What really happened to the levees in NO

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I'm just tired of the excuses from everyone for the entire Fiasco along the gulf coast. Despite all of the hoopla of Homeland Security for the last few years it failed miserably. I was up all night as the hurricane approached New Orleans. I monitored amateur bands and just about anything else I could pick up. The sad thing is that there were volunteers on the ground ready with reports and the ability to relay messages and information. However the operators quickly found out that virtually none of their government contacts were in place, on the air, or even monitoring radio traffic. It's odd that many of the "nets" were set up by various incarnations of homeland security, yet they seemed to be just for show as they simply didn't perform. It was disappointing that the folks competing to be in a photo op to take/give praise for their positions didn't do their jobs. If they had done as promised much suffering and loss would have been avoided. An amateur operator on one net at around 2 a.m. said that he didn't mind taking damage/storm reports or relaying messages, but since the government contact he was supposed to report to was nowhere to be found, what was the point? While the position of Homeland Security was lamenting poor communications, amateur operators had set up with generators at some commercial broadcast stations to relay information to the public. Thankfully they did that without any help from Homeland Security or much needed information would have been delayed even more.

The levee failures weren't just a possibility. They were just a matter of time. Perhaps if more effort or money had been put into the construction, maintenance, or status of the levees a lot of problems could have been avoided. But let's face it, a lot of information was already there that was simply ignored. It's easier to issue some press releases, take some posed photos, and tell everyone that everything is fine rather than to take positive preventative action.

So yes, I could be critical of Bush and blame him. It was nice that he called the mayor and governor three days before the storm hit. We'll overlook the fact that he didn't let it interupt his vacation or that the storm track was well predicted for days before that or that the federal government sent some advance aid semi-trucks from our area to Georgia. The problem is and was much bigger than the president. Homeland Security is a farce. It was no secret that a major storm would devastate New Orleans. The preparations were woefully inadequate. No matter how you feel about the people there and whether they worked or lived in public housing, thousands suffered needlessly. When a disaster hits as the hurricanes last year and you lose everything...your home, possessions, possibly the lives of family members, everyone is automatically brought down to the same level. No food. No water. No shelter.

It's not reassuring when the lead official of FEMA takes four days to ask "What convention center?" Apparently no one at FEMA or Homeland Security thought to monitor broadcast, internet or emergency frequencies. Many charities had scores of trucks loaded with bottled water, ice and food rolling toward New Orleans and the Gulf coast before the storm even hit. They were denied turned away. Why?

Now we can either take pot shots about the politicians on both sides that fail to represent us or we can work together to point out what went wrong and work to make sure that our country is ready for any future disasters. Of course that means criticism of those who were supposed to be doing their jobs last year. If you brush aside the criticism as purely partisan you may have won an argument, but lost the opportunity to make our country better. No person is above critism and the folks elected to office certainly don't deserve any special consideration.
the money was given to the state and local officials earmarked to fix/replace the levees for decades and they diverted it into the most corrupt city in the world.
Eric Goempel said:
the money was given to the state and local officials earmarked to fix/replace the levees for decades and they diverted it into the most corrupt city in the world.

What gives you that opionion ? I respectfully disagree.... Have you been here since Katrina? With corruption in government, there is enough to go around... even in Ohio and Washington DC these days....
New Orleans was the most corrupt city BEFORE Katrina- and it is public record that the money to totally replace the levees was given to the city but the local government used it to line their pockets.

Sorry 100% of the blame stays instate.
dragon002 said:
you guys know what is sad, ? ray nagin COULD have been a hero in that storm. he had three days warning, bush called him AND blanco. told them to get out (well blanco was not there and, well he did leave!!) he could have fired up the 1000 school busses and the mass transit busses and got probably 75,000 people 200 miles inland. hell I would have respected the hell out of him for that. so what does he do? he goes to houston and talks smack on FEMA.

im not being cruel, but, i bet he has the busses all gassed up for the next mayoral election!!!!

