DirecTV Problems

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Ok for over the last month now I have been having a problem with my HR20.

My issue is if I watch a HD channel my HR20 locks up and gives me a grey screen, sometimes the audio plays on. Normally when this happens the remote stops responding. Sometimes the remote does respond but a coupe of minutes after I press a button. But if it changes channels I still and stuck with a grey screen.

The only way to fix problem is to do a red button reset or unplug the receiver, after its done rebooting all works fine again for 25 - 45 minutes before it locks up with a grey screen again.

As you might remember I did my own install last summer. All receivers in my house are working fine except for my HR20.

I decided to take my HR20 to my friend (who is a DirecTV retailer) and guess what happened, after 25 minutes it locked up with a grey screen. He told me he could RA the box but it would be easier if I called DirecTV directly.

I took the box home with me and tonight called DirecTV as I was watching TV and it locked up again.

So after going through all the basic trouble shooting I got a rep in tech support, I tell her my issue and she puts me on hold for awhile. Then comes back and asks how I know that the receiver is bad. I tell her how I took my receiver to somewhere else and tested it there. She put me on hold again then came back and told me that this would not work at a different location as the receiver would not know what programming I am supposed to get since it hooked up to a different satellite dish.... (HUH?!?!)

Anyways she puts me on hold again and comes back and tells me that I do know about how satellite systems work and they will need to send a service rep to my house to diagnose my system. (I don't know about how Satellite Works?)

I told her that I would not allow the techs into my house, and that I would call someone else to get this receiver replace she got all snotty with me and said that she would note that on my account then hung up on me.

Now I am not your average consumer, I know my satellite stuff and probably own better test equipment them most of their trained monkey use. I worked to diagnose and troubleshoot this issue to make it easer for them.

Sorry but with 6 satellite systems and miles of wiring here I am not letting someone (no matter how good they are) coming in and messing things up.

I was not happy. Anyways called up my friend and told him about my phone call so he is coming on Sunday and will RA my receiver. He says he actually has another one he just took from a customers house which is doing the same thing.

I got to admit it I was disapointed with DirecTV tech support, I expected better from them. I know they are working hard to make things better but this was not their finest moment. They need to learn to listen what the customer is saying.
While it sucks that it sounds like you have a faultly HR20 and I can NEVER condone a CSR hanging up on a customer; and the receiver not working at another location is rather funny -

BUT IMHO you should at least give them the opportunity to do THEIR job by following company procedures; give the tech an opportunity to do THEIR jobs and come out; you may be surprised. Jumping out (likely with a tone of your own) you tell them what they can and can't do and that you will not allowing techs in your home; that makes you a combative customer. I too have tons of network and A/V gear and rarely if ever have any issues with service people.

Scott IMHO you seem to be very combative and jump the gun with folks as of late; somehow things ALWAYS turn negative.

Lighten up a bit and give people the opportunity to do what they do.

No combativeness, no demands, no threats, no boycotts, etc; just let things take their proper coarse (sp?). You are likely to be amazed.

Then if they fail; HAMMER THEM!
Ok for over the last month now I have been having a problem with my HR20.

My issue is if I watch a HD channel my HR20 locks up and gives me a grey screen, sometimes the audio plays on. Normally when this happens the remote stops responding. Sometimes the remote does respond but a coupe of minutes after I press a button. But if it changes channels I still and stuck with a grey screen.

The only way to fix problem is to do a red button reset or unplug the receiver, after its done rebooting all works fine again for 25 - 45 minutes before it locks up with a grey screen again.

As you might remember I did my own install last summer. All receivers in my house are working fine except for my HR20.

I decided to take my HR20 to my friend (who is a DirecTV retailer) and guess what happened, after 25 minutes it locked up with a grey screen. He told me he could RA the box but it would be easier if I called DirecTV directly.

I took the box home with me and tonight called DirecTV as I was watching TV and it locked up again.

