Repossed Dish Real Property

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If a customer does not keep service (or does not pay a bill) for a period of 12 consecutive months, the retailer gets charged back for the commission and the installation and even the equipment in some cases. This is regardless of why the customer decided to do it or if it was even the satellite company's fault. This goes for Directv and Dish Network.
If a retailer is busy with work then they would probably not mess with going back and getting the dish if they have rights in their contract with the customer to do so. If it is just a single lnb dish then its not worth messing with. I see this no different than going after a repo car (watch Operation Repo on True TV). The thing I do wonder about though is that I have read that once a satellite dish is attached to a home then it is considered a part of the home and cannot be taken. If that dish does not belong to someone though due to early termination or not paid in full then can it be taken? Would it be just like installing shingles on a roof or gutters or windows?
If a retailer is busy with work then they would probably not mess with going back and getting the dish if they have rights in their contract with the customer to do so. If it is just a single lnb dish then its not worth messing with. I see this no different than going after a repo car (watch Operation Repo on True TV). The thing I do wonder about though is that I have read that once a satellite dish is attached to a home then it is considered a part of the home and cannot be taken. If that dish does not belong to someone though due to early termination or not paid in full then can it be taken? Would it be just like installing shingles on a roof or gutters or windows?

Yes,if a retailer wanted the dish back the correct way would be to go to a small claims court and ask the judge. He would probably award the dish. So you shoot a half day, pay a court costs to get a dish that is used and available new,in the box, for the same (or less) time and money.

In most states if materials are attached to a residence they become the property of the property owner. This is to stop unannounced retrievals like this one.

Something is missing from this story.

Stargazer;2094164 I see this no different than going after a repo car (watch Operation Repo on True TV). [/QUOTE said:
A car is reposed because the person isn't making the payments on the car.

The person that had their dish taken isn't making monthly payments on a satellite dish.

To me it's really weird the dish got repossed in the first place. The dish wasn't installed by an installation company. I don't get how the "retailer" got involved.

If you don't pay the DIRECTV bill I thought DIRECTV temporarely shut down your service and all you get is a call Ext: xxx on the screen.
Lucky you dont live in FL... If I caught you trying to touch anything on my house I would shoot you and get away with it. Assuming I shot you in the front.

I seriously doubt it. :)

Your life wasn't in danger.

You can't shoot a person for trying to remove a satellite dish from the exterior of your house.
I seriously doubt it. :)

Your life wasn't in danger.

You can't shoot a person for trying to remove a satellite dish from the exterior of your house.

With that castle law you probably could. Its the same in mississippi too.
Joe I think directv should hire you as there offical repo man. go from installer work to uninstaller work lol.

Dunno about any more work for Directv. The more you work for them the less you make.

I do have this pile of NLOS WOs and DISH has this eastern wing of new sats. I have already been not paid to visit these NLOS places. Sometimes I do see a neighbor with an inactive ( or not so inactive) DTV rig. THE 72 AZ is a whole new world AND the round DTV dishes just need to be repointed.

Maybe I'll offer a free dish with each sale. Then, when the cx decides they really want DTV (again) I could remove the free dish for....wait for it....FREE!

With that castle law you probably could. Its the same in mississippi too.

Yeah its amazing what rock salt will do to someone to scare the crap out of them. I accidently shot a comcast employee who was snooping around my place ... looking at my dish farm out back instead of knocking on the door and ask if he could see it he just walked back there I shot him he call the cops and they said so what.... He didnt even use real bullets.
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A car is reposed because the person isn't making the payments on the car.

The person that had their dish taken isn't making monthly payments on a satellite dish.

To me it's really weird the dish got repossed in the first place. The dish wasn't installed by an installation company. I don't get how the "retailer" got involved.

If you don't pay the DIRECTV bill I thought DIRECTV temporarely shut down your service and all you get is a call Ext: xxx on the screen.

If Directv came out directly to do it then I can see that point but if a retailer the sells for Directv came out and got it then he may have been charged back commissions and possibly for the equipment as well. I know that Dish Network will charge you back for equipment that they reimbursed you for.
Yeah its amazing what rock salt will do to someone to scare the crap out of them. I accidently shot a comcast employee who was snooping around my place ... looking at my dish farm out back instead of knocking on the door and ask if he could see it he just walked back there I shot him he call the cops and they said so what.... He didnt even use real bullets.

