why not all nfl games in HD w/ SF

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Original poster
Dec 29, 2004
I'm a Bronco fan living in N.E My cousin Is a Raider fan she Is coming over on Sunday to watch the show down on Sunday I checked the schedule and It wont be broadcast in HD why the hell not I really wanted to show off the the game in HD as she has not yet seen any game in HD what should I do ...any advice I thank you for
Because CBS does only 3 Sunday games in HD per week and has for the past couple of years. It's not D*/SF that's causing the problem but CBS. Fox also does not do all their games in HD, some weeks one or two will be in SD.
DirecTV offers all games available in HD on Superfan. If your game isn't in HD complain to the network not doing the game in HD.
This is a big issue for me as well. It doesn't have anything to do with DTV but with stupid CBS. If they were willing to shell out all that money for the rights to the AFC games at least they could do is buy more HD equipment to televise more games in HD. Actually, the NFL should maindate them to do it as well. Plus, it would probably help their ratings. If there is a game on FOX HD and CBS SD I am going to watch the FOX HD feed.
Actually, the NFL should maindate them to do it as well.

Actually the NFL is. In the new contract Fox and CBS signed last year, all NFL games must be in HD by 2009. CBS plans to add 1 HD game per year until 2009 when they will have all of them. So next year CBS will have 4 games in HD, 5 games in 2008 and all games in 2009. If they don't I'm sure there will be some pretty nice penalties they have to pay. :up
Of all the games not to broadcase in HD... Broncos / Raiders? Biggest rivalry in the AFC? Someone's not thinking at all.

Yea, big game between a Denver team that barely should be over .500 and a team that can barely beat the local high school varisity team. :D ;)
Yawn. These threads are so tired. 3 games per week in HD on CBS. Been that way for some time....get over it.

Then don't bother to chime in yourself.

If you did not know, the satelliteguys forums are payed a lot of attention to by D*, Dish, and possibly some Network employees. Often times word gets back to the big wigs about what is being said on internet forums, and things get done.

That's the power of the people!
Actually there are some games that ARE recorded and locally broadcast in HD... however Directv does NOT have the room on the triple sat, AU2, transponders for all the HD programming. Also many times even if the game is CBS there may be 2 crews covering the game, 1 for local and 1 national. It is true that CBS does not have HD for every game, but they have had some that are in HD that are not on the ticket (I have used my off-air for a couple, and now my KAKU locals)

So there are 2 answers...

1. CBS does not have every game in HD, and Directv doesn't have the Satellite room.

I have a feeling either next year or the next you will need to have the KAKU to get some of the HD games.
Yep Bon is 110% correct. The only HD games you will not see of NFL SF are the ones your local affiliate has the rights to.
I get blacked out on local SDs but havent had an HD blackout since week 1...on a side note, SCREW CBS...GET WITH THE PROGRAM!
DirecTV offers all games available in HD on Superfan. If your game isn't in HD complain to the network not doing the game in HD.

That is NOT what I have found out. Today I watched the Dolphins & Vikings in SD (No HD available). Near the end of the game other Fox telecasts were done and I switched to the channel showing Chicago/Jets and they showed the end of the Dolphins/Vikings game in HD.
Actually there are some games that ARE recorded and locally broadcast in HD... however Directv does NOT have the room on the triple sat, AU2, transponders for all the HD programming. Also many times even if the game is CBS there may be 2 crews covering the game, 1 for local and 1 national. It is true that CBS does not have HD for every game, but they have had some that are in HD that are not on the ticket (I have used my off-air for a couple, and now my KAKU locals)

So there are 2 answers...

1. CBS does not have every game in HD, and Directv doesn't have the Satellite room.

I have a feeling either next year or the next you will need to have the KAKU to get some of the HD games.

Well - you're right, but not for the right reasons. the plan all along is for ALL HD to be in MPEG4 as soon as the new birds are up and all subs have some opportunity to upgrade their stuff. D* has already begun forcing subs to upgrade to H20s in some markets and once the new sats are up and running the transfer will be completed. But rest assured that all of the NEW HD offerings will be MPEG4 - including when they start shifting the RSNS over by the start of the MLB season next year. MPEG2-HD is legacy, and its days are numbered.
That is NOT what I have found out. Today I watched the Dolphins & Vikings in SD (No HD available). Near the end of the game other Fox telecasts were done and I switched to the channel showing Chicago/Jets and they showed the end of the Dolphins/Vikings game in HD.

Are you sure it was HD and not just stretched to fill the 16:9 field? Game is not shown as being produced in HD: http://www.hdsportsguide.com/nfl.php

Being 16:9 doesn't always mean it is HD; neither does being letterboxed or widescreen.

Here is the local Miami TV sched, no FOX game in HD:

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For NVBlue:

Sorry, but the Vikings/Dolphins game was not an HD game - at the start, or at the end either.

FOX has enough portable HD Vans to cover a maximum of six (6) locations at one time. That's it.

I'm not sure what it is that you saw. But it wasn't high def.

If FOX (up to six games) or CBS (up to three games) records a game in HD, then DIRECTV re-broadcasts that game in HD also.
It was HD. Absolutely and without a doubt. Same quality as other HD games and much better picture than SD. If it wasn't HD, then no other game was in HD.
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