So after going through all the basic trouble shooting I got a rep in tech support, I tell her my issue and she puts me on hold for awhile. Then comes back and asks how I know that the receiver is bad. I tell her how I took my receiver to somewhere else and tested it there. She put me on hold again then came back and told me that this would not work at a different location as the receiver would not know what programming I am supposed to get since it hooked up to a different satellite dish.... (HUH?!?!)

Anyways she puts me on hold again and comes back and tells me that I do know about how satellite systems work and they will need to send a service rep to my house to diagnose my system. (I don't know about how Satellite Works?)

I told her that I would not allow the techs into my house, and that I would call someone else to get this receiver replace she got all snotty with me and said that she would note that on my account then hung up on me.

Now I am not your average consumer, I know my satellite stuff and probably own better test equipment them most of their trained monkey use. I worked to diagnose and troubleshoot this issue to make it easer for them.

Sorry but with 6 satellite systems and miles of wiring here I am not letting someone (no matter how good they are) coming in and messing things up.

I was not happy. Anyways called up my friend and told him about my phone call so he is coming on Sunday and will RA my receiver. He says he actually has another one he just took from a customers house which is doing the same thing.

I got to admit it I was disapointed with DirecTV tech support, I expected better from them. I know they are working hard to make things better but this was not their finest moment. They need to learn to listen what the customer is saying.

thats how the csr act now unless you have PP.
At least they speak english;)

Have you tried doing a "reset everything" via the setup menu which is supposed to do a quick reformat of the harddrive to see if that helps? Yes it will delete all recordings and settings but if you were going to get a new receiver you'd loose them all anyway.
This is the same issues I have had, other than ganging up on CSR's from the phillipans or india. Wich D* needs to get rid of. CSR's dont want to admit when the coustomer knows more than they do. I had 4 CSR's do the same thing to me over 3 faulty HR20-100's. All 3 of the HR20-100's had a faulty 2nd tuner in them. They wanted to roll out a tech when it wasnt need. So I eventually caved in. The tech came out and looked at the system and said, "what the hell am I out here for?" exact quote. Well, we ended up swapping the HR20-100 for an hr 21 and the problem was fixed. No bad 2nd tuner and the lines were good. Havent had an issue with that location ever sence. I think D* needs to dump these overseas reps and go with some more home brewed reps who know what the hell directv is and actually uses the product. I know I am a heck of alot more pacent with The U.S. reps and give them the benifit of the doubt. Want to set me off? Tranfer me to the Phillipeans. I will cuss them out in a hear beat because that is an american job stolen from an american. I dont care how high the turn over is, That could be going to someones childs education, or putting the food on the table for someones kid here in the US. And people wonder why we are in a DEPRESSION.

Figures cameout today that for the first time sence the GREAT DEPRESSION people owe more on there homes than the value of their homes. So why dont we give those jobs to the people who can use them!
Ok for over the last month now I have been having a problem with my HR20.

My issue is if I watch a HD channel my HR20 locks up and gives me a grey screen, sometimes the audio plays on. Normally when this happens the remote stops responding. Sometimes the remote does respond but a coupe of minutes after I press a button. But if it changes channels I still and stuck with a grey screen.

The only way to fix problem is to do a red button reset or unplug the receiver, after its done rebooting all works fine again for 25 - 45 minutes before it locks up with a grey screen again.

As you might remember I did my own install last summer. All receivers in my house are working fine except for my HR20.

I decided to take my HR20 to my friend (who is a DirecTV retailer) and guess what happened, after 25 minutes it locked up with a grey screen. He told me he could RA the box but it would be easier if I called DirecTV directly.

I took the box home with me and tonight called DirecTV as I was watching TV and it locked up again.

