Will we ever get our This TV guide back?

I am in the Los Angeles area and I am now missing the guide for 5.2 even. Did a hard reset check switch to force a program guide download. All to no avail.
the email i recieved back on this tv out of memphis.

Dear Mr. Pollock,

I will forward this information off to the appropriate department to see what can be done. As soon as I get any information on this issue, I will be sure and update you. If you have not heard anything from me in about 10 business days please email me again so that I may revisit this again.

same stock answer here. Sent yesterday for a couple stations that Dish has guide info for (they carry the locals) but OTA guide doesnt show anymore
I spent a month attempting to get guide data for the ota Bounce channel in the Beaumont/Pt.Arthur ,Texas dma. It took several emails with weekly updates to get it fixed and again last Saturday I updated them and said where is the guide info and they turned it on that day. You have to be persistent and I suggest you keep sending the same email you originally sent with replies and just attach an updated date to it : Update 12/13/11 . This way it makes it easier for them to keep up with your request and all the replies to it. I now have guide data for all the ota channels in my market ,except for two . They will never have guide data because the company running it, said they don't see any reason to put out psip data or guide information for DISH to uplink. I got that answer from the DISH engineer who called the London Broadcasting company himself. So unless I want to start a petition in my area to get them to put out guide data, I won't ever get any at all.
Well I got a follow up response from Dish today.

Dear Mr. Krueger,

Good news, I received an update saying this information should now be available to you. Please let me know if it has been corrected. If it has not I will check into again to see what the problem is.

Thanks you,
EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation
Quality Assurance Department

Let's see what shows when I get home and can check.
Just an update. Dish has actually been pretty good with the QA department emailing me occasionally telling me they are assured it is being worked on. Sent me an email Tuesday saying they thought they had it fixed and to re-scan my OTA's.

Well I did that and re-downloaded the guide and nothing showed Tuesday but by Wednesday night I now had guide info for This TV. (Maybe uplink related?) Now if they can just get the guide for Antenna TV restored, I'll be doing good.
I'm glad it worked out for you. I always said if you want it done , you have to put in the time and energy to email the dishquality folks and be patient . They usually will fix it or tell you why they can't . In my case the local channel owner for the two channels we don't get guide data , won't ever put any psip data or information for my ota dtv pal plus dvr or for DISH to uplink it .
If Dish still had the Tech Forum, matters like this would sometimes be addressed, often providing a good reason for the lack of whatever service or feature and a PUBLIC assurance they are working on it or even a clearly stating that it aint gonna happen, and at least we can move on from there.

IMHO, it is probably the sheer size of the guide data with all those sub-channels. They are probably trying to make it work, but we have no indication of how things are going or if they feel confident of a fix. Based on the response to the emails, it sounds like when the get complaints they move to provide it for that one area as an appeasement, short-term I believe, but we are in the dark on this, and that is not good. They should re-instate the Tech Forum or a new formatted Tech Q&A (to avoid promoting vaporware such as the Sling Extender) or something like it.

I would be THRILLED if they provided the guide data for the following sub-channels:
This TV
Antenna TV

We still get Living Well HD guide data on our 7.2 and even 7.3 (in SD). We also get the STUUUPID NBC California Non-Stop channel guide data at 4.2 (tears of sadness to bid farewell to Universal Sports which was at 4.4 and always had accurate guide data). There is also a fair amount of guide date for the foreign language sub-channels and many others, but not all. Considering how popular Antenna, This, and ME TV are, one would think Dish would make that a priority.

Charlie seemed a bit more willing for Dish to be forthcoming with addressing flaws, but Joe doesn't seem so with other past flaws since his installation. I wouldn't mind a Joey Clayton Chat. :)
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Not sure if this has been mentioned in any threads, but I've found "some" success in deleting the channel from the tuner, exiting out of the "local channels" menu, then going back in and either re-adding the channel or doing a re-scan. One of my locals added "THIS" about 2 years ago, then "Bounce" was added about 6 months ago. Less than 2 months ago, the station flip-flopped the sub-channels and, of course, my guide data did not follow the change. A few weeks ago, I tried the deletion and re-adding referenced above, and the guide data was corrected. So while some stations and others recommend the occasional re-scan to make sure you're getting all the right channels, I feel it may be advantageous to either delete channels with suspected or known problems (or maybe delete ALL), save that change to memory, and then re-scan or manually add. You will lose DVR timers for OTA channels by doing this, so they will need to be re-added.