Which HD Cinema Movies have you seen?Would you like to post your review of the movie?

just finished watching jet li's the enforcer, I saw sean had posted this movie in the programming forum, and I am a sucker with good jet li films. I must say I really really enjoyed this one, also I am really enjoying the voom channels, if any of you are on the fence about them, I would add them it has been great both my wife and I enjoy them especially rave, guytv, monstershd! I am sorry this is not a indepth review of the movie, I will do better next time, I just really wanted to drop a line to say how good voom is!
Zatoichi and the Doomed Man 3.0 stars. I have never seen this series but it reminded me a whole lot to Kung Fu with David Caridine (sp?). Zatoichi is a legendary blind Samurai. His blindness will be considered by most as a disadvantage but he has great sense of perceiving what's around him. In this episode, a man is condemned to die. The man claims to be innocent and Zatoichi does not believe him even though he has asked for his help. In a turn of plans Zatoichi finds himself in the middle of the doomed man's problem once again and decides to help him after finding out that he may be innocent. It was OAR and at the end Zatoichi walks on the beach just like David Caridine used to do in Kung Fu.

Cyborg 2.0 stars. Futuristic type of movie with a predictable plot - the world suffers from an epidemic, there is a cure but there a bunch of bad dudes that do not want the cure or want to get it so that they can control the world (according to them) and maintain the status quo. However, Jean Van D.... makes it impossible for them to do that.

Witchboard 3.0 stars. This movie gives you the chill. I have never played this game but I have heard that it is not just a game but it also could be real for some. I have met some youngsters that had psychological problems dealing with fear and anxiety after playing this game. If you believed in it, you will get what you get. The movie was good. The quality of the HD transfer was not great but acceptable.

Thunder Alley 2.0 stars. A racing car movie made in 1967 about a driver who has some mental block during races and loses his license to race. He makes it back. There's not much to this movie. Te story and the actors are not that great but it was ok to see in its OAR (2:35:1).
Collected Stories 4.0 stars What a fascinating movie? A well produced & low budget movie made by PBS. The entire movie happens in an appartment and the dialogue between two writers -- the Master and the Apprentice. A graduate student of princeton is seeking tutoring as a young writer from a well known writer. She take her under her wings but the relationship turns sour after the young writer crosses the line of authorship. A case that makes you go WOW! In the end who is right and who is wrong is not the important answer but how it happened. Have you ever had a similar experince?

Curse of the Demon 3.5 stars. B&W OAR (1:66:1) film about a psychologist who is skeptical about the dark powers of witchcraft and demons. He is forced to believe when his own life is put to the test. A good story about science and the darkness beyond science.
Dawn Of The Dead - 4 stars: A rarity -- a horror movie that is also a great movie. Smart, funny, thought provoking -- well done all around. To me it's on the same level as Friday The 13th, A Nightmare On Elm Street, The Evil Dead, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre -- excellent movies that aren't necessarily taken as seriously as they deserve because of the subject matter (and due to the reputations of some of them being ruined by endless sequels of lesser quality). But make no mistake about it -- Dawn Of The Dead is a classic that's as much about human nature and society's general reaction to adversity as it is about zombies.
The Substance of fire 2.5 stars a publisher goes bankrupt but it is hard for him to understand changing the books that he publishes. His children take over the company but he and his children have a very difficulty relationship afterwards.
The Return Of The Living Dead - 2.5 stars: Not anywhere near as good as its predecessor "Dawn Of The Dead", this is more along the lines of the bad-acting inane nonsense I've come to expect from monster movies. Which doesn't mean it isn't a little fun to watch. Parts of it are so bad it's amusing (some of the not-so-special effects come to mind) and the general ridiculousness can be quite entertaining. And did I mention the naked chick with the spectacularly hot body dancing in the cemetary? Strips down for no apparent reason, dances, and pretty much stays naked for the rest of the movie. So this movie does have some redeeming value. As bad as it is, I kinda liked it.
The Return of the Living Dead 3.5 stars. I have to disagree with TheTimm on this one. This is one movie that I really enjoy. I have seen this one about 10 already (but first in HD). The two characters Frank and Freddy are just quite funny. The naked chick in the cemetery is great and the corpses asking for more para-medics and cops is just too funny. On this one as opposed to the other George Romero's Dead movies the zombies do not die. Even if you hit them in the brain. A nuclear bomb seems to be the answer but not quite as you will see by the ending. It is just too funny of a movie.

