would america have been SAFER with kerry?

with who would you be safer at this point? post 911

  • kerry as president

    Votes: 49 37.4%
  • bush as president

    Votes: 82 62.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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W_Tracy_Parnell said:
Dragon is basicly correct here. You have to break their will and show we mean business-that is critical. The problem is they have satellite dishes too and can see all the weenies over here that want to cut and run and it gives them strength.

that is impossible!!!!!!!!!!

all the naysayers are posting they have no electricity, no fuel, no water, no food.

how do you watch tv with no electric??

DHOOH! i forgot, pre war they watched gilligans island. bicycles with generators attached:eek:
GaryPen said:
That's just fu**ed up dude. Innocent life is innocent life, regardless of nationality, regardless of religion, regardless of favorite color. No innocent life is worth more or less than another. That ain't liberal or conservative. That's just what's right.
I agree with Dragon. These people are put on their knees 5 times a day from birth and filled with horse sh*t about us. They are easily controlled by their religious leaders and even their religion says to rule us, kill us or tax us. If a nuke solves the problem then nuke these animals.

Oh and policy change number 2... We won the war, therefore ANYONE not in Iraqi or American uniform seen with a gun will be shot on sight. How in the hell do you institute order when you allow the defeated people to run around armed :rolleyes:
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Personally, I think the more we inconsistently worry about what is happening in other countries, the more we subject our country to unneccessary criticism around the world. We are at an obvious advantage, we are in a great country that provides many opportunites to succeed. It's obvious to me that a template cannot be made from our success and applied to any country around the world. Yes we can be a model, but we cannot use a cookie cutter, throw it in the oven and boom its a democracy. It just doesn't work because not only are they different countries, they are different cultures. I think a lot of people miss that point.

Another major point, tyranny has to be thwarted by the people that rise up against it. That didn't happen in Iraq. We cannot fight the war for another country, if we do (and we did), we will be forced to stay there and we are. In the meantime, the clashes that are occuring based on their culture are continuing to go on. So what did we gain besides a new state to the union?

We also need to start looking inward and start dealing with our own problems, if we don't, we won't be a super power for much longer.

look at japan as a shining example of how that logic is flawed.

how long ago was WW2 and korea?? we still have bases and troops in: germany, japan, the phillipines, italy ,england and s. korea. SO?
dragon002 said:
plaese do not post lib/con so called facts. this is only to see if the members on this site :

1 would think they would be safer today than they were on 9.10

2 and if kerry being the president would have mattered.

So, you post this thread, then immediately reply to your own thread with an OPINION (which you specifically said not to in the original post).

Second, are you saying would it have mattered if Kerry was president before September 11, 2001? Because, in case you forgot, it was Gore who was running against Bush in 2000.

Last, these threads will never accomplish anything, unless you enjoy bashing your head against a wall. You obviously perfer Bush to anything, so maybe you should have posted this over on freerepublic to get replies that you would agree with.
dragon002 said:

look at japan as a shining example of how that logic is flawed.

how long ago was WW2 and korea?? we still have bases and troops in: germany, japan, the phillipines, italy ,england and s. korea. SO?

I guess I don't understand your point. Which logic are you referring to? Having bases in a country is one thing, the presence we have in Iraq is another.
For the most part I agree with you Chado. You cannot impose your will and beliefs on another. It may apperar as if you had from a physical sense for a short while, but the fruits of independent and/or organized thought will eventually win out in the end.

My only disagreement is with our potential demise as a super power. I believe that our system of checks and balances (unparalleled elsewhere) will will allow us to remain at the top. The question is, how much of the rest of the world will be associated with us at the top?

Chado said:
Personally, I think the more we inconsistently worry about what is happening in other countries, the more we subject our country to unneccessary criticism around the world. We are at an obvious advantage, we are in a great country that provides many opportunites to succeed. It's obvious to me that a template cannot be made from our success and applied to any country around the world. Yes we can be a model, but we cannot use a cookie cutter, throw it in the oven and boom its a democracy. It just doesn't work because not only are they different countries, they are different cultures. I think a lot of people miss that point.

Another major point, tyranny has to be thwarted by the people that rise up against it. That didn't happen in Iraq. We cannot fight the war for another country, if we do (and we did), we will be forced to stay there and we are. In the meantime, the clashes that are occuring based on their culture are continuing to go on. So what did we gain besides a new state to the union?