So after going through all the basic trouble shooting I got a rep in tech support, I tell her my issue and she puts me on hold for awhile. Then comes back and asks how I know that the receiver is bad. I tell her how I took my receiver to somewhere else and tested it there. She put me on hold again then came back and told me that this would not work at a different location as the receiver would not know what programming I am supposed to get since it hooked up to a different satellite dish.... (HUH?!?!)

Anyways she puts me on hold again and comes back and tells me that I do know about how satellite systems work and they will need to send a service rep to my house to diagnose my system. (I don't know about how Satellite Works?)

I told her that I would not allow the techs into my house, and that I would call someone else to get this receiver replace she got all snotty with me and said that she would note that on my account then hung up on me.

Now I am not your average consumer, I know my satellite stuff and probably own better test equipment them most of their trained monkey use. I worked to diagnose and troubleshoot this issue to make it easer for them.

Sorry but with 6 satellite systems and miles of wiring here I am not letting someone (no matter how good they are) coming in and messing things up.

I was not happy. Anyways called up my friend and told him about my phone call so he is coming on Sunday and will RA my receiver. He says he actually has another one he just took from a customers house which is doing the same thing.

I got to admit it I was disapointed with DirecTV tech support, I expected better from them. I know they are working hard to make things better but this was not their finest moment. They need to learn to listen what the customer is saying.

Should have gotten her name, the center she works and ask to speak to her supervisor, I am sure she would have gotten the message.
Gotta play CSR roullete, just like any other company.

I find that when I KNOW the box is bad, it is much faster just to say it won't turn on. I don't want to lie necessarily, but I won't waste 30-60 minutes explaining what I know, and how I know it.

Needless to say, in 2 years I've only had to replace one of three boxes, once. Could be worse.
I know this is a Direct forum. I have the same problem with the Dish csr. With such bad experiences in the past, yesterday while helping out a friend with her account. I had to do a online chat twice and call 3 times just to make sure what was said was put into the account notes. The first csr did not do what he was suppose to do and it followed with 2 more csr until the 4 and 5 had it in the accounts notes. All took about an hour and a half time that I could be doing something else. Damn!!

Bob. Look no where else to blame for MOST of the debt than the people who have it. People who bought homes, bought way too much home or got bad advice and got a interest only or a ARM, borrowed way too much money. I would not say that MOST of this blame is because of out sourcing.
Gotta play CSR roullete, just like any other company.

I find that when I KNOW the box is bad, it is much faster just to say it won't turn on. I don't want to lie necessarily, but I won't waste 30-60 minutes explaining what I know, and how I know it.

Needless to say, in 2 years I've only had to replace one of three boxes, once. Could be worse.

Have to agree here; whether we know more or not is not the issue; but it does HARM their limited abilities because they work from a script and telling them things they can't find in the script is what confuses them.

Sad, but true!

I have long hated that "regular" or 1st line CSRs takes these types of calls. There needs to be a repair department we can instantly escalate too where the people on the other end are VERY WELL schooled. Sadly this cost lots of money.
this past November when i call to have my new 5lnb dish re peaked cause the new mpeg-4 channels would cut out in the slightest in climate weather. the first csr said for me to have a tech come out when it was raining . yes raining cause thats when the problem started . so i hung up and called back got an intelligent csr who transfer me to tech support who knew get this what they were actually talking about so a few days later the tech came out re peaked the dish told me he been doing alot of these and ever since its been all Good
Bob. Look no where else to blame for MOST of the debt than the people who have it. People who bought homes, bought way too much home or got bad advice and got a interest only or a ARM, borrowed way too much money. I would not say that MOST of this blame is because of out sourcing.

Tiger you are right, I dont completly blame the out sourceing as there was alot of bad and shadey deals done. My point was that it outsourcing is apart of the problem, allthough its not 100 percent of it.
At least they speak english;)

Have you tried doing a "reset everything" via the setup menu which is supposed to do a quick reformat of the harddrive to see if that helps? Yes it will delete all recordings and settings but if you were going to get a new receiver you'd loose them all anyway.

