Search results for query: *

  1. Harold

    New CE Feature Request Idea

    Not sure if this has been listed yet, I would like to see options for resize of the screen for overscan. I still use a crt rp. It still has a great picture but I do notice some overscan from time to time. I would like to be able to adjust this with my hd dvr, not in my tv service menu.
  2. Harold

    what to do with an unused receiver

    I have no dog in this fight, but let me get this right. He has to return it to Dirctv? How do they own it if he paid for it?
  3. Harold

    APPLY NOW: DirecTV iPhone Field Trial (SIGNUP CLOSED)

    You mean jail broke, not hacked. The only difference in a jail broke iphone/ipod touch and one thats not is you are able to install apps on it not from the app store, you can allso install from "installer" or "cydia".
  4. Harold

    New CE Edition of DirecTV2PC (pre-beta)

    What type of file is this? When I unzip it it is an unknown file type. Nevermind. Got it. It is a zip. Had to rename it to .zip .
  5. Harold

    HR2x / R22 CE Release 10/24 0x0292

    That would be a nice thing to have, could send back one of my other 3 receivers and save some $. Thanks for the reply.
  6. Harold

    HR2x / R22 CE Release 10/24 0x0292

    seems about the same here also, 20-700. The VOD did seem slower to load. What is the big new thing being worked on?
  7. Harold

    DirecTV2PC Issues & Feedback

    Yea, let it run for a good 30 mins. Not sure what the deal is. For the ones who asked about sp3, I'm running with sp3.
  8. Harold

    DirecTV2PC Issues & Feedback

    Played fine befor the national reboot. Hd was not smooth after. The receiver downloading program guide info may have been the cause. I will test it again later today to see if it is running smoothe again. The issues I have are the time bar that want go away (Yellow arrow). And the...
  9. Harold

    HR2x / R22 Receiver Freeze / Reboot Issues (Again)

    My hr 20-700 rebooted. All seems well.
  10. Harold

    DirecTV2PC Issues & Feedback

    Anyone else notice the "convergence" issue? Anyone now how to get the "progress bar" or what ever it's called off the screen?
  11. Harold

    DirecTV2PC Issues & Feedback

    Just wanted to start a tread to talk about the software and its performance. I have it running on my Dell XPS 400. win XP sp3, pent. D 2.80 ghz, 2 gig ram, and a ATi radeon x-300 128mb card. my mon. is a dell 19" lcd (vga input). Its seems to run fine. Even the 1080p movies stream and play...
  12. Harold

    DirecTV-2-PC Public Beta

    It took forever to dl. Got it running. Is there a tread for pros/cons of this release?
  13. Harold

    DirecTV-2-PC Public Beta

    Anyone have this downloaded yet? Going very, very, slooow. Is it possible for someone who has it upload it to rapidshare or something?
  14. Harold

    Obama Buy's Sat time on Directv

    Nobama on my dvr! We should have the right to delet it and any other "forced" downloads.
  15. Harold

    G4TV going HD on 12/8/08...

    Get your Patrick Norton fix here: Revision3 - Internet Television He does Tekzilla and System. I also like pixelperfect with Bert Monroy. Roger Chang is there also. He is the Senior Producer of Tekzilla and is on the show sometimes. Would love to see revision3 become a HD directv channel...
  16. Harold

    G4TV going HD on 12/8/08...

    Don't care myself if they carry it or not. I have not watched it in a long long time. When they switched from tech TV it all went down hill. Now it just plain sucks, imo.
  17. Harold

    CEs expected for 8/29

    Looking forward to it. The software keeps improving. The guide is so much faster. Thank you Jason for all you do here.
  18. Harold

    One more day to go

    Planet Green is just a waste of space. Where is FoxNews HD! I can think of a bunch of channels other than pg I would like in hd, hell in sd for that matter. They can take pg and shove it up Al Gores butt.
  19. Harold

    Installer refuses to peak dish

    I have installed E* with a friend who was a retailer. I would go and help him out to get the jobs done faster. He had more installes than time. He/I had no problem with someone watching the install. Always went out of the way to make sure the customer was happy. We not only would put in the sat...
  20. Harold

    DirecTV interest in VOOM?

  21. Harold

    question about al the new locals in hd coming out

    Shouldn't this and all the other threads talking about "HD", be in the "HD" section of this forum?
  22. Harold

    HR20/HR21/R22 CE Release 7/25 0x025B

    I don't think they are. They already have filled all the slots. You would know if you where choosen already.
  23. Harold

    HR20/HR21/R22 CE Release 7/25 0x025B

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but there is no need for anyone to do pokeeyenow unless they are widget beta testers or having network problems (VOD). If not a widget beta tester they may or may not get the "coming soon", but it will never work. If you are not having problems with your network, I would...