This is scarey. I agree. Infact I thought he should have been put on trial.
Eric Goempel said:
the money was given to the state and local officials earmarked to fix/replace the levees for decades and they diverted it into the most corrupt city in the world.
The NO levee board misspent the funds. Its been documented in many articles. They used the funds for everything but what they were meant for. Yet the liberals will complain that its the federal govt's fault if funds are misspent on a local level. I disagree. How large do you want the federal government to get? There has to be accountability at the state level and local level. The problem is the state and local authorities are not being held accountable. My God where is the states attorney general at????????????? Is he Fkn blind? How does this levee board stay intact? Why arent there members fired and prosecuted? You know why they arent? The whole place is a worthless sespool of liberals who find it easier to scream "racist inept federal response."
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vurbano said:
This is scarey. I agree. Infact I thought he should have been put on trial.


Ive read your posts, there are A LOT we agree on. and i KNOW you like directv, you just wish they would get their act moving on the HD stuff.....correct!!;)
Oh please, give Bush a break. Theres no way he could have blown up the levies. He was at my house playing Texas Holdem and watching the Western channel.
dragon002 said:

Ive read your posts, there are A LOT we agree on. and i KNOW you like directv, you just wish they would get their act moving on the HD stuff.....correct!!;)

Lets just say its a shame, dissapointment and embarrassment what their HD picture is right now. But all they would have to do IMO to alleviate the criticism is admit to having a problem and stating that they will fix it. I think that they owe that to their HD subs if they are going to require 2 yr contracts and upfront lease fees.
vurbano said:
The NO levee board misspent the funds. Its been documented in many articles. They used the funds for everything but what they were meant for. Yet the liberals will complain that its the federal govt's fault if funds are misspent on a local level. I disagree. How large do you want the federal government to get? There has to be accountability at the state level and local level. The problem is the state and local authorities are not being held accountable. My God where is the states attorney general at????????????? Is he Fkn blind? How does this levee board stay intact? Why arent there members fired and prosecuted? You know why they arent? The whole place is a worthless sespool of liberals who find it easier to scream "racist inept federal response."

this IS getting scarey, you are a conservative too!!!!:)

BTW verby....it is Cesspool:eek:
vurbano said:
Lets just say its a shame, dissapointment and embarrassment what their HD picture is right now. But all they would have to do IMO to alleviate the criticism is admit to having a problem and stating that they will fix it. I think that they owe that to their HD subs if they are going to require 2 yr contracts and upfront lease fees.

I am a dyed in the wool conservate and I read these reports as well. I have read articles about the corruption in each state and it seems bad or worse than New Orleans. Do you have any PROOF besides articles that this was done..... ????
BTW if we do not rebuild New Orleans - 40 percent of the oil flows though the port ....The infrastructure is not avaible for decades to divert this. Do not be shortsighted on this....
the port wasn't damaged. nor were the refineries.

the areas that were hit the hardest were ....well...dens if iniquity.

welfare slums, hell they did nothing useful.

I beg to differ and I live here. I looked at it with my own two eyes and I can show photographs . The some of the richest part of the city - Lakeview was destroyed. So Not hardly dens of inquity or slums. was St Bernard Parish destroyed , where a large amount of the nations seafood is harvested. Several major refineries were New Orleans east was destroyed with its shopping centers. Parts of the port and a number of refineries in the west and east of the city were majorly damaged. I live 5 miles from some . Major amounts of the oil rigs were destroyed - that why your paying over 2 dollars a gallon of gas. You are sadly mistaken... I see it all the time and you should visit.
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BillCrates said:
I am a dyed in the wool conservate and I read these reports as well. I have read articles about the corruption in each state and it seems bad or worse than New Orleans. Do you have any PROOF besides articles that this was done..... ????
BTW if we do not rebuild New Orleans - 40 percent of the oil flows though the port ....The infrastructure is not available for decades to divert this. Do not be shortsighted on this....

hard to follow. It is common fact that new Orleans is the most corrupt city. and the levee money has been proven. I am not going to spend my time digging the stuff back up, because you will simply say it is made up. you want to believe all is well in that city, fine.

