What defines "new customer?"

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 4, 2004
I formerly had Directv and now have Dish Network. If I wanted to go back to Directv for "new customer" deal, could I? Would I be considered a "new customer" after a certain amount of time away? I am having a lot of problems with my 811 HDTV receiver from Dish. Thanks.
I wasn't. I had sold my equipment off. About 6 months later, I tried to buy new and was told the $140 dollars for the dish/stb would cost ME $400 because I am a previous customer and my purchase would not be subsidized as for new customers! Mind you this was 4 years ago so things may have changed. MY advice, if your wife has good credit and a credit card in her name, have her do it. :)

It worked for me.
Did she use the same address? I thought they would only allow 1 to an address.
once you are in the system you never get out, unless you know a CSR who can take you out. I must comment that you are making the right choice to dump Dish and the horrible 811.
Yea, it was the same address. Different credit card. Hmm, we had changed our phone number too. I had forgot about that. That may have been what allowed it to work.
Generally Name, Address, Phone number determine New Customer Status. If two of three match you are an existing customer. For husband and wife the only important name is the last the first name isn't checked. Other factors may determine the status but those three are the usual.
boba said:
Generally Name, Address, Phone number determine New Customer Status. If two of three match you are an existing customer. For husband and wife the only important name is the last the first name isn't checked. Other factors may determine the status but those three are the usual.

If you are a current DISH customer I believe they are doing deals for former and new customers (like what I got) then they should be able to give you a great deal. My coworker was a former directv sub that went to dish and came back, and they gave him up to 4 rooms free and even included a free directivo.

Also, I think they are doing a $99 deal on their standard HDTV receiver. I would call and ask. If needbe keep calling until you get a CSR who will do it. Also, talk with customer retention, they usually can get deals done that normal CSRs can't.
What defines new customer?

Thanks everybody. I have to pay a big penalty if I cancel before my 1 year commitment is up. I am going to try to have it cancelled early due to all the known problems with the 811 receiver. Any advice? I'm still confused though. Am I considered a new customer or former customer? Thanks.
JimMcC said:
Thanks everybody. I have to pay a big penalty if I cancel before my 1 year commitment is up. I am going to try to have it cancelled early due to all the known problems with the 811 receiver. Any advice? I'm still confused though. Am I considered a new customer or former customer? Thanks.

DISH is hard-headed about that contract cancellation fee. I'm fighting them on it when they broke their end of the contract by cutting Viacoms with no written warning beforehand. They insist they can cancel/release buggy &^#@ receivers, etc and we can't do anything about it. Take a look at your residental agreement. Then take a look at the contract you signed (I never signed one for the 510 though they claim I did) for your 811. They contradict each other. I got in a pissing match with the Exec CSR office. If you can get your contract cancelled with no fee lemme know how you did it.

As far as the existing customer/new customer deal I would just call Directv and ask what their best deal is for a returning customer cutting DISH. I bet they give you a sweet deal.
What defines new customer?

Thanks Neutron, Dish is one hell of a company huh? NOT!
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