Yup I did that twice (and you DO lose recordings when you reset everything)
Should have gotten her name, the center she works and ask to speak to her supervisor, I am sure she would have gotten the message.

If the rep did what she said she would do "... she ... said that she would note that on my account then hung up on me ..." then her name, employee number, etc., is on the account contact log. ;)

Before I finally retired, I worked for a major mail order retailer as a telephone customer service rep for over nine years. Every significant customer service contact with a customer was logged.

Scott can still call and register a complaint. That's actually a constructive thing to do. The rep in question apparently needs training or one to one assistance in handling customer calls. On no account should a cust service rep ever hang up on a cust unless it involves abusive language, harassment, etc. And that should be logged as well.

Well i know how it is with csr,s. But it is not just the sat companies. Im an independent dell tech. I go to customers all the time when dell screwed the service call up I have to call to talk to tech or csr support. They read off a piece of paper while im the guy who knows thes systems in my sleep and they tell me that is not the problem. I want to reach through the phone and strangle them. Yes they are outsourced. But scott what i would do is let the tech come out once he see,s you know what you are talking about he will agree and probally not mess with your system and get you a new box ordered.
I don't like having them go through the whole trouble shooting plan when I have already done that. If I ever need another replacement I'll just tell them it won't start up.
Well i know how it is with csr,s. But it is not just the sat companies. Im an independent dell tech. I go to customers all the time when dell screwed the service call up I have to call to talk to tech or csr support. They read off a piece of paper while im the guy who knows thes systems in my sleep and they tell me that is not the problem. I want to reach through the phone and strangle them. Yes they are outsourced. But scott what i would do is let the tech come out once he see,s you know what you are talking about he will agree and probally not mess with your system and get you a new box ordered.

That's it! Either you try to make up a story you know will get a replacement shipped, or let the standard procedure take its own course. The CSR's make minimum pay (if out sourced who knows what they get paid) and as such their only job is to follow the kind of low level training they get.

I can bet 99 out of 100 times when people call about a bad receiver, it is in fact the customer that has no clue even though the customer insists he know exactly what went wrong, so they are not going to make an exception for you. Once the tech sees your setup he will call to replace the receiver in no time.

I have not had this happen to me yet, knock on wood, but when I was with Dish, one of my 622's HDMI was bad, I had to go through all the steps with the CSR for trouble shooting, even though I knew the HDMI issue. We ran out of time on that call I later called back, simply said my 622 was making a terrifying noise my wife was going to cancel DISH if nothing is done, they sent a tech I then explained to him what was wrong he replaced my 622 on spot, it took only 5 minutes, he also peaked my dish while he was there. Later they called me at least 3 times to ask me if I was satisfied with the tech call.
I bet E and D are sharing call centers :p

Now that you mentioned it I have had blackscreens with audio on my SD box and I have to clear it by changing the channel, restarting the box doesnt clear it.
While it sucks that it sounds like you have a faultly HR20 and I can NEVER condone a CSR hanging up on a customer; and the receiver not working at another location is rather funny -

BUT IMHO you should at least give them the opportunity to do THEIR job by following company procedures; give the tech an opportunity to do THEIR jobs and come out; you may be surprised. Jumping out (likely with a tone of your own) you tell them what they can and can't do and that you will not allowing techs in your home; that makes you a combative customer. I too have tons of network and A/V gear and rarely if ever have any issues with service people.

Scott IMHO you seem to be very combative and jump the gun with folks as of late; somehow things ALWAYS turn negative.

Lighten up a bit and give people the opportunity to do what they do.

No combativeness, no demands, no threats, no boycotts, etc; just let things take their proper coarse (sp?). You are likely to be amazed.

