Watching a president tank:( (bush)

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STOP IT, you are really embarassing yourself.

really guy, i dont want to have you out-lib new england, where this site is based.

pull the string out slowly... say a prayer.....pull the trigger...
OK i'm not making this up!! This is an actual democratic "talking point" for the upcoming election.

Talking Point #8: There is not a terrorist hiding in your garage.

Anyone old enough to remember the Vietnam War probably also remembers the absurdist rhetoric about fighting the Communists in Southeast Asia so we wouldn't have to fight them in Kansas. This is hauntingly familiar because it's being repeated so often now, with Terrorists substituted for Communists.

We can in no way treat the horrific events of September 11 or the Madrid bombings as anything but crimes against humanity. It doesn't follow, however, that Arab suicide bombers are hanging around your neighborhood Winn-Dixie. You're much likelier to be struck by a meteor than to be killed by a terrorist, and not because Tom Ridge showed you some paint samples and urged you to buy duct tape.

Yes, these days the United States military can only envy recruitment rates among Islamic radical groups. That still doesn't mean there's a sleeper cell in your sock drawer.

So the people demanding more money be spent to search cargo containers that have never been used and there is little thought (other than the dems and their CNN group) of them being used. Say there is "You're much likelier to be struck by a meteor than to be killed by a terrorist". Wow FLIP----------FLOP-----------FLIP-----------FLOP---------
I cant say more than the shirt does!!:D :D :D


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Liberals are an interesting breed of "people"
It's kind of sad that they root against America for one reason, because they are still bitter over Bush winning the last 2 elections. They know when America looks bad, Bush looks bad, and it makes them happy, no matter the consequences.

You see, liberals don't care about our safety in the U.S., they don't care about honesty, facts or integrity. All they care about is power. Liberals are so mad and bitter right now because they are losing power in the government and the media. It infuriates them, so all they care about is making Bush look bad, even if it hurts our nation.

I'll say this, If Clinton were president during 9/11, I believe he would have made the exact same moves as Bush and overthrown the Iraqi government, and we would be having the same problems as we are now, except for one...Conservatives would have rallied behind Clinton as well as Liberals. And you would not have so much negativity towards the war. Why? Because the Liberals would have the power, so they would be happy. Conservatives would have still supported it because it is the right thing to do. All liberals care about is power, it is so obvious.

During the Clinton administration, how many times did we bomb Iraq? How many missiles did we launch on Iraq? How many people starved because of sanctions? How many people were murdered by Sadamm? All of this occurred for years and years and it barely made the back page of our newspapers. Why? Because Clinton was in office. If Bush were in office then, the same clowns calling for Impeachment now, would have called for it them.

I hate to say it, but the coutry almost runs better when we have a Democrat president, because they have the power, and that is all they need to be happy. When the libs are happy with all their power in the oval office, the republicans in congress can get stuff done. Right now it's so difficult because the libs have limited power, so the media and hollywood are acting like the fourth branch of the government. What I want to know is, who in the hell voted for George Clooney any way?:confused:
Great post shugo.

I normally try to resist generalizing about democrats or republicans but some of the things you point out are hard to argue with. It seems most of the democratic party liberal heavyweights are long on criticism and complaint and very short on solutions.

They react with vitriolic indignity at even trivial issues and look childish in doing so. Who would disagree, for example, that Feingold didn't squander serious creditability with his silly call for censure. History will eventually show what shabby treatment this president received at the hands of bitter election losers. Two-time losers who constantly and savagely attack the administration with mob mentality. The Dick Cheney hunting accident is the most recent example.

They can't resist extolling any tick down in the polls as proof the administration is criminal, rather than the by-product of a fickle American public with a sound-bite education. Who disagrees they wouldn't love to see the economy tank? Good news that can't be obfuscated is ignored rather than praised. Doom and gloom is all you hear from them irrespective of reality. It's just sad evidence of a crippling culture war perpetrated by power-hungry party shrills.
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Shugo I agree with NightHawk, that was an excellent post.

The sad truth of the matter is in the run up to the mid-term elections the rhetoric from the left is only going to get worse.
Did anyone else see the NY Times report yesterday on the WMD's that got us into the war? It basically said that Bush, (and all who voted us into the war), had legitimate reasons to believe there were WMD's. Saddam said he did, and did so to make his generals believe it as well. Saddam was "luring" us into the war, the reporters who wrote the piece said because he wanted the US in a war with them because he know insurgency would kick up, (because he has his money funded in them) and the American public would be outraged at our Administration for the length of the war on Terror, and hopefully would usher in a new administration in the 2004 elections. Saddam was almost right, if this is true. (Granted this story is swinging in my conservative favor, but I am still not an Idiot and realize that this is the New York Times reporting)! It also said that his own generals were so unbelievably angered that there were no WMD's because they had been banking on them being there. So Saddam planted information, drew up phony reports, and even had "fake" weapons made.

