Considering a PS3


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Nov 7, 2003
I'm seriously considering getting a PS3.

I will get the 60GB version.

I currently have a Wii, which will stay my gaming console. I'd be getting the PS3 primarily for Blu-ray movies.

Can anyone give me some reasons why getting a PS3 now is a good idea?
Well, I for one am really enjoying mine and is great as a bluray player. Also, I missed this deal but amazon has a deal that will give you 3 free bluray instantly. I for one say go for it.

Good Luck
That's the other thing I was thinking about. :)

My wife and sis-in-law watch a lot of movies on DVD. I think this would make those DVDs look better, as the PS3 upconverts. I hate to say it, but my TV isnt the best at upconverting to 1080p.
I hate to say it, but my TV isnt the best at upconverting to 1080p.

At least you are accepting it. That's progress Neutron. Now if you will just admit your Stars are craptacular, then you'll be well on the road to recovery.
theres always the potential of a big game coming down the road for the PS3, and then you would have the sytem already! :)
PS3 gaming wise: only thing besides the fact I don't like SONY on anything is the controller is funky to me.

As for the stars thing, it goes back to the Stanley Cup thread, I told Neutron he was the only one who liked the stars.
and whats wrong with the dallas stars? also question about ps3 from a 360 owner not happy with the 360, is the ps3 good for gaming or is it a glorifed blu ray player?
I was a PC games for many years...just didn't care for the consoles. However, I picked up a PS3 for BD and love...even picked up a 2nd PS3 for gaming only. I love Resistance and Motorstorm, my 5-year old likes Rub-a-dub and Virtua Fighting, and I just picked up Rainbow6 and Warhawk...the PS3 is as good as the games.
i was considering a ps3 a few days ago because i thought they were going to win the HD format war. with the news of two studios going HD only, i have put my plans on hold. i have a 360 for gaming which currently has better games in my opinion.
I dumped my 360 for the PS3 and I dont regret it in the least... the EA Franchises are virtually interchangealbe in my opinion. it comes down to the exclusives, and really no matter which way you go, there will always be something on the "other" platform you wish you could play...
What can I tell my wife to get her to approve my PS3 purchase?

She's thinking about it and will let me know this weekend, but I can tell she's leaning towards yes at the point, as she was asking me questions about it.

If I could find a sale somewhere I think this would put it over the top.
I dumped my 360 for the PS3 and I dont regret it in the least... the EA Franchises are virtually interchangealbe in my opinion. it comes down to the exclusives, and really no matter which way you go, there will always be something on the "other" platform you wish you could play...

Speaking to Game Informer, Valve boss Gabe Newel (Makers of the Half Life Game Series) said the PS3 was a “total disaster”, and went as far as suggesting that Sony cancel the console.

“The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think It’s really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted. I’d say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a ‘do over’. Just say, ‘This was a horrible disaster and we’re sorry and we’re going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it."

No offense, but, maybe you dumped the wrong machine...

Like the PS2, it will take time for it to become a success. It will be successful in the long haul, but not as good as it's predecessor since they will not achieve the dominance they once had.

The launch was a complete disaster, and the movement of Sony management is a testament to that. This console will be marred for a long time due to the rhetoric second only to the Iraqi information minister.

As things stand, by the time the PS3 hits it's stride, probably 3 years into it's '10 year life cycle', MS will start talking about the next major upgrades to the 360, and maybe even the next iteration of their Xbox brand.
What can I tell my wife to get her to approve my PS3 purchase?

She's thinking about it and will let me know this weekend, but I can tell she's leaning towards yes at the point, as she was asking me questions about it.

If I could find a sale somewhere I think this would put it over the top.
Jason, you can borrow one of mine if you wish. We have two of them and I certainly won't have time for BD watching/game playing until after we move down to your neck-of-the-woods. You can just return it me after the New Year. Personally, I love the PS3 (outstanding BD player and excellent game console), but a BD player may be had for as little as $350 over the holidays...and who knows if we'll see a $399 version of the PS3. IMO once you connect a PS3 to your Mits 1080p DLP, your Wii will become a dust collector.

Anyway, just shoot me a PM and I'll send it your way.
Speaking to Game Informer, Valve boss Gabe Newel (Makers of the Half Life Game Series) said the PS3 was a “total disaster”, and went as far as suggesting that Sony cancel the console.

“The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think It’s really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted. I’d say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a ‘do over’. Just say, ‘This was a horrible disaster and we’re sorry and we’re going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it."

No offense, but, maybe you dumped the wrong machine...

So you're advocating dumping a highly reliable premium game console/BD player for a highly unreliable box that often crashes (aka Rings of Death). Thanks for the tip.;)

Microsoft to extend Xbox 360 warranty, take $1 billion hit

"As a result of what Microsoft views as an unacceptable number of repairs to Xbox 360 consoles, the company conducted extensive investigations into potential sources of general hardware failures," Microsoft said in a statement.

Microsoft said its probe found "a number of factors" that can cause a general hardware failure indicated by three red flashing lights on the console. The company said that, in addition to extending the warranty, it has made unspecified design changes to the product.
So a developer whining about how hard it is to work on the PS3, has enough pull to bring down an entire console? Yes its new and different, the Cell takes more work to get used to, so did the emotion engine, and i remember hearing similar comments about how hard the PS2 was to work with when it was new.

I have had my PS3 for 2 months, and its never froze up, hiccupped or done anything. My 360 froze regularly fromt he start, Red Ringed, I sent it in (w/o console for a month) had to pay $79 to get it fixed (later refunded.), still had occasional freezup issues, again started to get worse and b4 it red ringed again i traded it off toward my PS3. I love the games, I love the fact I dont have to PAY for online play. I do miss some of the extras of Xbox live (movies, etc), but i know they are coming for the PS3.

Developers are getting used to it, and games are in the pipeline. Plus the upward potential of the PS3 is much higher than the 360, and you see that in games like Oblivion the PS3 looks and plays better.
So you're advocating dumping a highly reliable premium game console/BD player for a highly unreliable box that often crashes (aka Rings of Death). Thanks for the tip.;)

Microsoft to extend Xbox 360 warranty, take $1 billion hit

"As a result of what Microsoft views as an unacceptable number of repairs to Xbox 360 consoles, the company conducted extensive investigations into potential sources of general hardware failures," Microsoft said in a statement.

Microsoft said its probe found "a number of factors" that can cause a general hardware failure indicated by three red flashing lights on the console. The company said that, in addition to extending the warranty, it has made unspecified design changes to the product.

You are welcome...


PS3 price drop is for clearance.

10 PS3 Tricks You Should Know

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