Who will make it to the HALL of FAME this year?

Who will be selecte to the HALL of FAME?

  • Mark McGwire

    Votes: 6 14.3%
  • Tony Gwynn

    Votes: 32 76.2%
  • Cal Ripken Jr

    Votes: 36 85.7%
  • Jose Canseco

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • Bret Saberhagen

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • Ken Caminiti

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Harold Baines

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Jim Rice

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • Rich Gossage

    Votes: 11 26.2%

  • Total voters
I voted McGwire / Ripken / Gwynn - but I think it may take a year or two for McGwire to get in, as there appear to be many writers who don't want him to be a first ballot HOFer due to *alleged* steroids use.
I voted for Ripken and Gwynn. I don't think McGwire will get in with all the steroid alligations swirling around him. The funny thing with him is that he hit 49 in his rookie year so he was hitting them from the beginning of his career. I know he looks much bigger at the end of his career, but all players do.

NEW YORK -- Mark McGwire, Tony Gwynn and Cal Ripken Jr. headline the first-time candidates on the 2007 baseball writers' Hall of Fame ballot released Monday, sure to spark debate on Big Mac's place in history as the steroid era comes under renewed scrutiny.

Tony Gwynn should be a SHOE IN...I would NEVER vote McGuire in simply because he was CLEARLY guilty for lack of addressing "the past". Sports fans are THE most forgiving fans around....IF he would admit...then he and everyone else would move on and he would be in by the next ballot....
Tony Gwynn should be a SHOE IN...I would NEVER vote McGuire in simply because he was CLEARLY guilty for lack of addressing "the past". Sports fans are THE most forgiving fans around....IF he would admit...then he and everyone else would move on and he would be in by the next ballot....

The problem with that is he never tested positive for steroids, he should be voted in his first year but that would never happen. I'll admit it looks like he took steroids but you can't prove it.

Innocent till proven guilty.

And I think Gwynn and Ripkin Jr. are in this year.
McGwire wouldn't "address the issue." It doesn't matter what McGwire said there would always be those who would claim that he was hiding something. So why say anything in the first place. There is no evidence, outside of claims by guys who have something to gain by focusing attention on someone else, that he took any illegal substance. That and the fact that he got bigger over the years. So have I, I just don't have as much in muscle as McGwire.

The big issue for the sports writers is that Mark NEVER gave them all the interviews and deference they believe they deserve. And now he won't give them the story they drool over, how he achieved greatness through chemicals. So they are going to punish him by denying him his place in the Hall of Fame, at least the first time around. I remember that magical home run year. I was living in St. Louis and got to the ball park just as often as my schedule allowed.
Sammy Sosa was the sports writer's darling because he'd give an interview to anyone. He loved the spotlight, all the time trying to keep the pressure on McGwire. McGwire just wanted to play baseball, and has always hated interviews and the spotlight. NOT the way to get into the Hall of Fame. You have to kiss up to the sportswriters, because they are the ones who vote. Big Mac will always have my admiration. He could have made more money by signing with the Yankees or some other team, but he wanted to play for the Cards, and for LaRussa. He could have sat on the bench, and continued to collect his guaranteed salary, but he retired and let the Cardinals use the money for younger players. In fact, he could have demanded more from the Cardinals, and gotten it, but he wanted the money to go for payroll to improve the rest of the team.

BTW, McGwire could have hit a few more homers, or gotten some more walks, if the umpires had used the same strike zone for him that they did everyone else. As I said, I made just as many games as I could, and I generally sat high, but right behind home plate. No idea on high or low, but I can tell you with certainty that with some umps the strike zone increased by six inches on either side of the plate when Big Mac was up to bat. An umpire was guaranteed a spot on Sports Center if he called out Mac on strikes.
There are a few players this day that still think of the team first and I admire him for doing it. Ken Griffey Jr is another that did this for his home team and I thank him for doing that, because he could have just waiting in Seattle for his contract to expire and demand 20 million a year or something.
The problem with that is he never tested positive for steroids, he should be voted in his first year but that would never happen. I'll admit it looks like he took steroids but you can't prove it.