I know you said accidentally shot, and didn't use real bullets but I'm kinda surprised you shot a person just for being in your yard looking at your dish farm out back. :eek:

Most people might have gone out there and maybe yelled - Can I help you !! or What the f*ck are you doing in my yard a$$hole !!

Maybe I'm missing something here......
Was it light outside or dark outside ?
Was he carrying what you thought was a gun at the time ?
Was he wearing a comcast uniform, or comcast hat, or just wearing plain clothes ?
Where you off your prescription meds at the time ?
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Hi guys!

I was just wandering around the interwebs and I found this thread so amusing I had to register to throw in my 2 cents!

Now I'm not a satellite guy, but I was talking to one today when my service got installed who vaguely familiarized me with the concept of charge backs and some of the silly rules, like how if he doesn't have a certain percentage of phone lines installed he gets charged etc. So I can understand a retailer wanting to recoup his losses. But this has to be about the stupidest thing somebody can do.

For the people defending the company, I understand you sympathize with the retailer losing money but have some common sense instead of blindly defending someone based on the "dead beats have no rights" philosophy.

As for the guys saying you would have shot him... overkill? I'm all for defending your property with deadly force, but taking possibly someones life is a serious measure. Even rocksalt can kill somebody at close range. Its entirely possible you'd be shooting some poor sap that was just doing what his boss told him to do and didn't know any better / wanted to keep his job. I would have pulled a gun on him, threatened him, maybe fired a warning shot and laughed as he ran away with brown pants, but don't kill people unless you need to please.

What this company/uninstaller did is criminally illegal. Not paying your bill is a civil matter. Having your car repossessed is a civil matter. Stealing someones property is criminal. If you were an ex con in California caught stealing a dish that would be life in prison (Three strike law).

To correct the OP, it was no longer his dish once he installed it on her house. The dish was definitely real property. For those of you who don't know what that means; its a permanent or semi-permanent improvement to your property and becomes incorporated into the value of the real estate as a whole. For example, a table lamp would not be real property, but a lamp screwed to the wall and hard wired would be. You could compare the dish to an exterior lamp or a solar panel. This concept applies to any number of things including examples previously given like shingles, plumbing, and gutters, but also to your dish washer, kitchen cabinets, and landscaping etc.

Now before anybody starts crying about how is anybody going to get their money back on an unpaid debt, there is a lawful remedy available to people who are owed money on real property. Its called a Lien.

A lien is a legal remedy to recover debts that essentially prohibits the owner from selling or refinancing their property without first paying the lien holder. Depending on the state sometimes you can file a lien directly after a notice of intent, sometimes you have to file a suit, but normally your allowed a clause in your contract that entitles you to fully recoup any legal expenses. A lien will catch up with somebody eventually, with interest. That and they become commodities you can assign, sell, or trade if you want to get money back right away. Normally the notice to file a lien is enough to scare someone to pay up.

An interesting note for all you contracted installers is in some states you can get a lien against the property even if the customer was renting if you can reasonably prove the lessee was acting as an agent for the owner in ordering the improvement (ie having the owners permission in writing). There are ways for these people to get whatever money dead beats owe them, stealing the dish is just stupid AND illegal.

I think this practice might just be a scam by the installer. When the customer wants to reconnect their service or finally pay their bill they have to have the installer come out again to install the dish and the installer gets paid again.

To the OP: The victim did the right thing filing a police report. She should try to get the retailer on tape saying they took it, or maybe three way call them with the detective on the line.
As far as Charge Backs .......

How much money are we really taking about here ?

If an installer gets a chargeback, what do they actually lose ?
As far as Charge Backs .......

How much money are we really taking about here ?

If an installer gets a chargeback, what do they actually lose ?
All 0f it, by the time your done from what I understand it cost you money.:eek:
I know you said accidentally shot, and didn't use real bullets but I'm kinda surprised you shot a person just for being in your yard looking at your dish farm out back. :eek:

Most people might have gone out there and maybe yelled - Can I help you !! or What the f*ck are you doing in my yard a$$hole !!

Maybe I'm missing something here......
Was it light outside or dark outside ?
Was he carrying what you thought was a gun at the time ?
Was he wearing a comcast uniform, or comcast hat, or just wearing plain clothes ?
Where you off your prescription meds at the time ?

