WGN's 9:00 News No Longer Seen Nationally

"We’re transitioning from a network with regional roots to one with a true national identity, driven by provocative, brand-defining programming of the highest quality" by removing unique programming that sets us apart from the dozens of channels on cable showing reruns and adding reruns of mildly successful shows.
A quick look at today's schedule shows several hours of "Law & Order" reruns, an hour of "America's Funniest Home Videos" followed by several episodes of "How I Met Your Mother."

Unique programming, indeed.
One of those odd things. I never made it a point to watch the WGN news, but it still sucks that they are removing it.

Hey, at least DISH has real super stations, that anyone can call and subscribe to!

Err, wait. What? Seriously? Damnit.