Moffett Mocks DirecTV's HDTV Claims

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to argue E* has not delivered HD is silly. I left D* to get more HD and have not been disappointed in that regard. No ST but More HD
Just an FYI:

Craig Moffett is one of the most respected analyst on Wall Street.

I believe he won't be nearly as respected anymore at least not by me. Now I'll be the first to say that the claim of 100 HD channels (counting ST games etc) just seems very low ball IMO but at least not as bad as Comcast saying they will have 800 HD "choices" soon. Also at least Comcast isn't as bad as TWC saying they will have "unlimited" HD choices soon.

But I don't respect Craig anymore if he mocks DirecTV over HD based on the crazy way they claim their 100 HD channels. The fact still remains that DirecTV has contracts in place for nearly all current and upcoming real national HD channels. That alone should prove they mean business. Sorry but don't mock a company when they will be offering so many must have channels nearly right away when before that it was the norm to have very very very very very and did I say very long waits until must have HD channels were added no matter what company you had.

DirecTV has been guilty of many faults with regards to HDTV but don't mock the claim of 100 HD channels and "overlook" the fact that they are going to carry nearly every HD channel available because that makes you foolish and out of your prime in my opinion.

I believe DirecTV should be getting more credit than they really are right now for these reasons below.

1. I believe that without DirecTV wanting to push HD like they are many of our listed must have HD channels may not have launched for at least another year. Sorry but without this massive shift with DirecTV causing all other companies to react and match in a timely manner can we really be sure that SciFi HD, Universal HD, ABC Family HD, FX HD, TBS HD etc would have launched their networks in HD. Well with both satellite companies being strapped and focusing on HD locals and cable companies being their slow selves and being strapped for bandwidth I'd doubt that the likes of SciFI and such would have considered going HD. Remember it costs the same for SciFi to broadcast HD for just one watching customer as it does for 30 million watching customers. So with all that said if Scifi feels that they would struggle for carriage and still be lucky to be in a million HD homes I'm not sure if that would be worth it.

We must start looking at the cause and effect of the moves made by DirecTV.

2. The second and final big reason I give DirecTV credit for is the fact that without their big push I'd doubt that cable would bother expanding their network to get more bandwidth. Also without the move by DirecTV we would have much slower and more spread out launches of HD Networks. This in turns means that whenever a Scifi HD network launches it might take much longer for most cable companies to work a deal for it.

When you have one company and a big company that does what DirecTV is doing it jump starts everything and speeds everything up. When DirecTV has all of these must have channels it forces cable to find that bandwidth and find it fast. It also forces cable companies to get those deals and get them faster than they want. It may also require that cable companies cannot afford to spend an extra 6 months fighting over 10 fricking cents for a channel. It will cost them more in lost customers compared to the savings by hard balling for six months. Up until now cable didn't have to worry about six months or even a year of not having a channel.

Well this is another long (aka longhornxp) post but I felt I needed to say this because its ticking me off how the media is so stupid not to see and say the bigger aspect of this news. They are so focused on this whole crap of the 100 HD channels which IMO doesn't mean crap that they fail to notice the bigger picture like I do.
Yes DirecTV is pushing a number of channels into HD, and thats a good thing.

However by the same tolken it has been them advertising 100 channels in HD by the end of the year. That was a bad thing.

Even looking at the list of channels, many of those channels will not be HD until next year. However with that said HD is coming, and that is better for all of us.

DirecTV got ALL of the other multichannel providers off their butts and has jump started the HD Revolution. :D
DirecTV got ALL of the other multichannel providers off their butts and has jump started the HD Revolution. :D

Anytime I say what you just posted out aloud it just doesn't sound right at all. Who woulda thunk that DirecTV would be the company jumpstarting the HD Revolution. Well summer went in full swing when Starz decided to go HD instead of ED. Hell froze over when Fox said they would upgrade from ED to HD. So this means that would world will blow up now that DirecTV jumpstarted HD. I gotta tell ya this ain't looking good for the human race because things like this just don't happen.