I can buy this story, except maybe for the part about Saddam banking on the insurgency to keep us around this long. I had always thought that there were weapons, but they were moved to Iran, or maybe the weapons were in Iran the whole time, and Saddam was making it out to believe they were in Iraq for a cover up.
Joe, I saw that article in my daily search for the truth. I also can buy this story, although I admit that I have always viewed this Gulf war as an extension of the first war.

The truth of the matter is and always has been the President didn't need anyone's "permission" to invade Iraq. Time and time again Saddam broke the agreed terms of the cease fire that ended military operations in the first Gulf war. This alone should have been enough to dispose the dictator. I argue this point time and time again. I give this administration kudos for trying the diplomatic route, that was above what was necessary. Call the President what you want, at least he had the brass to do what others in power wouldn't do. Then again we should have finished the job the first time around.
How long has it been since we had some serious verifable GOOD news from Iraq?

Not well although no iraqui units are capable of fighting on their own, down from one a year ago:( More are capable of helping....

not spin were going to draw down troops then be forced to move more in harms way.

REAL visible verifable advances? come on how long ago? last one I remember was bush grandstanding mission accomplished on that carrier or perhaps finding saddam.

too long since good news means things arent going well, bush tries to spin as best he can...

whats the chance iran might try taking advantage and invade iraq during a full blown civil war?
Bob Haller said:
How long has it been since we had some serious verifable GOOD news from Iraq?

Not well although no iraqui units are capable of fighting on their own, down from one a year ago:( More are capable of helping....

not spin were going to draw down troops then be forced to move more in harms way.

REAL visible verifable advances? come on how long ago? last one I remember was bush grandstanding mission accomplished on that carrier or perhaps finding saddam.

too long since good news means things arent going well, bush tries to spin as best he can...

whats the chance iran might try taking advantage and invade iraq during a full blown civil war?

Sources??? :confused:
BrianMis said:
Joe, I saw that article in my daily search for the truth. I also can buy this story, although I admit that I have always viewed this Gulf war as an extension of the first war.

The truth of the matter is and always has been the President didn't need anyone's "permission" to invade Iraq. Time and time again Saddam broke the agreed terms of the cease fire that ended military operations in the first Gulf war. This alone should have been enough to dispose the dictator. I argue this point time and time again. I give this administration kudos for trying the diplomatic route, that was above what was necessary. Call the President what you want, at least he had the brass to do what others in power wouldn't do. Then again we should have finished the job the first time around.

I agree with everything here.
Bob Haller said:
How long has it been since we had some serious verifable GOOD news from Iraq?

Not well although no iraqui units are capable of fighting on their own, down from one a year ago:( More are capable of helping....

not spin were going to draw down troops then be forced to move more in harms way.

REAL visible verifable advances? come on how long ago? last one I remember was bush grandstanding mission accomplished on that carrier or perhaps finding saddam.

too long since good news means things arent going well, bush tries to spin as best he can...

whats the chance iran might try taking advantage and invade iraq during a full blown civil war?


our troops ane LIGHTING up ramadai, and i mean lighting it up!!!
Bob Haller said:
How long has it been since we had some serious verifable GOOD news from Iraq?

Not well although no iraqui units are capable of fighting on their own, down from one a year ago:( More are capable of helping....

not spin were going to draw down troops then be forced to move more in harms way.

REAL visible verifable advances? come on how long ago? last one I remember was bush grandstanding mission accomplished on that carrier or perhaps finding saddam.

too long since good news means things arent going well, bush tries to spin as best he can...

whats the chance iran might try taking advantage and invade iraq during a full blown civil war?

I don't have time right now to pick this diatribe apart. The key to finding good news happening in Iraq is to want to find good news. Like dragon said yesterday go out and find the blogs of some of our fine troops stationed over in Iraq.