Innocent till proven guilty.

And I think Gwynn and Ripkin Jr. are in this year.

Was he ever even tested for steriods? I don't remember anyone mentioning a NEGATIVE test.
Ripken-shoe in
Gwynn-hopefully shoe in

the rest...probably not

hey...what about Bert? (Blyleven). Now there is someone who should be in there. Yeah he doesnt have 300 wins but look at some of the crap teams he played on
didn't mcquire admit to taking something similar to roids but it was not banned by major league baseball at the time? had he not said he wasn't talking about his past before the grand jury, he would have a better chance of getting in. but until he admits something one way or another, he won't get in.
Was he ever even tested for steriods? I don't remember anyone mentioning a NEGATIVE test.

Thats correct, he was never tested because they didn't back then. So they can't prove that he ever took them.

Plus how can anyone in there right mind believe anything Jose Canseco says.
didn't mcquire admit to taking something similar to roids but it was not banned by major league baseball at the time? had he not said he wasn't talking about his past before the grand jury, he would have a better chance of getting in. but until he admits something one way or another, he won't get in.

The stuff he took, Andro for short, was not on the banned substance list when he took it.
Except when it comes to Pete Rose, He only gets 1 chance.

Pete SHOULD be in for what he did on the field, after all they don't vote them in for what they do after they retire from the field.


I said SPORTS FANS....not sports WRITERS/VOTERS...! IF you were to ask ANY FAN if Pete Rose should be in, I would say about 80% would say YES...and if I am not mistaken...you need 75% to get in the HOF. Sports writers, when it comes to egos, theirs is a notch BELOW doctors and cops. They are WORSE than mainstream news writers....I know, I work with them for 7 years in the midwest.....egotistical bastards....but that's for another thread and another time....;)
Thats correct, he was never tested because they didn't back then. So they can't prove that he ever took them.

Plus how can anyone in there right mind believe anything Jose Canseco says.

But in the end, TO ME, Canseco had MORE credibility than ANY of those clowns that sat there in front Congress for those hearings. EVERYONE thought he was nutz when he proclaimed what he did...and in the end....he was CLOSER TO TELLING THE TRUTH and all those big league liars.....:mad:
But in the end, TO ME, Canseco had MORE credibility than ANY of those clowns that sat there in front Congress for those hearings. EVERYONE thought he was nutz when he proclaimed what he did...and in the end....he was CLOSER TO TELLING THE TRUTH and all those big league liars.....:mad:

I feel Canseco needed money so he wrote the book, sure it may be true but it's not credible.

I feel Bonds, Sosa and Mcgwire took steroids, plus many other players including pictures(Clemens).

But no one was tested and you can't use innuendos against someone.

I wish they could, Bonds was a jerk in Pittsburgh when he played here, and he still is.
Have you ever taken ibuprofin? Then you are a steroid user. The steroids in ibuprofin lessen the inflamation in damaged tissue. Which is pretty much what andro does. My son has exercise induced asthma. He has a steroid inhaler. He's big, and he's got muscles (benches about 400 lbs.) but I don't think its the steroids in his inhaler that are doing it. All steroids are not created equal.
I said SPORTS FANS....not sports WRITERS/VOTERS...! IF you were to ask ANY FAN if Pete Rose should be in, I would say about 80% would say YES...and if I am not mistaken...you need 75% to get in the HOF. Sports writers, when it comes to egos, theirs is a notch BELOW doctors and cops. They are WORSE than mainstream news writers....I know, I work with them for 7 years in the midwest.....egotistical bastards....but that's for another thread and another time....;)

You won't find a bigger Pete Rose fan that right here guys. He definetly should be in the HOF for what he did on the field. But as far as getting back into baseball, no way. He broke the rules and then lied about it for 14 years so he needs to pay the penalty. Do I think it's a fair penalty no, because drug users get 2,3,4 or in the case of Steve Howe, 7 strikes and your out. I think baseball needs to change the rules one way or the other. I think kids seeing drug usage is more harmful to the game than someone betting on it.

Anyone go to TwinsFest 07?

So long Barbaro

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