What's happening with the Sat Launch?

The rocket IS out of communication with the ground for long periods of time. Whether that is relevant to your particular point I don't know, but we should keep it in mind.
If my memory is correct (and I am not certain it is), they said that the second burn was supposed to fire during the communication blackout period of the rocket.

it was only supposed to be out of communication for 1 hour it's been over 3 hours since any updates

the last telephone update was at 7:45pm EDT and the last blog update was at 7:40pm EDT

still not got a good feeling about this
it was only supposed to be out of communication for 1 hour it's been over 3 hours since any updates

the last telephone update was at 7:45pm EDT and the last blog update was at 7:40pm EDT

still not got a good feeling about this

Glad I'm not the only one worried.. Probably nothing to it.. But I have never seen them forget to update anything, especially for 3 hours.
Make yourself a nice cup of hot cocoa or pour a tall glass of bourbon. Then get a good night's sleep. Everything will be better in the AM or maybe not. In either case, you will have had a good night's sleep and hence better prepared for the news :)

Talon Dancer
One round on LEO taking 90 min, now count those 3 hours without acknowledge of second burn ... See my point ?

Hope they will find new windows to burn it right. If an engine still working.
this gives me hope

23:37 GMT (7:37 pm EDT): End of the Breeze M first burn. The AMC-14-Breeze M combination is now in a parking orbit. Two more burns of the Breeze M are now required until satellite seperation in 6 hours and 37 minutes.
This is not good....


BAIKONUR COSMODROME, Kazakhstan, March 14, 2008 – Khrunichev and International Launch Services regret to announce an anomaly during today's Proton mission with the AMC-14 satellite.
The Proton Breeze M rocket lifted off at 5:18 a.m. today local time from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, carrying the AMC-14 satellite for SES AMERICOM and its customer, EchoStar Corporation. Preliminary flight information indicates that the anomaly occurred during the second burn of the Breeze M upper stage. The satellite failed to reach the planned orbit. The satellite was built by Lockheed Martin.
A Russian State Commission has begun the process of determining the reasons for the anomaly. ILS will release details when data become available. In parallel with the State Commission, ILS will form its own Failure Review Oversight Board. The FROB will review the commission’s final report and corrective action plan, in accord with U.S. and Russian government export control regulations.
ILS remains committed to providing reliable, timely launch services for all its customers. To this end, ILS will work diligently with its partner Khrunichev to return Proton to flight as soon as possible.
23:37 GMT (7:37 pm EDT): End of the Breeze M first burn. The AMC-14-Breeze M combination is now in a parking orbit. Two more burns of the Breeze M are now required until satellite seperation in 6 hours and 37 minutes.

No hope in that report.. That is just the same one 4 hours ago we are talking about.. It's the 2nd burn that was supposed to happen one hour later that we haven't heard from yet.


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