2005 YTD PRE Kitrina more Americans were murdered in NO than Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan COMBINED.
Eric Goempel said:
hard to follow. It is common fact that new Orleans is the most corrupt city. and the levee money has been proven. I am not going to spend my time digging the stuff back up, because you will simply say it is made up. you want to believe all is well in that city, fine.

2005 YTD PRE Kitrina more Americans were murdered in NO than Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan COMBINED.

Really, a common fact ? That is plain wrong. NO had approx - 300 murders in 2005 - FBI stats. IRAQ in 2005 - approx 800 - DOD statistics.

I thought Gov Taft in Ohio was in the papers with alleged corruption investigation and Rep Delay in Texas was charged by a grand jury..... Corruption is a rampant virus in politics and it is just not in Louisiana . :eek:
BillCrates said:

I beg to differ and I live here. I looked at it with my own two eyes and I can show photographs . The some of the richest part of the city - Lakeview was destroyed. So Not hardly dens of inquity or slums. was St Bernard Parish destroyed , where a large amount of the nations seafood is harvested. Several major refineries were New Orleans east was destroyed with its shopping centers. Parts of the port and a number of refineries in the west and east of the city were majorly damaged. I live 5 miles from some . Major amounts of the oil rigs were destroyed - that why your paying over 2 dollars a gallon of gas. You are sadly mistaken... I see it all the time and you should visit.

Yea i have family that work for the oil refineries. Also i have been down there and you are correct once again NOT just poor slums got destroyed. I know what we seen on TV was BS. All poor Blacks that don't work and GANG BANG but some good one's lost property also. My prayers are with you and all of NO. I just wish Naggin would have not been elected to office maybe then this would have not happened this way. Maybe if 90% of the Vote would have been bribed with Rocky MT Oyster's the right guy would have won. Instead i guess chicken is cheaper??
BillCrates said:

I beg to differ and I live here. I looked at it with my own two eyes and I can show photographs . The some of the richest part of the city - Lakeview was destroyed. So Not hardly dens of inquity or slums. was St Bernard Parish destroyed , where a large amount of the nations seafood is harvested. Several major refineries were New Orleans east was destroyed with its shopping centers. Parts of the port and a number of refineries in the west and east of the city were majorly damaged. I live 5 miles from some . Major amounts of the oil rigs were destroyed - that why your paying over 2 dollars a gallon of gas. You are sadly mistaken... I see it all the time and you should visit.

ok, and i differ with you. so here goes.

lakeview was destroyed, ill take your word on that. richest part of the city, ok. THEY HAD INSURANCE!!!!!!

the oil companies refineries....HAD INSURANCE!!!

shopping centers??? ill bet WAL MART and TARGET and LOWES...HAD INSURANCE!!!

the oil rigs are INSURED!!!

so lets hear it. we are supposed to spend 250 BILLION to build homes for welfare bums to squat in and collect from the public teat?

does this make ANY sense to anyone?

and i dont care if they are european, african, chineese, mongolian or cajun.
dragon002 said:
ok, and i differ with you. so here goes.

lakeview was destroyed, ill take your word on that. richest part of the city, ok. THEY HAD INSURANCE!!!!!!

the oil companies refineries....HAD INSURANCE!!!

shopping centers??? ill bet WAL MART and TARGET and LOWES...HAD INSURANCE!!!

the oil rigs are INSURED!!!

so lets hear it. we are supposed to spend 250 BILLION to build homes for welfare bums to squat in and collect from the public teat?

does this make ANY sense to anyone?

and i dont care if they are european, african, chineese, mongolian or cajun.
That is so true they have INSURANCE!! Some insurance company's must be owned by Naggin and Naggin supporters. Seems they sure are dragging there feet. On a good note alot of the people can go back to where there house used to be and start building again.
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