To answer your questions

1. it was dusk so it was starting to get dark but still plenty of light to see by.
2. No but I do have a very visable tresspassers will be shot sign.
3. No uniform plans clothes which is wierd since he drove a company van apparently he was fixing neighbors cable saw the farm out back decided to
4. No I am on 0 meds

It happened more like this....

Mother%$#%# caught you in the act bam.... ( I had been having issues with someone cutting some lines to the dishes.)

I have rubber bullets but they are for my glock 9 , which I do keep locked up where the shotgun I dont since I dont have any lethal ammo for it. Only time I will put it up in it case is when my nieces and nephews are comming over.

I tend to shoot first and ask questions later when it comes to my stuff.
Hi guys!

I was just wandering around the interwebs and I found this thread so amusing I had to register to throw in my 2 cents!

Now I'm not a satellite guy, but I was talking to one today when my service got installed who vaguely familiarized me with the concept of charge backs and some of the silly rules, like how if he doesn't have a certain percentage of phone lines installed he gets charged etc. So I can understand a retailer wanting to recoup his losses. But this has to be about the stupidest thing somebody can do.

For the people defending the company, I understand you sympathize with the retailer losing money but have some common sense instead of blindly defending someone based on the "dead beats have no rights" philosophy.

As for the guys saying you would have shot him... overkill? I'm all for defending your property with deadly force, but taking possibly someones life is a serious measure. Even rocksalt can kill somebody at close range. Its entirely possible you'd be shooting some poor sap that was just doing what his boss told him to do and didn't know any better / wanted to keep his job. I would have pulled a gun on him, threatened him, maybe fired a warning shot and laughed as he ran away with brown pants, but don't kill people unless you need to please.

What this company/uninstaller did is criminally illegal. Not paying your bill is a civil matter. Having your car repossessed is a civil matter. Stealing someones property is criminal. If you were an ex con in California caught stealing a dish that would be life in prison (Three strike law).

To correct the OP, it was no longer his dish once he installed it on her house. The dish was definitely real property. For those of you who don't know what that means; its a permanent or semi-permanent improvement to your property and becomes incorporated into the value of the real estate as a whole. For example, a table lamp would not be real property, but a lamp screwed to the wall and hard wired would be. You could compare the dish to an exterior lamp or a solar panel. This concept applies to any number of things including examples previously given like shingles, plumbing, and gutters, but also to your dish washer, kitchen cabinets, and landscaping etc.

Now before anybody starts crying about how is anybody going to get their money back on an unpaid debt, there is a lawful remedy available to people who are owed money on real property. Its called a Lien.

A lien is a legal remedy to recover debts that essentially prohibits the owner from selling or refinancing their property without first paying the lien holder. Depending on the state sometimes you can file a lien directly after a notice of intent, sometimes you have to file a suit, but normally your allowed a clause in your contract that entitles you to fully recoup any legal expenses. A lien will catch up with somebody eventually, with interest. That and they become commodities you can assign, sell, or trade if you want to get money back right away. Normally the notice to file a lien is enough to scare someone to pay up.

An interesting note for all you contracted installers is in some states you can get a lien against the property even if the customer was renting if you can reasonably prove the lessee was acting as an agent for the owner in ordering the improvement (ie having the owners permission in writing). There are ways for these people to get whatever money dead beats owe them, stealing the dish is just stupid AND illegal.

I think this practice might just be a scam by the installer. When the customer wants to reconnect their service or finally pay their bill they have to have the installer come out again to install the dish and the installer gets paid again.

To the OP: The victim did the right thing filing a police report. She should try to get the retailer on tape saying they took it, or maybe three way call them with the detective on the line.

Who the hell shoots rock salt up close. I only shot rock salt at a total of 5 times, all plenty far enough way just to make it sting. I could buy rubber bullets for it but there more expensive and less fun to shoot.

I am usually 10 - 12 yards away when I fire which is safe non injury distance for my gun and it ammo. I only close to people and fire off in the air when the Jevuah witnesses knock on my door. I get a different grop about once ever 6 months.
I just have to chime in here. I agree with all the lease equipment thing and all that. The problem is at least in Ohio. They CAN NOT go on your property and take anything from it. It is call trespassing PERIOD. I own a company and once I delivery material to a jobsite I can not go back later on a pick the material up because they didn't pay for it. Very cut and dry. I do agree with other people though...Let it go and pay the bill. It's not worth the fight. No one will win.
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