We also need to start looking inward and start dealing with our own problems, if we don't, we won't be a super power for much longer.
Speaking of taking the high road, there is still one thing that irks me to this day about the way we handled the war. And mind you, I'm definitely more of a conservative than a liberal. Call me an independent and you're safe!

Nonetheless, the one statement that burns me to this day is the phrase. "Shock and Awe" When I heard Rumsfeld use that phrase, I thought to myself that that was the epitome of an arrogant bully. It did nothing but label us as a bullying aggressor and I hated it. I hate it to this day. Now, some of you will say, so what? they had it coming.... kill 'em all....

On this subject however, I agree with Gary and some others regarding taking the high road.... Though I disagree with him and some others on other points, I firmly agree that the U.S. has to regain its image and footing as a benevolent superpower. You can take care of business without rubbing the other guy's face in it in the process.
This post ranks up there with what's better Xbox 360 or PS3., Bud or Miller, 2 opinions that will never see each other side...
Regardeless of 911, Kerry or Bush. You can't predict what would have happened only guess or form an opinion. Either way its all conjecture..
sidekick said:
Speaking of taking the high road, there is still one thing that irks me to this day about the way we handled the war. And mind you, I'm definitely more of a conservative than a liberal. Call me an independent and you're safe!

Nonetheless, the one statement that burns me to this day is the phrase. "Shock and Awe" When I heard Rumsfeld use that phrase, I thought to myself that that was the epitome of an arrogant bully. It did nothing but label us as a bullying aggressor and I hated it. I hate it to this day. Now, some of you will say, so what? they had it coming.... kill 'em all....

On this subject however, I agree with Gary and some others regarding taking the high road.... Though I disagree with him and some others on other points, I firmly agree that the U.S. has to regain its image and footing as a benevolent superpower. You can take care of business without rubbing the other guy's face in it in the process.

shock and awe disappointed me too..i was really expecting the mushroom clouds. I'M DEAD SERIOUS!!

imagine the world today....2 thermo nuclear devices each to Baghdad and Tehran, 1 each to Damascus and the north Korean nuke factory. hell lets keep it up, 1- 50,000 lb bunker buster into Castro's and Chavez's bedrooms.

what a wonderful world it would be!!!!:D :eek: :D :D
Not sure nuking is the right way to go. But several of those cities need carpet bombed!! If ANYONE is seen with a gun. Boom 10 cent trial! If you are caught with a murder bomber, Bang to the head. How long would it take to have people start pointing out the terrorists?

Close of the borders with every neighboring country except ONE road that the U.S. military guards. Put spy planes over the rest of the borders and if anyone heads that way BOOOOOOM. Things will calm down in a hurry.

They are playing a waiting game right now. Keep this crap up until CNN shows them that the liberals here give up and say we quit. They are not fighting each other or our soldiers over there. They are fighting the clock and the opinion polls here. They will not be any terrorist action in the us until the troops are out on IRAQ.
Congratulations Dragon, you just made it onto the short list of people whose views don't merit my exerting energy to place my fingers on the keyboard in response. You've hit the pinnacle!!! It's taken some time, but you've done it...Permanent ignore. What an honor!!! Seriously... get some help ...

dragon002 said:
shock and awe disappointed me too..i was really expecting the mushroom clouds. I'M DEAD SERIOUS!!

imagine the world today....2 thermo nuclear devices each to Baghdad and Tehran, 1 each to Damascus and the north Korean nuke factory. hell lets keep it up, 1- 50,000 lb bunker buster into Castro's and Chavez's bedrooms.

what a wonderful world it would be!!!!:D :eek: :D :D
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Kevinw said:
This post ranks up there with what's better Xbox 360 or PS3., Bud or Miller, 2 opinions that will never see each other side...
Regardeless of 911, Kerry or Bush. You can't predict what would have happened only guess or form an opinion. Either way its all conjecture..
You're kidding right? It's Budweiser. There's no argument. Shoot. There's no discussion, even. They need to nuke Milwaukee for brewing such swill. POOF. Mushroom cloud. Bye-bye Miller.

And look out Stroh's! Detroit is next!
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sidekick said:
On this subject however, I agree with Gary and some others regarding taking the high road.... Though I disagree with him and some others on other points, I firmly agree that the U.S. has to regain its image and footing as a benevolent superpower. You can take care of business without rubbing the other guy's face in it in the process.
Exactly. We need to lead by example. Then, others will want to follow along.

