Will I lose HD for Life ?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 23, 2008
Due to some financial difficulties,and less time to watch TV I have decided to downgrade my package from AT 250 to DishGold,and also to remove Blockbuster movies pass(to me Netflix streaming is much better)I just want to know if I downgrade for a few months will I lose my HD for Life status.I am paying close to 100 a month and is way too much.
I dont think you would. I could have sworn I've seen folks drop to Dish America for a couple months and not lose HDFL
Agree, I don't think you will lose it based on other posts. Maybe ask a DIRT member here to be sure.
I assume it has to be a package that HD could be added to?

If he drops to say Family or Welcome would he lose HDFL then?
I still don't think so. As long as he remains a subscriber, again just based on what I remember from other posts.
There are also some other options that are cheaper than Dish America Gold [$59.99/mo.]. I know that most know about the Dish America and English packs. However, there are also Dish Latino packages that also have English programming and are eligible for HD Free for Life like Dish Latino Dos [$44.99/mo.] and Dish Latino Max [$57.99/mo.]. There are other non-HD Free for Life Latino packs located here. There are also some a la carte offerings located here. We switched a while back from America's Top 250 and HD 250 Free and HD Platinum (now the Blockbuster Movie Pass) along with the protection plan insurance to Dish Latino Dos ($44.99/mo.) with HD Dos Free and Encore Movie Package ($5/mo.) with the protection plan insurance ($6/mo.). Best of luck to you! Let us know how it goes. So, now our total for what we have now is $69.99 before tax (due to an extra HD Duo of $14/month) instead of $99.99 before tax. Please be aware that the Latino packs differ from the American packs in terms of channel selection especially since we do not know which channels matter that most to you. I know everyone probably has their certain favorite channels.
I have the Dish America pack and my online account states that I have HD Free for Life. It is listed under the Get HD for Life section of your account.
Technically the Dish America packages are HD only and do not require anything to get it. With the America's Top packages you must be on autopay and paperless billing. It's to my uderstanding that a customer must remain on autopay and paperless billing in order to keep the HD for Life. It's not just for the life of the account.
It depends on how you sign up. A new customer must sign up for autopay and paperless billing in order to get HD Free for Life. The alternative is to pay the $99 fee. An existing customer may not have had to meet those requirements in order to ger HD free.

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