Were not worthy!!!!!!!!!:D
I have to agree with him.............I think D* will count all those RSN's as an HD channel even though half the world can't get them.
I've had D* for 6 years and yes they suck...........but I'm stuck with it.
I did try Voom when they burst onto the scene but their OTA tactics and shottie receiver done them in. E* picking them up was a mastermind to me. Best I recall no one knew this was gonna happen, just popped up on E* one day. I also think they will be adding HD in the near furture but they just don't run their mouth about it..........they just do it............more than D* can say.
In the past 2 years I've gotten TNTHD and ESPN2HD...............go D* go, you kick ass you do
Oh and one more you people think SCIFI and CNN and these new announced HD cannels will be on D* only!
All providers will have these...........E*, Brighthouse, Charter, you name's not just for D* viewers only
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I have to agree with him.............I think D* will count all those RSN's as an HD channel even though half the world can't get them.
I've had D* for 6 years and yes they suck...........but I'm stuck with it.
I did try Voom when they burst onto the scene but their OTA tactics and shottie receiver done them in. E* picking them up was a mastermind to me. Best I recall no one knew this was gonna happen, just popped up on E* one day. I also think they will be adding HD in the near furture but they just don't run their mouth about it..........they just do it............more than D* can say.
In the past 2 years I've gotten TNTHD and ESPN2HD...............go D* go, you kick ass you do
Oh and one more you people think SCIFI and CNN and these new announced HD cannels will be on D* only!
All providers will have these...........E*, Brighthouse, Charter, you name's not just for D* viewers only
Here is the "list" that HDTV magazine has compiled: HDTV Magazine Articles: DirecTV - The March to 100 National High Definition Channels
Yes, D* will be counting all the RSN's, NFL ST channels, MLB EI channels and some not launching until 2008 to reach 100.
You guys got back on that 100 channel thing. I just shake my head and mutter "idiots" under my breath. rkr, you are incoherent. No one ever said these channels are only for D* customers. I always assumed that they would count every HD channel they possibly could. Who cares. Why is everyone to threatened by this. It's all good, more HD for everyone, so, Voyager, why threatened so much. Is it because Billy said that his daddy was stronger than yours. Greg, why is them advertising 100 HD channels a bad thing? Even if they are not going to have them, why is it such a terrible thing. ITS ADVERTISING. You worried that some poor souls that don't know any better may sign up with D*...Please.
Here it is, bottom line. Some need to justify their decisions to themselves. It happens with D* and E* and it also happens alot now with BD and HD-DVD. So those that have the other side feel the need to bash and tell you why they have made the right decision.
In the last year, E* has added several HD national channels:
  • Food HD
  • A&E HD
  • Universal HD
  • National Geographic Channel HD
  • Cinemax HD
  • Starz HD
  • Family Room HD*
  • Gameplay HD*
  • Treasure HD*
  • World Cinema HD*
  • Worldsport HD*
* VOOM channels.Does it really matter how they acquire the bandwidth? Do you own all of your receivers?Somehow in the last three years they've gone from eight channels to 32. In that same time period, DirecTV has gone from six to nine.

What was your point?
That sounds nice and all but the last 5 channels on your list ,aren't on any other TV cable or satellite providers list.So in my eyes they aren't national.So there is some more wasted programming.
Just an FYI:

Craig Moffett is one of the most respected analyst on Wall Street.
I am almost in complete agreement with Mr. Moffett on this issue. The only point of disagreement is that I feel people will want far more than a dozen "a few-dozen key channels" in HD; it will open the floodgates for HD to go mainstream by 2009. The other things I would have added to his tongue-and-cheek comments (this was not a business analysis mind you) is the long-term affect of DirecTV misrepresented marketing campaign will be a positive one for consumers; point-out that DirecTV has been pulling this "We're going to be the HD Leader" stunt since the end of 2004; and mention FiOS and Dish Network aren't going to roll-over and play dead. FiOS will continue to offer the best HD quality and DishHD will probably still offer the best overall HD value.
This is only my opinion but I dont get the us versus them mentality of Cable, DirecTV or Dish network subscribers. Anytime one provider adds HD, it puts pressure on the others. While everyone doesnt have to agree with who they like better, I think its a great thing that one trumps the other from time to time. It makes the others try to catch up and surpass. And in the meantime, we all get to enjoy more HD and better choices.

So I say its all good. Directv's 100 HD by whatever definition of 100 has thrown a brown Christmas tree into the HD fire. If anyone has burned one they know exactly what I am talking about. :D
Thats a good list.and you know what else,I didn't see 1 channel that wasn't national.

All of the Sunday Ticket channels are not national in your words. Nobody else can carry the Sunday Ticket channels but D* so they must not be national. :D

That sounds nice and all but the last 5 channels on your list ,aren't on any other TV cable or satellite providers list.So in my eyes they aren't national.So there is some more wasted programming.
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At least the Spaceway was a D* project and thier own, not something that was bought from a closing company.

I love the D* has done NOTHING in the last two years attitude ... have they opened thier eyes this year ? DISH has done what to add channels, borrow them from someone else


Why does it matter wher E* gets its capacity? If I could get a $40,000 car for $20,000 and I could afford it I would, so getting a $400 mill sat for $200 mill is what I call smart business. Also D* has been claiming 1500 HD since CES in 2004. 1500 locals in HD don't mean jack unless they are in my DMA. I hope D* has the best HD line up out there, more power to them. I guess the fact that E* having the HD it does is not compelling anyone else to offer more.
Yes DirecTV is pushing a number of channels into HD, and thats a good thing.

However by the same tolken it has been them advertising 100 channels in HD by the end of the year. That was a bad thing.

Even looking at the list of channels, many of those channels will not be HD until next year. However with that said HD is coming, and that is better for all of us.

DirecTV got ALL of the other multichannel providers off their butts and has jump started the HD Revolution. :D

First of all, as we even see today with the HBO announcement - WE don't know yet what the 12/31/07 result will be. To say TODAY what was or was NOT a bad thing is premature IMO. I am of the belief that DirecTV did not make that number up - or pull it out of a hat - but rather said it as a result of conversation and negotiation with content providers.

I still think they will be very close + or - to the 100 number.
What does Moffett have against hot women and sports? Because its sports its not a channel?

Havent we here at satellite guys beat this issue to death. I thought we went past all this D* vs E* crap.

Isnt the real issue that all of these companies are pushing the hell out of each other.

D* pushes then E* and C* push back.

This is the best for us, the consumer.

Let them all fight it out and we can reap the rewards.

For those who have a big issue with D*'s advertising campaign please write them a letter.
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