Sure, there's always jealous little sh*ts who would rather tear down what you have, than work to gain it for themselves. But, you deal with them appropriately. And, the more you have on your side, the more they will be willing to help keep those insects off your back.

It's like being the wittiest, smartest, friendliest, best looking guy at a party. You don't go around telling everybody "I'm the wittiest, smartest, friendliest, best looking guy here!" Only an a$$hole does that. And everybody at the party will hate you. That is why everybody at the party hates the US right now. Of course we ARE that guy at the party. But, we have a bunch of arrogent a**holes running the country right now that are just pissing everybody off.

The secret is just to BE that guy, without running around BRAGGING you are that guy. Then, they'll wanna hang around you, and be your friend. Those are the guys that get all the p***y. The braggers just go home and rub one out. Quite frankly, I think all the jingoists and braggarts are just rubbing each other off in one big circle jerk.

You guys have fun with that. I prefer the p***y.
Being originally from Detroit, you need to try Strohs' bock beer if you can get it wherever you are. It's really pretty good!

GaryPen said:
You're kidding right? It's Budweiser. There's no argument. Shoot. There's no discussion, even. They need to nuke Milwaukee for brewing such swill. POOF. Mushroom cloud. Bye-bye Miller.

And look out Stroh's! Detroit is next!
Evening news update

Unbiased news media at its best!!!

Future of the Dem party


Why would the dems try to stop this? It is because (like I have said before) this is a HUGE part of the democrat voting base!!
howard deans weekly dream

Never before has our party been more organized in advance of an election. With new staff hitting the ground everywhere from Alaska to Arkansas, we are going to fight for every vote in every corner of every state in 2006.

Right now we're preparing for the next big step in our 50-state strategy. On April 29th, thousands of volunteers will recruit hundreds of thousands more Americans committed to changing the status quo this year.

We're going to do it by making personal contact with our neighbors. April 29th will be the Democratic Party's first-ever National Neighbor-to-Neighbor Organizing Day. We're going to test our organization and build new relationships among volunteers with door-knocking events in communities across America.

We estimate that we need to print 500,000 pieces of literature to cover these events. With the cost of printing, plus the cost of shipping, staff time and logistics to make these events happen, we need an investment of $107,000 by Monday in order to kick-start this program.

Can you contribute something right now to help make this unprecedented program a reality? Click here to see the literature up close and make your donation:


All the signs point to this being a big election year for Democrats. But if we want to win in November, we've got to fight now to reach every community and build a solid operation before Election Day.

Volunteers knocking on doors on April 29th will carry a simple piece of literature. It summarizes the Democratic vision and offers an opportunity to make a connection and be a part of the movement for change.

Whether people receive the literature in person or on their doorknob, they will be able to plug into their local volunteer network, which will be crucial to building our organization now and turning out the vote in November.

On one day in April we can deliver a clear Democratic vision and offer people an opportunity to help make it a reality. Will you donate to help pull it off?


Next week you'll learn more about how to make the national Neighbor-to-Neighbor Organizing Day a reality on the ground in your community.

Headquarters staff and state parties are working around the clock to provide staging areas in key neighborhoods and the basic training materials to make the canvass as effective as possible.

It's up to you to execute this ambitious and historic operation.

It will only take 2,200 people donating $50 to fund this program. Please contribute whatever you can to help get this literature printed and distributed to the states:


Two-thirds of Americans reject this president and the Republican leadership -- and they are waiting to hear from us.

We have a big task in November. We will only win if every one of us takes responsibility for the outcome of the election now -- while there is still time to build our operation. We are all members of one American community and it's up to us to make sure that our country has a government as good as its people.

Thank you for being a part of this unprecedented organizing drive.

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

Governor of WHAT state?

I do not see any organization of the Dem party!!! If this is it I would hate to see disorganization!!

Why are they pushing a door hanger? Because no one will open the door to them!!!
sidekick said:
Congratulations Dragon, you just made it onto the short list of people whose views don't merit my exerting energy to place my fingers on the keyboard in response. You've hit the pinnacle!!! It's taken some time, but you've done it...Permanent ignore. What an honor!!! Seriously... get some help ...


see ya!!!!!



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