What's the tax ratio


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jul 6, 2004
I just got SBC Dish and I was just curious since I have not gotten my first bill how much in taxes per month do you all get billed, BTW I live in Texas
I'll have to defer to the earlier posters as to the tax rate in Texas. However, please note that Federal law prohibits any and all local taxes (including sales taxes) on satellite service; therefore, ONLY statewide taxes can be charged, in ANY state.

Here in Arkansas, satellite service is the ONLY good or service that's taxable at the state level, but exempt at the local level; I pay only 6% state tax on my SBC Dish bill, while the rest of my SBC bill is taxed at 7.5% or higher (except Internet service which is exempt from tax).
The state sales tax rate in Texas is 6.25%, and that is what Dish charges on TX accounts. The sales tax rate in your location may be higher on other items because of local sales tax additions. In WF where I live it comes out to 8.25%; 6.25% state 2% local, but the Dish account just bills at 6.25%.

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