when is DP44 going to be available, any news?

Its still be tested. A power source is included. When: by May.
The DP44 will be able to do all DP lnb's or all legacy lnb's, no mixing.
How will it be able to do legacy LNBs? Does it have 8 satellite connections? It would be really nice if it did have 8 connections, use 8 for legacy and 4 for DP.
It has a built in DishPro adapter that allows both legacy and DishPro receivers to work with this switch and with the DishPro lnbf's. It will have four connections for the orbital slots (examples: 61.5/105/110/119 or 105/110/119/121 combinations). It will have an output to four receivers.

There is also supposed to be a splitter that will work for dual tuner receivers allowing one line to power both tuners after it goes through the splitter making it two lines, one for each tuner. I am curious of when this is supposed to come out.
At this point I don't anticipate the need for another dish, I have two now, one added for 148 and one for 110/119 and two DP34 switches. What I am wondering is will I be able to replace one DP34 with a DP44+ so that I can run one line to my 721 and maybe add
a 921 in the future.
DPDiplexor can be more important

I can't wait for the DP Diplexor to come out. Think of it, one wire running into the house for a 2 tuner rcvr, or split to run two rcvrs. That could save alot of hassle.

The DP44 is really only for a few rare customers who want everything. I don't see much usage.
bcshields said:
I can't wait for the DP Diplexor to come out. Think of it, one wire running into the house for a 2 tuner rcvr, or split to run two rcvrs. That could save alot of hassle.

The DP44 is really only for a few rare customers who want everything. I don't see much usage.

Not necessarily "everything". I need one. SuperDish needed for locals on sat 105. I have an 811 on order. I qualify for CBS-HD which is a no charge extra for High Def. buyers. CBS-HD is on either 148 or 61.5. There is no way with DishPro equipment to get four sats without the DP44.

Anyone interested in ethnic programing plus locals or HD will need the DP44 too. Dish makes mucho money of foreign language programming.

Granted, it is a special application switch, but I predict it too will be in short supply once available.

Rick :yes
bcshields said:
I can't wait for the DP Diplexor to come out. Think of it, one wire running into the house for a 2 tuner rcvr, or split to run two rcvrs. That could save alot of hassle.

The DP44 is really only for a few rare customers who want everything. I don't see much usage.
The DP diplexer will be used in conjunction with one of the new DishPro Plus switches such as the DPP44 or DPP Twin.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I understand that CBS HD is now on 105.

Can anyone verify if they are avilable to subscribers?


Apparently, CBS-HD east and west feed are both listed on 105. BUT, not available to subscribers. The following is the second response from Echo Tech Support. The first response claimed CBS-HD was available on 105. I challenged that and asked for clarification. Here's the 2nd response:

Dear Mr. Allen,

Thank you for your email correspondence. There are currently no plans to move the CBS HD feed to either the 110 or 105 satellite locations. There is no further information regarding the release of the DP44 at this time. Please stay tuned to the monthly Charlie Chat on channel 101 ever month or use the following link http://www.dishnetwork.com/content/aboutus/index.shtml.


Tom H.

Technical Support

Dish Network

At this time the only way to get CBS-HD is on 61.5 or 148 birds.

The DPP diplexer would be nice to have for each of the dual tuner receivers but at what kind of a cost? Probably at a price that would cause a lot of people to run the extra wire to the receiver instead of buying the diplexer seeing how an extra wire would probably be a lot cheaper.

Perhaps something that might be even better would be one wire coming from the switch at the dish to the house. At that point if they made a diplexer to split it to all the receivers at the house that would be a better solution than running two or three wires to the house to be split again two or three times. There would be less diplexers required this route although two wires would have to be run to each receiver instead of just one.
Stargazer said:
The DPP diplexer would be nice to have for each of the dual tuner receivers but at what kind of a cost? Probably at a price that would cause a lot of people to run the extra wire to the receiver instead of buying the diplexer seeing how an extra wire would probably be a lot cheaper.
IIRC the newer dual tuner devices have the DPP built in .. so no adapter at the receiver is needed.

Stargazer said:
Perhaps something that might be even better would be one wire coming from the switch at the dish to the house. At that point if they made a diplexer to split it to all the receivers at the house that would be a better solution than running two or three wires to the house to be split again two or three times. There would be less diplexers required this route although two wires would have to be run to each receiver instead of just one.
There is an issue of bandwidth. Right now Legacy uses 500 MHz from 950 to 1450 and DP uses two 500 MHz bands from 950 to 2150. That is to get one satellite to your receiver. Want to get two satellites on the cable? It might be tight (you can't go down to zero MHz). But the future is three satellites. That isn't going to fit.

What I expect DP+ is doing is restacking the LNB. The low end feeds one satellite one polarity to one receiver and the high end feeds a second satellite and/or polarity. Basically the cable carries two legacy feeds stacked.

The good news is that the new DP+ Twin with two DP+ outputs and one DP input (for the second dish) will give you two cables from your dish location to the house. Basically a "DP+32" built in to the LNB.

I could use that myself for all my receivers. This would help reduce the number of wires coming in the house or have more wires to do other things with them.

With all of these things coming down the wire now the more sensative the wires may get. I think that it will not take as much damage or kinking to the wire to get it to go out

LNB goes splat

HD channels moving help

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