Then if they fail; HAMMER THEM!
I have to agree, the CSR was in the wrong, no doubt about it. However that being said, even understanding that you have tons of gear and knowing what you know, why wouldnt you at least let them try to do their jobs and diagnose the problem at your home? Chances are it is a faulty box and they give you another one.
At least they speak english;)
I am not trying to start any kind of flame war here....please no english/spanish
fights...just posting this from a local TV station in my area, to show some of
the troubles with language troubles....please only post comments from that
We've all been there, waiting for hours for a technician to show up for repairs, but what happens when he finally shows up, and you don't speak the same language? Investigative reporter Carmel Cafiero is On the Case.

Reported by:
Carmel Cafiero

Kelli Garlock


View all archived
Carmel on the Case reports
WSVN -- South Florida is a multi-cultural community, and that's part of our charm, but cultures can clash. Busy dentist Dr. Gordon Sokoloff found that out when he called to have his satellite dish repaired.

Dr. Gordon Sokoloff: "So I spent an afternoon waiting for a guy who came to my house."

When the technician showed up, Dr. Sokoloff was relieved, until he realized he would not be able to tell the tech his problem.

Dr. Gordon Sokoloff: "I couldn't communicate with him and nothing got done."

He doesn't speak Spanish, the technician didn't speak English, so Sokoloff called Direct TV.

Dr. Gordon Sokoloff: "Would you please send somebody out who speaks English."

He says the company said, "sure," so he stayed home again and again a tech showed up who did not speak English.

Dr. Gordon Sokoloff: "I was very frustrated because my time is valuable."

Carmel Cafiero: "You don't have anything against Spanish speakers?"

Dr. Gordon Sokoloff: "No, not at all."

But what Sokoloff did have a problem with was being unable to communicate what needed to be fixed with the person sent to fix it. He called Direct TV again, this time asking for a supervisor and explaining to her why he needed a technician who spoke English.

Dr. Gordon Sokoloff: "And she says, 'I'm sorry, I can't guarantee that.' I was blown away."

We contacted Direct TV, which sent a statement. In part, it reads, "We take into consideration the area's demographics when we field technicians." The statement indicates the area where Dr. Sokoloff lives is "largely Cuban American so the company sends out Spanish-speaking technicians." Direct TV says it takes requests for English-speaking techs but can't guarantee one.

That's not good business according to Mauro Mujica of U.S. English Incorporated.

Mauro Mujica: "The company should assume that this is an English-speaking country."

Mujica is an immigrant from Chile who heads a group pushing to make English the official language in the U.S. He says this is a classic reason why it's important.

Mauro Mujica: "You have to be able to communicate. If I have a guy coming to my house to fix whatever, they have to assume that I will have a question."

Dr. Sokoloff certainly wishes that were true. He says, in America a special request should be getting a technician who speaks Spanish, Italian or Creole.

Dr. Gordon Sokoloff: "But to have to request someone to speak English in the United States is absurd."

Carmel Cafiero: "There's a clear picture on his TV these days thanks to a private repair company, but the language issue is still fuzzy, and this Spanish-only experience no doubt will touch off debate for some time to come."

Miami-Dade: 305-627-CLUE
Broward: 954-921-CLUE
You guys are right. For the record I do believe the girl did tell me Thank you for calling DirecTV before she hung up.

With 6 Dishes here I am a little protective of everything as I dont have the neatest wiring skills. (In fact I am ashamed to have people over here sometimes because of the big wiring mess I have. I know each and every wire, I have others come in and totally screw things up which takes me DAYS to fix.

I have a guy across the street from me who works for Hallstead, and this guy scares me with how little he knows about the product he is installing. I would be very worried if they sent him to my house to fix the issue.

My HR20 is now with the retailer who I purchased my equipment from, he took it home with him and is having the same issues there.

If you watch SD it never locks up and runs fine, however turn to MPEG4 for 20 - 45 minutes and it locks up. He says that this HR20 is running hot and he thinks the MPEG4 chip is overheating.

I have the H20 now in the bedroom and it is running great on the same lines. :)
Please reply by conversation. I am a little concerned

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