Many long time owned subs are finally leaving in droves/how to fix dish bag network

gee who peed in your cereal???

anyhow welcome to the boards

You want me to name names?

Hint: you can't put them on your ignore list.

I'm just tired of seeing the same freaking people come into every thread and badmouth Dish. We get it - you don't like the company. You don't like the services, and the employees, and the hardware. OK? We understand your point. So why do we have to hear about it all the time?

I guess it's permitted because of who they are. I mean, hell. Look at the title of this thread: "How to fish dish bag network". Dish bag as in "douchebag"? Yeah, that's really what I want to talk about. I also want to see who everyone's taking to the prom, because I'm still a high school sophomore.

Except that I'm not. Quite a few around here, apparently, are.
And before anybody - ANYBODY - accuses me of being a Dish "fanboy", save it. I came from Mediacom cable. I got an HDTV in March. I tried to get an HD-DVR box. I went through over a month of my time, and five different pieces of hardware, before I gave up and went to Dish. Why'd I go to Dish? Because they had BBCA HD (not the only reason, but a part of it). Why doesn't DirecTV have that channel? I thought they were the moon, and the sky, and the stars. So I went with Dish.

You wanna see real incompetence? I have - and Dish ain't it. And yet, I don't spend my entire existence trolling the DirecTV boards because they don't have a channel I wanted. Hmmm.
All I know is that for me, DISH is a cheaper and better choice than the AT&T U-verse I had before. Never considered DIRECTV because I would prefer more movies with DISH than more sports with DIRECTV. I also LOVE the DISH DVR which is a million times better than the U-verse DVR, and I hear some bad stories about DIRECTV's receiver boxes. DISH HD is a lot better than U-verse HD for me, and I also hear DISH has better HD PQ than DIRECTV as well. However, that can be subjective I'm sure, but all I know is I like DISH just fine and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.

However, if I got 2 more HDTVs (currently have 2 HDTVs, 2 SDTVs) the ginormous DVR receiver fees on DISH would probably force me to consider DIRECTV.

All of it beats the everlasting s**t out of Charter Cable.

Yeah, I agree with Ringthane, I don't go to the DIRECTV forums (hell I don't go to them period) and screw with people that are happy with their service. I have what is called a "life" and I'm not bothered by random people on the Internet that happen to like DIRECTV better than DISH.

However, it seems to bother some around here, that there are people that like DISH better, in the DISH Network forum.
Dish knows exactly how many people ended up paying more with their box fees. They probably counted on losing a few of them. People that get upset tend to post their feelings. I would speculate that the average Dish customer with 1 DVR and maybe another box either did not see a fee increase or a minimal one. Just those with multiple DVRs really saw the fee, likely a very small percentage.

Dish is in the business to make money. It is their call on how much to charge, they know they have competition and they price accordingly. They are #2 in satellite, so they know they have to work harder at it.

I have had Dish for 10+ years now. I am pretty happy with the service, yes there are glitches which I post about, but overall I am still happy. Unfortunately for Dish is that I do not have any brand loyalty, and if either cable or DIRECTV had a better deal for me personally, I would probably switch. Lucky for Dish I have a lot of inertia, so it is really going to have to be a better deal, I will not go through the effort of switching for minor differences.
Dish may be #2, but for many of the past few years, they made more money than D*, or even made money when D* lost it. The goal usually isn't to be number one for number one's sake, it's to make money. And they seem to do that well.
You wont get the Paramount, MGM and Lionsgate movies that DirecTV wont have because they won't carry EPIX. Star Trek 2009 was awesome.
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list your 5 best recommendations to the company
#1 change the fee for each additional owned receiver to match DIRECTV at $5 per tuner, or $5 for single 211, 612 and $10 for duo 222, 722, charge whatever for the 922 royalties.
#2 allow 4 free downgrades a year for owned subs then $5 after that. Dish could actually make more money this way because it would actually allow subs to get a better package in the summer or a premium for a month or two at a time once in a while and not have to worry about being charged a fee when they are tired of the channel or don't need the additional programming to fill the holes in their viewing schedule. Let those in a lease type commitment that want to downgrade pay through their teeth to do it since they got a bunch of discounts and free equipment to start off with when they agreed to a certain level of programming.
#3 End childish programming disputes which represent mere pennies per subs increases, perhaps when a programmer is playing hardball we should have the option of paying the difference on an individual sub basis to keep the channels we want on the system.
#4 create an automatic sliding scale loyalty program for good standing long time subs, in other words get a $1 off a month for each year you have been with the company, 10 year subs get $10 off a month credit good towards additional receiver or dvr fees.
# 5 spell it all out clearly in a new updated RCA residential customer agreement, not one that is deliberately outdated and a misrepresentation of reality. Current RCA on dish website is legally a fraud!
Bonus recommendation Hire some delusional reality TV personalities, Heidi and Spencer types, to appear on the chumpy chats. These self promoters types will work for free just to be on the screen. At least with them you can laugh about how delusional and disconnected they are from the reality around them, unlike with Jim and Charlie who just make people mad and who insight you to throw your remote at the screen whenever they show they don't actually have the facts straight about their own company that they are supposedly in charge of.

