Xmas in Bama

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
May 23, 2004
East Tennessee

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Damn, I didn't think my uncle put up lights this early in the season. The sad thing is, this type stuff really happens here in Alabama.
of course they give the stuff away for free now, the running joke for a while around these parts used to be that the satellite equipment in the front yards was worth more than the dwelling it's attached to.
Much like detroit, Ive put systems in homes where I could see through the floor boards of the second floor to the first and theres a big screen tv sittin in the livin room thats worth more than the house its in and the car in the drive way combined.
I was at a house in south alabama. If no one has ever been to south alabama then you've never seen poverty. These people had dish network and a big screen but I swear to god the cats and dogs didn't have to be let in and out, there was a gap between the door and the floor that I could have crawled under. I was getting the guy to sign my paperwork and a damn roach crawled across my papers. Thats when I new I better get the hell out of there.
BrettTRay said:
I was at a house in south alabama. If no one has ever been to south alabama then you've never seen poverty. These people had dish network and a big screen but I swear to god the cats and dogs didn't have to be let in and out, there was a gap between the door and the floor that I could have crawled under. I was getting the guy to sign my paperwork and a damn roach crawled across my papers. Thats when I new I better get the hell out of there.

Been there, was in the mobile area over into pensacola fl for 2 weeks, poverty there is much like what you find on the east side of detroit along the river front.
Ya know, one thing that keeps people from improving their homes is building codes.

Here, if you have a pre-1976 trailer, you can NOT do anything to it other than minor repairs. You can NOT get a building permit to improve it. All that can be done is to remove it to another county - and no other county will take it.

So, if you've got, say $30,000 to put into your dwelling, you can NOT use it. It's not enough to replace it, so you're screwed.
SimpleSimon said:
Ya know, one thing that keeps people from improving their homes is building codes.
Here, if you have a pre-1976 trailer, you can NOT do anything to it other than minor repairs. You can NOT get a building permit to improve it. All that can be done is to remove it to another county - and no other county will take it.
So, if you've got, say $30,000 to put into your dwelling, you can NOT use it. It's not enough to replace it, so you're screwed.
Is it just the county or the whole state?
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