Is anyone as sick of the Yankees as I am?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 5, 2008
I'm just so sick of the Yankees. All I've heard about for 4 days is about how the Yankees are not taking any more crap from the Red Sox. Who cares? Let me get this straight. The Yankees whine and complain for yrs. about how the Red Sox hit them all the time. They DID NOTHING. Now, with a new manager and Joba, they retaliate and we are supposed to swoon. I mean give me a break. It's not the Red Sox fault. They should've fought back but instead they just took it and now we are supposed to fawn all over them.
I'm sick of Joba. Who the hell is Joba to start hitting people. Why couldn't Mariano or Andy do it? Joba has been here less than a yr. Mariano or Andy should do it-they've been with the Yanks longer than anyone.
I'm just sick of the whole "The Yankees define class and respect" bs that I've had to put with for yrs. now. What about Posada crying about how he doesn't want to play first base? What about A-Rod leaving the All Star Game to see Madonna while Derek Jeter was signing autographs at 1:40 in the am.
The bottom line is, is that for all the class and respect that the Yankees talk about you'll embrace guys like Manny to win. You have A-Rod and frankly I'm just sick of the Yankees.
Wow most Met fans are not quite that jealous. :)

Here is an alternate view, without the vitriol.

Who on the Yankees said in the last four days that they're not going to take any more crap from the Red Sox? I haven't heard that at all. Not sure where you got that from.

And on that note, what Yankees whined and complained for years about how the Red Sox hit them all the time? I've never heard that either. :confused:

Who is asking you to swoon? Who is asking you to fawn all over them? Who even knows if Joba buzzing Youkilis was relatiation? Did you get into Joba's head and figure that out all by yourself? :confused:

You say the Yankees should have fought back all these years, but assuming Joba did fight back (and nobody knows that for was very late in a tight game...a strange time to send a message), now you're mad at Joba? So the Yankees should fight back, but then again, they shouldn't fight back. OK. :eek:

IF it was retaliation, or at the very least a Red Sox player getting hit for a change, who cares who did it?

What do you care what Posada says? And when is he whining and crying about first base? Why do you even care if A-Rod left the all-star game? A lot of players left the all-star game. If you're looking at A-Rod to model yourself after, even a Yankee fan will say you should look elsewhere....but not at Jose Reyes.

Jeez, calm down already...your Mets are playing well at the moment...focus on them instead of the Yankees for a change. ;)

I'm just so sick of the Yankees. All I've heard about for 4 days is about how the Yankees are not taking any more crap from the Red Sox. Who cares? Let me get this straight. The Yankees whine and complain for yrs. about how the Red Sox hit them all the time. They DID NOTHING. Now, with a new manager and Joba, they retaliate and we are supposed to swoon. I mean give me a break. It's not the Red Sox fault. They should've fought back but instead they just took it and now we are supposed to fawn all over them.
I'm sick of Joba. Who the hell is Joba to start hitting people. Why couldn't Mariano or Andy do it? Joba has been here less than a yr. Mariano or Andy should do it-they've been with the Yanks longer than anyone.
I'm just sick of the whole "The Yankees define class and respect" bs that I've had to put with for yrs. now. What about Posada crying about how he doesn't want to play first base? What about A-Rod leaving the All Star Game to see Madonna while Derek Jeter was signing autographs at 1:40 in the am.
The bottom line is, is that for all the class and respect that the Yankees talk about you'll embrace guys like Manny to win. You have A-Rod and frankly I'm just sick of the Yankees.

I'm sorry, but I might have misinterpreted the part that I highlighted. But if it means what I think it means, (that Manny has more class than the Yankees) thanks for the laugh (Again, I might have misunderstood your point, so if you would please explain that part :))

As for being sick of the Yankees, sorry but as a sports fan I have nothing but respect for that organization. From Joe Torre, Derek Jeter, Mo Rivera, Jorge Posada, Bernie Williams, and Andy Pettitte that core group exudes class. Granted A-Rod is a BUM, but Jeter more than makes up for that. Nothing would be more disingenuous for me (as a lifetime Red Sox fan) to say I'm sick of the Yankees. That's what would be called jealousy. The New York Yankees are the most successful franchise in North American sports history....period! Does it hurt me to say that? Of course it does, but that doesn't change the facts. That's why I'm so SICK AND TIRED!!!! of the Yankees suck chants at Fenway (and even worse Gillette or the Garden). The Yankees suck.............they do? Really? Cause I got news for Boston fans or ANY sports fans....if the Yankees does everybody else.
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Who even knows if Joba buzzing Youkilis was relatiation? Did you get into Joba's head and figure that out all by yourself? :confused:
No need to, we know what Justin was up to.

