What exactly can you get with a minibud?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 18, 2006
Been reading lots of posts here and there about people using primestars as cband dishes to get signals. Can anyone doing that stuff post exactly what channels you can get doing that, and around what signal quality. Also, do you need an analog reciever or will a normal fta receiver work?
I got analog IA 6 tr 24 and now Galaxy 16 analog feeds on Tr's 15 thru 17. That was about it. No digital feeds for me on my experiment.
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Some of the really strong transponders you might get on a Primestar dish.

I know Pete had AnikF1 pretty good
G16 C Band Schedule

BTW, I promised this a while back so here is my list of analog stuff on G16/IA5 you can get with a 6 foot or bigger dish. This is by no means complete-just what I have found so far. Some of the programs may be listed as "Monday etc." for the day I found them but are actually on every weekday. I was also going to list stuff on GDMX (digital) but it went to 4:2:2!

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