Why all the PS3 hate?

I don't hate the ps3... just have no use for it. I have a nice ps2 that still works fine and there's tons and tons and tons of games for it that I haven't even ever rented or looked at. Some of us have 40 hour a week jobs, and have some better things to spend our money on then entertainment. For the price of a ps3 you could go out and buy a brand new fta satellite setup, and get many more years of satisfaction out of it. I already have one one of those... I like my old dvd player... I know it'll be eventually obsolete, just like analog tv will be eventually. big deal.

Also, I sort of like to wait a while for technology to prove itself. I've been on the "bleeding edge", getting new stuff as it comes out, etc. and been burned more than a few times. The new consoles are still up there at the bleeding edge, way to new, overpriced, and still possibly buggy to get too excited over. Wait a few years. Holographic disks are going to be in the next next gen of consoles, and will make blue ray obsolete.
"...Holographic disks are going to be in the next next gen of consoles, and will make blue ray obsolete...."

Yep, everything is eventually replaced by something else. If you always wait for the Next Big Thing, you never get to enjoy anything.

Sure, HVDs or something similar might replace Blu-ray. Or not. Remember FMDs? They were the Next Big Thing that just Went Away.
Straight up its price for me, such a huge increase over what I had expected but hey its new and its Sony and Sony has always made a good product but I will have to wait until the price comes down wich it will.
"...Holographic disks are going to be in the next next gen of consoles, and will make blue ray obsolete...."

Yep, everything is eventually replaced by something else. If you always wait for the Next Big Thing, you never get to enjoy anything.

Sure, HVDs or something similar might replace Blu-ray. Or not. Remember FMDs? They were the Next Big Thing that just Went Away.
Same thing for the new SED, er...I mean DLP, set I just purchased.
You guys are killing me.

I wanted FMD to be the next gen disc...poof!

And I've been waiting for SED to get to market so I could by one as my next HDTV...and that's just about 'poof!' too.

Further proof that corporate politics and powerplays can overtake all and that the best technology doesn't always win...

Now I need a beer. Thanks ;)
I have every game sold to include game cube, ps1,ps2, xbox 360 and Wii. Nintendo is by far the most reliable, price friendly and creative. Every accessory I bought for PS was junk and the console doesnt play the games half the time.
Wii 300.00 with a 3 year extended warranty, is wirelessly connected to the internet, wireless controllers that actually work and several preloaded sports games-golf, baseball,tennis,ect., make this game a super deal. Did I say that it ALL works. So much more than sony or microsoft has offered in the past.