would a pre amp help?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
i moved my antenna about 5 feet up in the air. i use to get wmc at around 80%. now it is at 93%. i have never gotten whbq at all,it is now staying in at 60%. the others i want are wreg and wlmt. wlmt will come in at 65% and drop down to about 50%,stay out for about and hour and do the same thing over and over. my tv fool report TV Fool. now my question is will a pre-amp help me?
it might but a VHF/UHF antenna would help much better (per your other thread)

WMC & WHBQ are on VHF whereas the rest are UHF. Thats why the VHF signals come in better
And if you want to help it even more then just add a Channel Master 7777 or Winegard AP-8275 pre-amplifier to the new antenna.
If your going to install a new antenna then that's the time to add the pre-amp and depending the age of the cable I'd replace it also.

Pre-amp suggestion

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