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  1. yourbeliefs

    Happy 30th Birthday Final Fantasy

    Final Fantasy, arguably the most famous RPG series in the world, just turned 30 today.
  2. yourbeliefs

    GameStop is bringing back game rentals (Seriously)

    In an interesting exercise in word play, GameStop is introducing Powerpass. You pay $60 and for 6 months you get to play as many games as you want (one out at a time) from GameStop's pre-owned library. So yeah, it's basically the old rental plans that Blockbuster/Hollywood video used to have. It...
  3. yourbeliefs

    GameStop Reports it Suffered a Data Breach

    Check your email. Massive data breach at GameStop and your information may have been compromised. They got all parts of various CC #s.
  4. yourbeliefs

    Final Fantasy XIV Free Trial No Longer Time-Restricted

    Square Enix has changed the free trial of Final Fantasy XIV. It used to be just 14 days, but now you can level up to Level 35. FFXIV is one of the unique MMORPG stories. When it first launched, it was a MESS. I mean, a mess even by MMORPG standards in that EVERY MMORPG has a rocky launch, but...
  5. yourbeliefs

    Blizzard Announces StarCraft: Remastered, will also Re-Release original for free

    At Blizzard's I <3 StarCraft event in South Korea (one of SC's biggest markets) the company made 2 major announcements. First, the original game and its expansion Brood War will be re-released for free to everyone, with enhancements including modern OS support and key rebinding. This will be...
  6. yourbeliefs

    The Amazing World of Gumball does an Amazing Final Fantasy VII Parody

    Normally I don't post video game references in pop culture because nowadays they're so common, but this one that I saw was really amazing. Amazing World of Gumball is another Cartoon Network show like Adventure Time where the show is really aimed more towards adults, but kids can watch it to...
  7. yourbeliefs

    Bethesda to stop releasing copies of games early to reviewers order to give an accurate appraisal (Fallout, Elder Scrolls, etc.) But of course, this isn't going to stop them from shoving preorder b*llsh*t down our throats. Hopefully this won't become a common trend, but I wouldn't be shocked if this became the standard from other companies as well...
  8. yourbeliefs

    Nintendo Switch Thread

    I figured we should finally retire the Wii U thread from being a generic Nintendo thread, and that the NX deserves its own thread. The NX is finally getting officially revealed at 10 AM EST on 10/20.
  9. yourbeliefs

    Facepalm thread

    Gaming nowadays has its fair share of incidents that warrant this But not necessarily their own dedicated thread, so I made this thread for all the cringe worthy/facepalming incidents. This would be things like gamers reacting childishly/inappropriately to something, devs reacting...
  10. yourbeliefs

    WWE Wrestler uses Remixed Mega Man Song for Theme

    So there's a WWE wrestler named TJ Perkins who apparently is really into gaming, or at least really into Mega Man. His Twitter handle is MegaTJP and he once used the Quickman theme as an entrance when he was in Evolve. Last night was his WWE debut and this is what it looked like If the...
  11. yourbeliefs

    Man rams car into game studio for "Ruining his life."

    ....I think the title speaks for itself
  12. yourbeliefs

    Old Nintendo Power Magazines Now Archived on Archive.Org

    Most (if not all) of the old Nintendo Power magazines are now available to read on the Internet Archive. Many of them can be viewed right in your web browser.
  13. yourbeliefs

    No Man's Sky Thread

    Looks like no early review copies of No Man's Sky are being released.
  14. yourbeliefs

    Pokemon Go

    You know, when the first trailer came out for this I thought it was an intriguing idea that could be a real game changer for Nintendo, but goddamn I did NOT expect this to take off like it has. Between the happy stories of people getting out and working together to find Pokemon to the horror...
  15. yourbeliefs

    Overwatch Thread

    Since the game is so big and likely will be for quite a while, I figured it was best to isolate Overwatch news to its own thread. Blizzard is suing a company selling cheating tools for the game. Also, Play of the...
  16. yourbeliefs

    Scumbag Youtubers fail to disclose they're paid by/own various CS:GO Gambling sites falsify winnings

    Stories like this really piss me off... Two "popular" Youtubers (I put that in quotes because I never heard of them) TmarTn and ProSyndicate recently released videos showing them winning various skins/weapons at a site named CSGOLottery. For those not aware, CSGO Lottery sites have become more...
  17. yourbeliefs

    Quake turns 20 today

    20 Years ago today, the id Software's big follow up Doom, Quake was released. While one could argue that Doom had a bigger overall impact on PC and FPS games, Quake's long term impact on the PC gaming world simply cannot be denied. Actually, the REAL impact stems from the Quake engines. They...
  18. yourbeliefs

    Indie Game Punch Club sold 300,000 copies, and was pirated 1,600,000 times

    The game's creators released some rather detailed analytics about the sales of the game. While they're clearly not thrilled about all the lost sales, they do seem to be taking things in stride and aren't crying poverty. If anything they're lamenting that localization is very important, and that...
  19. yourbeliefs

    "Game developer" sues game critic for $10 million

    As game development has become easier than ever (to the point where I am actually in pre-production on a game of my own), sadly it also means that shovelware/cheap products are also easier than ever to produce (no I'm not planning on making that sort of stuff.) And with Steam's virtual complete...
  20. yourbeliefs

    PSA: Do NOT help fund the Coleco Chameleon.

    You may have heard about the Coleco Chameleon, which is supposed to be a console that could play older games as well as play newer, cartridge based ones. What you may NOT know is that this thing has a VERY troubled past to say the least. First there was controversy about it's crowdfunding...
  21. yourbeliefs

    GameTrailers shutting down after 13 year run

    Famous internet gaming/video site GameTrailers is shutting down today. It's a sad day for many, as some very noteworthy video reviewers and personalities such as Pat the NES Punk and the Angry Video Game Nerd got a lot of exposure thanks to the site back in the day. Sadly this seems to be an...
  22. yourbeliefs

    Happy 25th Birthday Street Fighter 2!

    ...nonetheless. BTW, if you were wondering why people don't remember the original Street Fighter, well there's a very good reason for that: It's sh*t. (NSFW language) FYI, even though he's playing the TG-16 port, I can attest that the game was awful. I played it in the arcades back in the...
  23. yourbeliefs

    PSA: Be Wary of Buying Retro Games From GameStop

    I realize this may not affect a lot of people here but just in case it does I figured I should mention it as it was brought up again recently on Kotaku/Reddit. So GameStop has started selling "retro" games, which basically means anything before the PS2 generation, which primarily consists of...
  24. yourbeliefs

    Mega Man movie reportedly in the works

    Looks like a Mega Man movie is in the works. I love how Capcom is bringing out a new Mega Man cartoon, a Mega Man Classics Collection, and now a major Hollywood movie, yet they seem to be completely against what people REALLY want, which is a new damn Mega Man Game...