other reason other than we are on top and they are not and the democratic party still insists on cutting the defence budget. :confused:
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NightHawk said:
You want to get tougher on them and devote additional manpower? I'll agree with you there. I'm sure George Bush would also but he's hamstrung politically at home by cut-n-run democrats constantly crying about cost and casualties.

Ahh time to do that was day ONE, or immediately after we took over and looting occured.

It never improved:(

Bush said we dont want to take over, so we left a lawless country thats a training ground for terrorism.

Most of you are missing the point with the 'security' hot button.

You need to do a little reading up on the region and what part the West has played there. Britain and France created Iraq post-WWI as a big circle around the oil fields, artificially coralling three distinct and non-too-compatible religious/ethnic cultures in doing so. They promised to GTFO and let them govern themselves after said war, and didn't (British Petroleum and the UK powers didn't want to lose their toe-hold in the region for 'practical reasons'), and thus started our current mess.

You don't win points with me, or any clear-headed person, for making enemies in the first place, then asking for support in defeating them. The US' short sighted Afghanistan doctrine (begun under the Reagan admin, w/ sig. help from a certain Democratic Texas congressman by the name of Wilson) helped create Al Quaeda. Its like a string of incompetent bus drivers consistently running off the road, then, after long costly struggle, getting the wrecked buses out of the ditch, then pointed at themselves in triumph, "Look at me, I'm a hero...I saved the bus!!"

Only way out of this never-ending pathetic cycle isn't with blind testoterone-driven machismo flag-waving, but to use all those wasted billions developing the tools/technology to make oil dependency a thing of the past. No need for oil--no need to play ball w/ some of the most viley anti-democratic and corrupt governments on the planet. It's as if, in 1941, we refused to go after Japan because they were our "allies", due to the fact that they were so heavily invested in our stock market, real estate and we depended on their reserve of portable radios...and attacked Taiwan instead.

Somebody tell me why we haven't captured Osama. Because he's being harbored by Pakistan and/or Saudi Arabia--our "friends". The 911 hijackers were 80% Saudi (actual breakdown, according to US gov't report--15 Saudis, 1 Egyptian, 1 Lebanese, 2 from union of Arab Emirates. Note: No Iraqis.), many of which trained in the Saudi military and were funded through kickback mechanisms that run predominantly through Saudi channels (they fund the militant Islamic "schools" as a form of protection, which doesn't seem to work all the time). Saudi Arabia is the nexus and we won't touch them. Why--because your beloved administration and most of Washington have their hand out, sit on boards of companies that rely on them, etc., and I'm talking BOTH parties. These hawks so eager to throw our good men and women of the armed forces on the line under the worst and most nefarious scenarios/circumstances are the biggest liars and most hateful cowards in the world.

Check the facts. Figure it out. You'll see it's not as clear cut as that 99-cent bumper sticker you slapped on your Humvee pretends it is.
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shanewalker said:
Only way out of this never-ending pathetic cycle isn't with blind testoterone-driven machismo flag-waving, but to use all those wasted billions developing the tools/technology to make oil dependency a thing of the past. No need for oil--no need to play ball

OK, so your answer to a nuclear Iran is to for all of us to start using unobtainium for energy? The technology simply isn't there yet even with billions thrown at it. If it were, free-market forces would engage it.

Lots of criticism in your post but no real solutions. No question it's a complicated mess with shifting loyalties and dubious agreements but sitting back and waiting for an economically viable alternative to oil to fix it is just the thinking of a wide-eyed Pollyanna.
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