I think everybody missed the point of the original post, I just wanted everybody's best ideas about what dish could possibly do to in the positive to reverse some of the recent negative changes, I only saw a few posts that actually added any ideas to the list, the rest of you, all by yourselves managed to degenerate the whole thread, into another D vs. E contest!
As usual some people take everything one says personally, luckily I don't. While it is important to point out some of the + and - of each service it was not meant to become a comparison. Just point out how Dish could possibly take a page from directv or any provider when it comes to encouraging long term subscribers. But based on the consensus here it appears according to lots of peoples experiences that dish does not really care about building brand loyalty, A company that cares doesn't make petty across the board price changes to packages one month, sees that it isn't working for them, then adds more fees/increases another few months later while at the same time continuing to hide all this by refusing to legally update the RCA in an underhanded effort to shake everybody down some more. Pretty deceptive not updating the RCA yet.
The title and comparison of C & J to reality stars was also meant to be funny and show how really disconnected from the reality of a subs perspective the folks in charge have become. Obviously if you own all your equipment, like I do, you have a lot more invested in dish then the run of the mill sub who can just take it or leave it when their term ends.
It appears one thing has come of all their efforts though, its pretty clear that almost everybody has already been forced or is at least considering reducing services and or exploring their other options, this is truly unfortunate for dish and the subscribers because that is a total devaluation on both sides. So I hope they are listening!
They're all like that now. I don't know why I ever bothered signing up here. Certainly not a place where people are made to feel welcome. Especially the way some of the staff behave.
Nomally these types of posts are moved to the War Zone Forum, however we have not been due to what is going at at the moment as it appears something wrong at DISH that is causing a number of long time DISH customers to move away from the service to other providers. We want DISH to take notice of whats going and why, as if we just hide things like this then we don't give DISH a chance to take notice and try to fix whats wrong.

Yeah there are a few cheerleaders for other teams but that is going to happen, Again at this point it does no good to silence them. Again I hope DISH takes notice.

Now for staff I do wish they wouldn't be such hard core cheerleaders at times, but we need to remember we all do this for free and we all pay for our own satellite services. Unlike the staff of other sites we do not get free services, in reality we all pay to help other members. :) They are all entitled their opinions, and yes some are cheering a little harder then some of us would like however I can understand why they are with what is going on currently. I would hope this declines over time over the next few days.

Again if we moved or hid these type of posts we would not only be doing a disservice to the satellite companies but would ultimately be doing a disservice to you our members.
Yeap. It is unfortunate that I left after 12 years. I was a beta tester and worked directly with one of the VPs of engineering on various projects. Things definitely changed on Feb.1, besides the outrageous fees, the customer service and what they are able to do. I refuse to have a $17 increase in fees per month, especially since I owned my equipment, and there was no equivalent to the 612 when I got my 622's. Charlie has turned into the "Cable Hog" that he bashed just a few years back.

