What eqpt do u think chuckie has


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 18, 2003
/music in background

Mr A - So chuck, nice place you got here, nice party, why isnt the game on?

Chuck - You see its complicated, the software for the receiver sometimes gets funny and things just dont work

Mr A - but don't you own the place

Chuck - yeah basically, we're trying to get the issues straightened out. by the way, have you seen BingoTV

Mr A - Naw, cant get it in my home state, something about stupid programming laws; oh, i meant a law about not showing certain program types, not about not showing stupid programs, but it still could apply I guess

Chuck - Did you know that we in the game call satellites "birds", thats funny, ...hmm....birds

Mr A - So what about the game? People are getting ancy about this "acquiring sat signal" thing on the screen.

Chuck - No problem, I got ..shhh.another way.. here take this remote. Just dont look at the symbol under the piece of tape
dcarpa said:
/music in background

Mr A - So chuck, nice place you got here, nice party, why isnt the game on?

Chuck - You see its complicated, the software for the receiver sometimes gets funny and things just dont work

Mr A - but don't you own the place

Chuck - yeah basically, we're trying to get the issues straightened out. by the way, have you seen BingoTV

Mr A - Naw, cant get it in my home state, something about stupid programming laws; oh, i meant a law about not showing certain program types, not about not showing stupid programs, but it still could apply I guess

Chuck - Did you know that we in the game call satellites "birds", thats funny, ...hmm....birds

Mr A - So what about the game? People are getting ancy about this "acquiring sat signal" thing on the screen.

Chuck - No problem, I got ..shhh.another way.. here take this remote. Just dont look at the symbol under the piece of tape
:confused: :what

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