SciFi channel HD??

Stir the Pot

The Points have little to do w/ what the thread is about. It is just about the fact that Sci-Fi channel is now in HD and the discussion of that. It has nothing to do w/ the opinion of what is shown on the channel. You are the one trying to say that what is on the channel is crap. Now that there is "Chiller" maybe the channel will start steering away from the horror genre. But the place to gripe about the content is to Sci-Fi themselves. I only watch a few shows on it but B'in about it here isn't going to do anything but "stir the pot".
O.K., fine, but answer this--what other channel purports to be dedicated to science fiction programming?

You are right that a lot of what people call science fiction is not science fiction. But SciFi does not claim to show only science fiction.


"We constantly strive to bring our viewers the best in science-fiction, fantasy and horror programming."
And the other operative word is "science"...the "fiction" is the imaginative conjecture that comes from unproven 'what-ifs'...but if they're utterly ludicrous and not based on real scientific principles, they're FANTASY....


...And to 'watchel1', who seems to have a real problem w/ the questions/concerns I'm raising (and has apparently missed alot of previous references and points I've made)--you say, "if you don't like it, tune in somewhere else." O.K., fine, but answer this--what other channel purports to be dedicated to science fiction programming?


Except to say I like "Dr. Who" even though it is pure fantasy. And I get giddy over 50's black and white "scifi" movies like "It came from Outer Space" and "Them!" even if the "science" is ridiculous most of the time.

But if you ever get to see "This Island Earth" you will see one the best real Science Fiction movies to come out of the 50's.(BTW, it's in genuine technicolor)
I am a sci-fi fan. Read most of Issac Asimov books. Shane is correct. The sci-fi gendre is very specific. Read some of these books and you will find a well of information about the sci-fi writing. Actually, sci-fi is supposed to leap beyond today's technology with a reasonable congeture that it maybe used in the future but we are not ready yet to grasp the knowledge of it. Also, read the 2001 series book and you will find that most sci-fi authors can give you a science that is based on "fiction" but not something like the "superheroes" novel.
Actually, yes I have...and it's a comic book series. Fun, but...

It's not truly/good science fiction. It's full of ludicrous premises, gaping holes of logic and fantasy elements that, while perhaps entertaining, relegate it to the pulp side of things.

That said, it's the difference between Blade Runner and Spiderman 3. If you don't know the difference I'm not going to bother...most (seemingly) don't or don't care and won't ever--it's why you have 99% worthless content on SciFi, imho.

As some others have said in previous posts--Mind Control, Battlestar Galactica and Eureka are pretty much the only things worth watching (I've given many other things a shot--and they always slip into campy wastes of time). And only two of those are science fiction, and only one is serious sci-fi. There you go.

Did you see The Lost Room? How did you like that?
Not to go off topic here :eek: But any word as to when we will get Sci Fi in HD? I just read on another thread Scott saying USA will probably go HD very soon and wonder if anyone has heard anything official/unofficial for scifi?


Not to go off topic here :eek: But any word as to when we will get Sci Fi in HD? I just read on another thread Scott saying USA will probably go HD very soon and wonder if anyone has heard anything official/unofficial for scifi?

Lets stay on topic here. The definition of "science fiction" is very important to the fabric of todays society. An incorrect one will bring human sacrifice, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!

Official: October according to DirecTV. Early 2008 according to Sci-Fi (I think). Pick the one you prefer :D

If we just talked about SciFi HD the whole thread would be:

Any news about SciFi HD on Dish?


How about now?






Are you sure?


How about now?


Lets stay on topic here. The definition of "science fiction" is very important to the fabric of todays society. An incorrect one will bring human sacrifice, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!

Official: October according to DirecTV. Early 2008 according to Sci-Fi (I think). Pick the one you prefer :D
Well when D* subs are watching primetiem originals in HD which will you prefer?
Maybe if you didn't make comments about D* doing a cheesy upconvert I wouldn't have said anything. But all the E* fan boys were saying over and over again that since a channel wasn't up there was no way that D* would have a HD version of the channel and I for one just got sick and tired of all the BD being spread, it was like if you didn't personally get an e-mail it was coming then no way would D* have a HD channel up and running.

As far as we had information, the only thing possible was WAS a cheesy upconvert. Concidering the PR department of Sci-Fi specifically told members of this board who emailed that they had no plans to provide an HD feed. Given D* empty promises about HD in the past, it was a reasonable assumption. Again, if you're going to quote people about being "wrong" qote people who said that after the feed was up. Not those who said things back when what they said was correct!
So saying that since Sci-Fi channel PR said they had no plans it was OK to say it wouldn't be in HD, but if we say the D* PR department said they would have it then it's BS and all it would be is a cheesy upconvert?

Yes. And it should be obvious why. I'll give you an example, and see if you can't wrap your mind around this. If a store ran an ad saying that they will soon be carrying Lime flavored Twinkies, and you and several other people called and wrote to Hostess asking if they were coming out with lime flavored Twinkies, and they said "no we have no plans for lime flavored Twinkies." Who are you more likely to believe? The store who is claiming they will be selling the aforemntioned Twinkies, or the company that makes the damn things telling you there is no such thing? In this situation, D* is known for their vaporware, (Hell, they've been claiming band stacking technology was just around the corner for their systems for the last 5 years.) When the producer of that channel told us there were no plans for an HD feed, it was a reasonable assumption.
Dude, a little disturbed. Fact, you guys said that there would be no SciFi HD, we said that there would. And your trying to spin it that you were right?


Pathetic! But funny!

Get your facts straight. Nobody (especially me) said there would never be a Sci-Fi HD. There will eventually be an HD feed of everything one day. There was no indication on Sci-Fi's web site, and we were told specifically by them that no channel was in the works. Until it showed up, we WERE right that it didn't exist. Just like I'm correct right now when I say that there's no 4 tuner Dish SuperDVR. There may be at some point, but there isn't now. Damn! Why is that so hard for you to grasp?
As far as we had information, the only thing possible was WAS a cheesy upconvert. Concidering the PR department of Sci-Fi specifically told members of this board who emailed that they had no plans to provide an HD feed. Given D* empty promises about HD in the past, it was a reasonable assumption. Again, if you're going to quote people about being "wrong" qote people who said that after the feed was up. Not those who said things back when what they said was correct!

When the only information you had was from one side of the equation maybe that was your conclusion, but we can see how good that PR department is, we're still waiting for thier annoucement.

Sorry, but as a D* sub that has been listening to E* subs for months say that D* could not have all the HD channels up before the end of the year it as nice just dumping a bit on all the E* experts saying what D* can and can't do. Sorry if I offended you with the cheesy wrong.
When the only information you had was from one side of the equation maybe that was your conclusion, but we can see how good that PR department is, we're still waiting for thier annoucement.

Sorry, but as a D* sub that has been listening to E* subs for months say that D* could not have all the HD channels up before the end of the year it as nice just dumping a bit on all the E* experts saying what D* can and can't do. Sorry if I offended you with the cheesy wrong.

No problem. Friends? :D

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