Wii release


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Nov 7, 2003
Does anyone know when Wal-Mart will release the Wii on sale? The one we live near is a 24-hour Wal-Mart.

I think I finally talked the wife into letting me get one. :D
midnight tonight, thats what my wal mart is doing, and they are a 24 hour chain, they have alot of them too, I get to see all their stock when I take subways boxes/trash in the back room, and all the managers dont mind me poking around! I got to see how many ps3's they had when they wouldnt tell anyone.
Should be tonite if its a 24 hr walmart 12:00 am. I am going out shortly to check a few places see if lines are forming
Man I hope no lines are forming around here. :(

If I call, will they tell me when it will be released?
Dammit, the Wal-mart near me only has 20 units that go on sale at 12:01.

I'm going to have to call around to see who else has these things.

Hehe, Gamestop and Toys R Us won't have any extra, and Best Buy told me they would not disclose how many units they had. He did say that they will open up an hour early tomorrow but the line will start forming today for it.

I guess Wal-Mart it is and hope I get lucky!!
Dammit, the Wal-mart near me only has 20 units that go on sale at 12:01.

I'm going to have to call around to see who else has these things.

Hehe, Gamestop and Toys R Us won't have any extra, and Best Buy told me they would not disclose how many units they had. He did say that they will open up an hour early tomorrow but the line will start forming today for it.

I guess Wal-Mart it is and hope I get lucky!!

good luck keep us updated!
Try this website for the latest info on online sells.


Amazon is selling a Wii bundle right now. Wal-mart had a huge bundle on sell last night, but I didn't want to spend that kind of $ for the games they had to choose from.

I don't think the Wii is going to be that hard to find this before Xmas. Amazon's sell has been available for at least 4 hours now, and it has yet to sell out.

I just can't accept having to pay around $70 for a second controller and nunchuck (sp?). If you want to play a Gamecube game, it sounds like you have to use a Gamecube controller. To play the Virtual games (old NES, SNES, others available through download), you are required to purchase the classic controller. There are 3 different controller requirements for this thing! That part was not thought out very well by Nintendo in my opinion. But I think my two girls will love the thing, nonetheless.
I heard that you can use the Wii controller turned sideways for classic NES games.

I'll let yall know what I find out. We have to go get Christmas decorations anyway, so we will be going tonight around 10:30ish to go get those, and stick around for the Wii.
Ugh, we just got back from Wal-Mart. There are over 30 people in line.

I'll have to wait. :(

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