Dream of the Dead: George Romero 4.0 Excellent documentary about the making of Land of the Dead. I wish it was longer but it was excellent. First thing to notice it was done by IFC and Monsters HD. The movie is a low budget Independent film because Romero does not like to deal with the hollywood bureacracy. It was written 3 days before 9/11 but it was shelled for a period of two years because no one wanted to make these type of movies after 9/11. The guy from Dawn of the Dead who in the Mall cuts off the head of one Zombie, makes it back. Anyway lots of stuff and very interested.

Document of the Dead 3.5 stars. The last half hour is very interested and has the best PQ. It looks like a transfer from film. The rest of the documentary looks like Video upconvertion but it is 1:33:1. The first part of the documentary deals with the making of the Dawn of the Dead and Night of the Living Dead. The last 30 minutes Romero talks about how difficult it has become to be an independent film making. He likes to go independent because most of the hollywood studios are after the money of the film and wnat to introduce their own idea without much input from the producer and takes away from the art of making film. Unfortunately, he said that some of the independent films houses are also suffering from the same sympton as hollywood. Basically when hollywood lends you money for a film, they believe that they own you and therefore they can do whatever they want. It is an interested documentary.

Jet Li's The Enforcer 3.5 stars fast action flick. Very good and Jet Li is great. I like the moves on the glass. The kid really have some moves as well. Very good movie.

Food of the Gods 2.5 stars. Good PQ but I did not like the movie. The story has some whole like why not take the car and get away from the island. The rats were not blocking the road. The girls falls in the rat hole and in the next scene her clothes are all cleaned when it was not the case after she fell. But the rats do make it interested. At one point you can see that at one frame the jeep was a toy while the rats are around it.

Funny Face 3.0 stars. I am not too much into musicals but this one is a nice one to watch with the entire family. It is about modeling and beautiful girls without a brain until you meet book store clerk who is very bright and beautiful and who ends up inlove with the wrong colleague.
The Lair Of The White Worm - 3.5 stars: Fun stuff. While parts of it are pretty stupid (snake charming music makes her slither-slink out of a basket and out the house? Puh-leeze...), most of it is pretty surprisingly awesome. They kinda beat ya over the head with a couple things -- I get it already, she's a snake -- but they make up for it with ultra-trippy-stylish scenes after she sprays her venom. And keeping Lady Sylvia quite naked was a nice touch. Overall, it has some faults but I enjoyed the hell out of it.
Little Man Tate 4.0 stars Excellent movie about a little boy who is a genius but it's misunderstood about being a kid. According to everyone else's opinion he should concentrate on developing his mind; according to him, he just wants to be like any other kid at his age --- have some fun. Jodie Foster was a little annoying in this role but nevertheless she was really good and the story had a nice ending. Great movie to watch with the family despite being rated PG.... It has some language but it is fine. You will enjoy it.
A Raisin In The Sun - 3 stars: One of the best-acted movies I've seen. The actual story doesn't excite me much (maybe it was fresher way back when?), and it's pretty much just people sittin' around talking ... but they have a few really gripping conversations that just kinda pull ya in. It's a bit longer than it needs to be in my opinion, and drags a little here and there. PQ is pretty darned good.
Man Friday - 2.5 stars: I haven't read Robinson Crusoe and am not very familiar with the story. But I wouldn't have guessed that ol' Crusoe was such a jackass -- assuming of course that this is somehow based on the book and doesn't just use an odd choice for the name of the main character (who actually calls himself "Master" throughout the film). Basically he demonstrates that white men and Christians are the true "savages", not the natives of the islands such as the one on which he is shipwrecked. This movie has some really good scenes ("Master" meets "Friday" and his pals on the beach), some really bad ones (an awards ceremony after a game of one-on-one soccer?), and some really odd ones (Master and Friday build a huge-ass flight deck for a game of FlugTag). It also featured some truly awful attempts at singing, in the moments when it inexplicably tried to be a musical. But there seemed to be a surprise around every scene and quite often would get me thinking, pondering. At times I thought it bordered on genius, other times I was convinced it must have been made by a drooling moron.

