what is IR control


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 2, 2003
I'm reading about the dishnetwork 811, possibly not having IR control, and I'm absolutely clueless as to what that means....
Infra Red - this is the way almost every regular remote works. It is a LINE OF SIGHT process - if you put your hand in front of this type of remote, it will likely not work.

Many dish network recievers have UHF (ultra hi frequency) style remotes which utilize a radio frequency and can work in different rooms (no LINE OF SIGHT requirements.)

For me, I want the 811 to have IR so I can leave the UHF remote that comes with it in a different room (where the 811 will also be hooked up) and use a standard UNIVERSAL remote (IR) in the main room with the 811.

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