Zenith CBAND? ZS9100, Big dish mounted on a concrete pad.

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chicks in the sticks

New Member
Original poster
Dec 16, 2011
Lake County , CA
I have this satellite in my Yard about 6' or so in diameter. I found a guy in the SF Bay that says he wants big ugly dishes and will haul it away. I figured I would offer:popcorn it to him for free. It seems pretty useless to me since I dont have satellite service and dont really want it but I thought I should ask the Satellite guys. The only value I can imagine is if there is copper wire involved. Anyway this is the only spot that showed up when I googled the product #. You guys are probably sick of stupid questions about out dated equipment but had no one else to ask.
If you don't have an interest in the hobby, And you'd like the BUD (Big Useful Dish) out of your yard, please give it to someone who will appreciate it, and put it back into use. To scrap it, you'd probably have to pay more for someone to take it down, than you'd recoup in scrap value. (or spend the time to take it down yourself) They'll remove it for free, that's a win win for you both, great. Happy Holidays!
BTW: a BUD is never outdated. Just the electronics used with it becomes outdated. BUDs only require a little TLC occasionally.
If it is already setup they are pretty easy and cheap to get going. All of the channels I get are free. It just takes a little time to set up. Are you in Clear Lake by chance? I have a bunch of friends out that way in Fort Bragg/ Mendo etc.
The actual scrap metal value is generally pretty minimal, on most dishes.
I don't know model numbers, but Zenith used to buy a really nice dish from Winegard, which was simply relabeled as Zenith.
Might be 8' or even 10' across.

By all means give it to a satellite experimenter (not a scrapper) to play with.
And they're not meant to be used as roofs for gazebos, either! :(

If you have the faintest glimmer of curiosity, you might look at a nice dish farm (including a BUD), installed by member Dee_Ann.
She came to the forum maybe two years ago, with a garage full of parts, and asked which to keep.
This summer she confidently installed a nice system at her parents house.

Here at the bottom of this post, are some pictures of her own install, while it was still in-work:
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Looks like another hits channel hits the dust


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