I switched to cablevision phone service from my old land line copper wire verizon freedom plan. Problem is when cable modem was connected to my old kaptel telephone network inteface box in closet in my apt. my phones dont work. Service had it working and when they left, but phones stopped working right after. Contacted cablevision and they said that it could be a problem with my old land ine wires or box in closet and II might be better with a cordless phone and sattlites instead of trying to fix old copper lines or box in closet. This old interface box goes to built telephone wall jacks in each room and is connected to main copper weire comming into apt.
Has anybody had a problem where your land line would not work when cable phone service was installed. I bought new6.0 digital cordless panasonic phone with satelites connected modem to base phone and no problem. What woud you do in my case make land line work or do what I did. I always had static on my old land line
Has anybody had a problem where your land line would not work when cable phone service was installed. I bought new6.0 digital cordless panasonic phone with satelites connected modem to base phone and no problem. What woud you do in my case make land line work or do what I did. I always had static on my old land line