"He has great command until Youk gets in there," Boston manager Terry Francona said of Chamberlain.

This was the fourth pitch in less than a year in which Chamberlain has appeared to send a message to Youkilis.

Joba Chamberlain adds new buzz to Kevin Youkilis-Sox feud
BillDel, I was trying to say that Yankee fans will talk about class and grace and respect BUT if Manny was available, some of those same Yankee fans would want Manny on the team.
As far as class, Jeter, Torre, Williams and Pettite are classy guys. I was talking about the Yankee fans. As a Sox fan, you know that some of the Yankee fans whine. As far as Posada, if he's a team player, which I think he is, then he should just move to first base w/o having an issue about it. The Yankees aren't trying to be disrespectful by moving him to first base. The bottom line is that he can't throw runners out anymore.
I'm no Yankee fan but will find myself watching the YES Network games now and then because I'm a big Xavier Nady fan.

The only thing that bugs me is the stuffing down the nation's throat of the Yankees/Red Sox rivalry. On those weekends we have no choice due to blackouts but have to watch them on FOX on Saturday and ESPN on Sunday.

It gets a bit much...
BillDel, I was trying to say that Yankee fans will talk about class and grace and respect BUT if Manny was available, some of those same Yankee fans would want Manny on the team.
As far as class, Jeter, Torre, Williams and Pettite are classy guys. I was talking about the Yankee fans. As a Sox fan, you know that some of the Yankee fans whine. As far as Posada, if he's a team player, which I think he is, then he should just move to first base w/o having an issue about it. The Yankees aren't trying to be disrespectful by moving him to first base. The bottom line is that he can't throw runners out anymore.

Sorry about that buddy. I should have known better because you're a very good poster (both here and dbs). :up
I'm no Yankee fan but will find myself watching the YES Network games now and then because I'm a big Xavier Nady fan.

The only thing that bugs me is the stuffing down the nation's throat of the Yankees/Red Sox rivalry. On those weekends we have no choice due to blackouts but have to watch them on FOX on Saturday and ESPN on Sunday.

It gets a bit much...

Hang in there, just a little longer and FOOTBALL will be back and then there will be OPTIONS !

Bill brought up a good point about respecting a rival.

As a Sabres fan, I naturally have always grown up with the Bruins and Canadiens as rivals (and seen too many playoff eliminations), but I always respected them (with names like Neely, Bourque, Moog, and Roy, it's not too hard)
Let's just say I wouldn't mind hearing and seeing less of the Yankees. Do you honestly think that if any other team (other than maybe the Red Sox) moved one of their relievers to the rotation that they would get anywhere near as much attention as the Joba Chamberlain saga got?
As a die hard Mets fan, I have watched year after year the Yankees get the back pages of all the newspapers and the opening minutes of ESPN shows . . . and that also happens the day Mets play and the Yankees are off . . . I respect and appreciate their history, but the media kisses their ass like no other team!
Let's just say I wouldn't mind hearing and seeing less of the Yankees. Do you honestly think that if any other team (other than maybe the Red Sox) moved one of their relievers to the rotation that they would get anywhere near as much attention as the Joba Chamberlain saga got?

Red Sox already did that, and moved him back to the bullpen.

I normally get sick of the Yankees, because they WIN too much, when they don't win as much they are easier to handle.
When was their last WS win ?

The BOSS I guess started it with his , I'll just go BUY they players I want at the trade deadline EVERY YEAR... meanwhile other teams get thier few good players picked off thier clubs yearly, Pirates this year ... There are a few Yankee players that I do like .... and some I don't.

BillDel, I was trying to say that Yankee fans will talk about class and grace and respect BUT if Manny was available, some of those same Yankee fans would want Manny on the team.
As far as class, Jeter, Torre, Williams and Pettite are classy guys. I was talking about the Yankee fans. As a Sox fan, you know that some of the Yankee fans whine. As far as Posada, if he's a team player, which I think he is, then he should just move to first base w/o having an issue about it. The Yankees aren't trying to be disrespectful by moving him to first base. The bottom line is that he can't throw runners out anymore.

Did you say the same thing about Mike Piazza when he didn't want to move to first base?

If Manny Ramirez was available Yankee fans, Met fans, and fans of every other team would want him. No reason to put down the Yankees for that...unless, of course, you're just looking for a reason to put down the Yankees.

How will you feel if the Mets sign Barry Bonds? You know they're thinking about it.


Posada out for the rest of the Year

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