Which dealers selling the 721 for 249.00


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 16, 2003
looking to buy one. Which dealers are doing them at 249.00
as of today I am looking for a new receiver.
I got superdish and my jvc hm-dsr100 will not work with it.

so far
It seems like nobody on line is selling the 721 for $249.
local guys just laugh when that deal is mentioned.

I am going to email dish and see if I can purchase it directly.
This is a copy of a post I made in another thread a day or two ago....

I was given the $249.00 price with no tax or shipping charges direct from Dish. They also included a DP34 switch at no additional charge. I sent an E-mail to ceo@dishnetwork.com at 5:30PM and was contacted the next day at 10:15AM. They told me to call back after everything arrived to arrange for a free install. This won't be necessary as I already have the 2 lines run from 2 DP34's installed in my attic. The installer that recently hooked up my 921 said it wouldn't hurt to have an extra DP34 switch so I asked for it and they gave it to me at no additional cost. I subscribe to AEP + locals, Dish customer for 2 1/2 yrs, and C.C. autopay.

To add on to this....my new $249.00 721 receiver arrived yesterday via UPS. I ordered it on 05/19 and it arrived on 05/26, just like C.J. at the exec. office promised it would. A very pleasant experience with Dish.
I emailed dish (ceo@....) yesterday right after my post here, I hope to here from them today.

Can the 522 be used for only a single tv?

Sd And 921

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