Recent content by rvsixer

  1. R

    If you can only aim dish at 61.5, what can you get??

    Azimuth has nothing to do with the horizon. Elevation is referenced to the horizon, 0 deg being level and 90 deg straight up. Azimuth is in reference to magnetic or true north. My bet is you can get 110/119 just fine :D.
  2. R

    811 & Legacy LNB's

    Okay understood, I read it too literally. If someone wants to go ahead and shell out $200 for a used 811 or $399 for a new one or later buy its mpeg4 replacement, when you can lease not only the 811 but also its mpeg4 replacement to its EOL for cheaper, imo does deserve to be taken advantage of...
  3. R

    811 & Legacy LNB's

    Jeez, no finger pointing intended I just read "If you buy an 811...they GIVE you a MPEG4 replacement" differently than you :rolleyes:. Ciao.
  4. R

    811 & Legacy LNB's

    I think you are the only one who knows for a fact the upgrade to mpeg4 will be totally cost free to current mpeg2 owners. Please refer us to your source for confirmation :D. For $200, you can lease a receiver for up 40 months and it will be cheaper than having bought it (especially if and...
  5. R

    811 & Legacy LNB's

    Instead of paying for a guaranteed obsolete piece of hardware, I chose to lease an $811 for $5/mnth with no commitment. As long as the mpeg4 changeover occurs before or about 2 1/2 years from now, you come out ahead.
  6. R

    Help in obtaining local HDTV

    HD ready most always means its an HD monitor (no ATSC tuner built in).
  7. R

    Dish Network Nightmare

    I suppose lots of us here, as I did, really thought the original post was a joke posted by a troll. I mean telling the world that you cursed and screamed at the installers for an hour and hey I make $150K and hey my house costs $230K. And all ranting with very poor grammer and spelling, it was...
  8. R

    Dish 500 110 and 119 upgrade to the old 61.5

    That's how I did it, I'm cheap (only $8 for a 21X).
  9. R

    Dish 500 110 and 119 upgrade to the old 61.5

    Interesting, had no idea. Thanks.
  10. R

    Dish 500 110 and 119 upgrade to the old 61.5

    This will not work as you cannot cascade SW21's (an SW-21X, however, will cascade with a SW-21). Also a ground block is not required as the switches themselves serve that purpose.
  11. R

    Question about HD using Legacy Switches

    Tom, Glad it worked out for you, how much was the legacy twin? I had the same initial setup as you, and added 61.5 to my 110/119 811 with a $8 SW-21X switch.
  12. R

    811 P285/P287 Software Update

    Interesting it wasn't a general release. I got my new 811 hooked up about a week and a half ago...upon first boot it went through its download in progress routine and spooled me out 287. Buggy POS (BSOD every couple of days, optical audio drops 2-3 times everyday).
  13. R

    My dishes

    Doh you got me good didn't think about that :o. My interpretation of code says #10 and a bonded ground rod if over 25' distance so that's the way I do it.
  14. R

    Dish Network Nightmare

    Hey, he only said he was worth $147.00 per year (used a period instead of a comma) :D.
  15. R

    My dishes

    Those are some pretty close-up and high-res shots, I can easily see the coax runs but no ground runs.