Oh, I almost forgot on your Iran comment. If that would happen then we can do what needs to be done there.
I'm in awe at the amount of people on here that I would have considered intelligent that get sucked into the conservitive lies. You know all you people that bitch every time you call a company for support and you get transferred to an Indian person, well guess what, Bush said that "this is good for the American people" when he was in India a couple weeks ago. It's good alright, good for the rich business owner but bad for the american worker. I dare anyone on here to argue this FACT - The wealthier people of America have gotten richer and the poor to middle class have lost since Bush has been in power. It kills me that you all make the Nazi jokes about us Liberals, if anyone should be called a Nazi it should be the republican party. Look at Bush's Dictator ways. We are fighting a war in Iraq that shouldn't have even have started. The whole world said it was wrong to go invade Iraq except us and England. Bush lied to the whole world and said Hussain had WMD. We haven't found sh*t except a few gas masks, so where did the WMD go?? I guess the big bad terrorists from Iraq that were in together with Bin Ladin hid them under there pillows. By the way, someone forgot to tell Bush that Hussain and Bin Ladin hate each other. Bin Ladin has been quoted as calling Hussain a "infidel". Just another one of Bush's many lies to the American public that doesn't care enough about what is going on to do some research and find out what is really going on behind Bush's dictatorship. When I saw Bush land on that aircraft carrier after flying in that fighter jet and get out and say "Mission acomplished", it almost made me want to throw up. Everyone tries to say Clinton was a draft dodger but Clinton was in a Ivy League college when Vietnam was going on, he didn't dodge sh*t. The Texas Air National Guard was full and George W. couldn't get in so Bush Sr. pulled some strings and got G.W. in the Alabama National Guard by buying G.W. a house in Alabama so he would have a Alabama address so he could get in and his chances of going to 'Nam where slim to none. In that time you were either in college, in the national guard, or you were drafted and went to 'Nam. It is a cold hard fact that G.W. is driving America to its knees. Hard working Americans are losing thousands of jobs everyday because of this ass hole. I guess you all won't wake up till its YOUR job that goes to a Communist that doesn't give two sheets about your family or if they eat tonight or have a warm place to sleep. If you all can't see that voting Democrat benefits the working man then you must be deaf, dumb, and blind. I could go on for hours but it won't change anything until you want to see how bad it has gotten. I just hope that when Americans do finally wake up from the brainwashing that Bush has put on you all that we haven't dug a hole that will take 20 years to get out of. Anyway, flame away. What do I know, I'm just a dumb nazi democrat.
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dragon002 said:
shane ,

im half italian. i was not interested, i was stating fact.

im abruzzi and calabrazi.

yes we should have gone after all of them, but the oil is there and we run on it.

we need anwar, we need rigs off the florida and the LA coasts, but the NYMBY croud does not want it. we need wind turbines off of nantucket, but teddy and kerry dont want it!

we need 30 more nuke generating power plants in the next 5 years, the treee huggers are going to fight it.

remember the snail darter, hell i would have tramped on the last two!!

we need COAL, and burn it , to make electricity
and we have more coal than any other country!!

ethanol??, turn the corn to car fuel and tell the rest of the world, you treat us like this, we are gonna burn the food for fuel, STARVE.

your thoughts??

My thought is that you're painfully ill-educated on not only about our needs but also on the whole economics of the world. Of course, it isn't a problem as long as you only posting these idiocies in online forum threads...:devil:

PS: I'm an immigrant. non-native English speaker and maybe you're too but I have to say that your spelling is HORRIBLE, pal...
BrettTRay said:
I'm in awe at the amount of people on here that I would have considered intelligent that get sucked into the conservitive lies.

I was in the same phase around 2001-2002... but I think I understood it by 2003...
BrianMis said:
I don't have time right now to pick this diatribe apart. The key to finding good news happening in Iraq is to want to find good news.

HAhaha, this is a good one... so we have to actively go out and search for good news, ignoring the bad ones.?

Wow, apparently 'cognitive stupidity' reached a whole new level...

Like dragon said yesterday go out and find the blogs of some of our fine troops stationed over in Iraq.

"Fine troops', sure, we understand the double-speak... :rolleyes: Like there are 'fine' ones and 'non-fine' ones... let me guess: fine is when somebody reporting something positive, otherwise he's negative, right?

Newsflash: overwhelming majority of the military supports the idea of an immediate withdrawal.
Bang, there goes your "well-thought" armchair general ideas about the war in Iraq, formed in your warm, convenient home.
BrettTRay said:
It is a cold hard fact that G.W. is driving America to its knees. Hard working Americans are losing thousands of jobs everyday because of this ass hole. I guess you all won't wake up till its YOUR job that goes to a Communist that doesn't give two sheets about your family or if they eat tonight or have a warm place to sleep. If you all can't see that voting Democrat benefits the working man then you must be deaf, dumb, and blind. I could go on for hours but it won't change anything until you want to see how bad it has gotten.

DOOM, DOOM we are all DOOMED!:rolleyes:

What's the current unemployment rate in this country?

I'm not on my knees. Any of you guys know anyone on their knees that didn't ask for it? What a rant.
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