My pick for the best line in the movie? When Friday asks an irritated Master, "Are your bowels unhappy?"
(I'm going to resist the urge to answer this question as a way of describing the effect this movie may have on the viewer, but feel free to insert your own joke here.)
Strait Jacket 4.0 stars. This one surprised me. It is a B&W film so do not discard it because of this. I am not going to spoil it for anyone but there is a nice twist at the end that took me by surprise. Watch the Columbia Icon at the end. Did you notice that she is missing something?

Pajama Party 1.5 stars. Not my type of movie. Beach girls on the beach and a very soft plot. It is one of those 1964 beach summer movies. The only good thing about the movie is the girls dancing in bikinis the hawaiian dance and the OAR was 2:35:1.
Baran 4.0 stars: Very well done! A young Iranian construction worker (Lateef) falls in love with a young Afgan girl (Baran) after discovering her secret; she is disguising herself as a boy in order to perform menial labor for very low wages at a construction site in order to support her refuge family. This is not your typical love story in that is does not deal with romantic love nor the interaction between the main characters; rather, it deals empathy and sacrifice for others and understanding of the human condition. It was heartbreaking to see so many lives shattered, yet redeeming to see the good quality shine though in so many of the characters. This film is 1:85 - PQ was pretty good, subtitled.
Muscle Beach Party 2.0 stars: Hmmm. Well, this is one of your cheesy 1960s beach movies with hot guys and gals (for the time period) that was targeted at high school and college kids. Nothing really worth remembering about this one. In fact, I fell asleep on more than one occasion...even when replying it on the DVR. High Points: Frankie Avalon, Annette Funicello (for those who care) and Don Rickles, as Jack Fanny, provide lacklusters performances...and these are high points? :confused: The only other reasons to force yourself to watch this movies is that one of the muscle heads, named Riff, proudly displayed his name on the front of his shirt. This brings back the memories...excuse me while I go call my brother Byff. Oh, the PQ was also pretty good and I gave this two stars is out of respect for Mr. Rickles.

Baran - 4 stars: If I live to be a hundred, I doubt I'll be able to explain why I enjoyed this movie so much. It's a love story that leaves an awful lot unresolved and has one of the main characters go the whole movie without actually talking. And somehow I remained glued to the set enjoying every minute. It just seems to set moods and invites you into the heads of the characters to try to imagine what a life like this would be like -- not to mention how much you'd have to love someone to do some of the stuff this dude does for a chick who's never even spoken to him (how does one fall in love so deeply so quickly anyway?). Like I said, can't really explain why -- but I liked it.
Fellini's Roma - 1.5 stars: This Rome is loud, ugly, rude and unlikeable. And in my opinion so is Fellini's Roma -- with apologies to those who bow to the so-called genius of Fellini. It would seem I don't get it.
Blindside - 2 stars: The two stars are almost solely for the style of this film. They never pass on an opportunity to use an interesting camera angle, and it seems that someone took their time to compose each shot to look as good as possible. They succeeded in making a movie that is quite pleasing visually. Sounds pretty good too. The story? Sucks. Gets a little too complicated with a few too many characters and by the time I figure out who's who and who knows who and who's good and who's bad I have long since stopped caring. It's about as easy to watch as that last sentence I wrote (not to mention this one!) is to read.
Zatoichi and the Chess Expert 3.0 stars. In this episode there are three stories going on. First the vengeance of the brother/sister against the chess expert, Zatoichi meets the wife of a master he killed, and the hoodlums at the game of dice. Zatoichi meets these hoodlums after he tricked them in a game of dice. They vowed to kill him for the trick they played on him. The chess expert is a master samurai himself who suspects that Master ichi is Zatoichi but does not discover this until the end. I noticed Ichi's shoes and they are made of wood. The boat scene is was very well made. They never showed the water but you could imagine that it is on the water by the special effects.
Zatoichi Vengeance 3.0 stars. Master Ichi finds himself in a controversy between wisdom and what's right to do. A bunch of hoodlums are mistreating a small town and hired a skill samurai to kill Master Ichi. Master Ichi knows the hired Samurai. The boss of the gang is forced to give back the money he stole but before he gives the money back Master Ichi gives him something to remember the taste of those he stole from. :)

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