What is "open TV" ?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 2, 2003
Sorry ,I know this sounds dumb,but I don't know what "Open TV' is. I own a 811 and just heard it will have this feature in a month or so. Thanks :)
Petemc11 said:
Sorry ,I know this sounds dumb,but I don't know what "Open TV' is. I own a 811 and just heard it will have this feature in a month or so. Thanks :)

The correct term for it is "Dish Home", formerly "Dish Interactive". For some reason, many members here like to use the term "OpenTV". I guess it makes them feel like they're in-the-know or something. (It's the brand name of the underlying technology of Dish Home.)
GaryPen said:
The correct term for it is "Dish Home", formerly "Dish Interactive". For some reason, many members here like to use the term "OpenTV". I guess it makes them feel like they're in-the-know or something. (It's the brand name of the underlying technology of Dish Home.)

Actually, Dish used to call it OpenTV. I still have the box from my old 4900 receiver that lists one of the features as "Supports OpenTV"

Check this out!

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