I do miss Dish, but am enjoying D*, the MRV, the HR24, 3D, VOD, and my baseball in HD all of the time, not just home games, and they aren't JIP.
Yeap. It is unfortunate that I left after 12 years. I was a beta tester and worked directly with one of the VPs of engineering on various projects. Things definitely changed on Feb.1, besides the outrageous fees, the customer service and what they are able to do. I refuse to have a $17 increase in fees per month, especially since I owned my equipment, and there was no equivalent to the 612 when I got my 622's. Charlie has turned into the "Cable Hog" that he bashed just a few years back.

I do miss Dish, but am enjoying D*, the MRV, the HR24, 3D, VOD, and my baseball in HD all of the time, not just home games, and they aren't JIP.

Glad you are one that got the HR24s.Last I have heard is D* is putting in refurbs in new installs,anything from an HR20s to HR23s.They sure don't look like that HR24 that D* displays on their website.I smell a class action in the air.:rolleyes:
Glad you are one that got the HR24s.Last I have heard is D* is putting in refurbs in new installs,anything from an HR20s to HR23s.They sure don't look like that HR24 that D* displays on their website.I smell a class action in the air.:rolleyes:

Mine said they are only doing 24s, especially with MRV setups.

Nomally these types of posts are moved to the War Zone Forum, however we have not been due to what is going at at the moment as it appears something wrong at DISH that is causing a number of long time DISH customers to move away from the service to other providers. We want DISH to take notice of whats going and why, as if we just hide things like this then we don't give DISH a chance to take notice and try to fix whats wrong.

Yeah there are a few cheerleaders for other teams but that is going to happen, Again at this point it does no good to silence them. Again I hope DISH takes notice.

Now for staff I do wish they wouldn't be such hard core cheerleaders at times, but we need to remember we all do this for free and we all pay for our own satellite services. Unlike the staff of other sites we do not get free services, in reality we all pay to help other members. :) They are all entitled their opinions, and yes some are cheering a little harder then some of us would like however I can understand why they are with what is going on currently. I would hope this declines over time over the next few days.

Again if we moved or hid these type of posts we would not only be doing a disservice to the satellite companies but would ultimately be doing a disservice to you our members.

This is why you are such a great leader. If JL typed anything like that his finger tips would fall off!!!:)
Nomally these types of posts are moved to the War Zone Forum, however we have not been due to what is going at at the moment as it appears something wrong at DISH that is causing a number of long time DISH customers to move away from the service to other providers. We want DISH to take notice of whats going and why, as if we just hide things like this then we don't give DISH a chance to take notice and try to fix whats wrong.

Yeah there are a few cheerleaders for other teams but that is going to happen, Again at this point it does no good to silence them. Again I hope DISH takes notice.

Now for staff I do wish they wouldn't be such hard core cheerleaders at times, but we need to remember we all do this for free and we all pay for our own satellite services. Unlike the staff of other sites we do not get free services, in reality we all pay to help other members. :) They are all entitled their opinions, and yes some are cheering a little harder then some of us would like however I can understand why they are with what is going on currently. I would hope this declines over time over the next few days.

Again if we moved or hid these type of posts we would not only be doing a disservice to the satellite companies but would ultimately be doing a disservice to you our members.

GREAT points Scott!! I'll retract my previous statement.

One thing I should always remember, but sometimes forget, is that with forums of these kinds you have to take the bad with the good (and there is ALOT of good). Yeah, I don't like the fact the so many of these posts degenerate into *E vs. *D, mainly because of the fact that it is so redundant, with the same group of people bashing *E (and vice versa in other posts) about the same things in every other thread that becomes *E vs. *D. The thread starts out as something I want to read and then....
At the same though I'll continue to read because it's sometimes interesting. But my mind tells me this should be moved to the War Zone at the time that happens. But I now totally understand why Scott is temporarily not moving threads of this type. Some of the complaints certainly do have merit and they need to be heard.

I think a good idea is that everyone who has canceled Dish and is reading this thread is to email the ceo address and explain why. Won't this get the message across even more? Maybe, maybe not, but it's worth a try.

And another thing, I'm a photographer and the same thing happens in those forums, it's just Nikon vs. Canon. Guess I should know better by now....:eek:

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