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  1. techdood

    NFL Sunday Ticket

    I actually have 2 answers for the polled question. The second would be, I couldn't afford it. I would love to have Sunday Ticket back, but I have a very disapppointed opinion about Direct Tv. So much, that I no longer wish to pay a single centavo to them. I would have to have a Canadian service...
  2. techdood

    Hd Rsn

    From what I've seen in the San Francisco Bay Area, no it does not. I do not know of any negotitions for the channel are being worked on neither. Comcast has got the rsnHD goods for this entire territory.
  3. techdood

    How to install for a fifth satellite

    I remember seeing this post which showed a screenshot of someone successfully having 5 orbitals. Go see what you can get out of it. After looking that the thread, looks like you will need...
  4. techdood

    Where to Put DPP44 and/or Seperator?

    Yes you can. But you will not be able to receive HD signals to the basement. The 622 only outputs High Definition out of either the component out or HDMI out. The second tuner (TV2) out will only bring you 480i signals regardless of the channel being displayed (meaning even while viewing an HD...
  5. techdood

    Where to Put DPP44 and/or Seperator?

    your proposed setup will work only for the 622 in the living room. you will need to run 1 line from the basement to the DPP44. you will still need the separator for the 622 dual satellite tuner function to work.
  6. techdood

    XM vs Sirius Round 13 Dance

    That is Area 33 now, and it IS still around. I agree with tvdxer. XM81 BPM trumps The BEAT 36 due to variety. Sirius seems to be running that dance channel like those typical Dance oriented terrestrial radio stations. Therefore the Sirius product has its place. But I choose more variety...
  7. techdood

    No HD in FOX KTXL Sacramento

    That is incorrect. KTXL-40 is carried in HD for both cable systems in Sacramento. Comcast and Surewest. Take it from a person who DOES live in the area.
  8. techdood

    I'm picking up E* with my OTA

    Don't put your antenna on the Modulated Output port of the receiver. And I guess once you get your modulated output to work, you could walk around your house to check if any of that signal bleeds out. You *could* report your neighbor by reporting to the FCC. But then, you'd never know what...
  9. techdood

    Getting KWGN on Channel 2 in DFW

    After looking at the dishlist, looks like it's a channel map error. Your channel 2 in DFW is a Daystar channel. Dishnetwork should be remapping your channel 2 to be a mirror of channel 263 on dishnetwork. You're still lucky, personally I'd consider a WB or CW affiliate over a Daystar anyday.
  10. techdood

    Getting KWGN on Channel 2 in DFW

    KWGN is channel 2 in Denver. Since you have the superstations, I'm assuming you see KWGN as channel 2 on your dish guide and lineup. There possibly could be a channel map error, this is a possibility due to the changing of the networks. I don't know if there is a some kind of ownership pact for...
  11. techdood

    Lost Even Transponders on One Bird - Stumped...

    if you have a voltmeter and the receiver still is set for legacy equiptment, ie: lnbfs, then polarity switching occurs when the voltage varies from +13 to +18. I forget which one is for even but I believe it's 18. And have you tried a shorter length of coax? If 18V has to pass thru alot of...
  12. techdood

    Lost Even Transponders on One Bird - Stumped...

    try repointing the dish. I have had problems losing an entire polarity like that before, on D*. After I redialed in the dish, I was able to get them back.
  13. techdood

    The TITANIUM™ Package

    Are we assuming that "all HD" means everything that can be received in HD? Including the local regional markets that can be received by whatever dish? And if it's an everything package, can we also assume all standard definition markets? I like the all internationals, this would save me the...
  14. techdood

    EXCLUSIVE: AT&T HomeZone First Look

    I doubt that would happen. I'm sure that local content would be collected by regional headends while national ones are collected by Super ones. This would make sense and reduce the redundancy you see with other cable tv MSOs. So in order to see seattle stations you would have to actually live in...
  15. techdood

    30" dish for BEV?

    I appreciate all your input, trials and faults in trying to re-establish a good signal from BEV. Being in NoCal I've already given up on it, but because I'm still under contract I still pay. I plan on trading it away for a SC unit after the summer is done. I know there isn't too much being...
  16. techdood

    Sacramento HD Locals Losing Signal

    This time of the year is were I lose the cable company and focus exclusively to dish. I was about to take advantage of the HD locals on Dish Net, but I already receive them OTA. The only time where I'd consider them on DN is when there is a conflict of primetime programming. Having more OTA...
  17. techdood

    What's your signal strength on Nimiq 82W?

    Looking at Pro96's readings for So.Cal on a 90cm dish. I'm wondering if that is the best for California as a whole. I live in the Sacramento area and currently have a Toroidal 90 and I don't get readings like those. I have thoughts about replacing the lnbf, but where to find a high-quality low...
  18. techdood

    Older receivers w/ AT9 Dish?

    I believe the AT9 dish will work with the new dish, however it will not be able to utilize the ka orbitals 99 and 103. So the new dish will have the appearance of the 3 headed animal we are all used to, which is the setting you should set on those older receivers. Now, there are some receivers...
  19. techdood

    Comcrap cut my service - using diplexors

    Again, I wish I was in your situation. :) I watch cable most of the time. Dish is my HDTV provider while cable's HD offerings are only toppers, for local sports and some premium content. For your original post, it is rare...but some diplexors are known to leak. There could possibly be a...
  20. techdood

    Comcrap cut my service - using diplexors

    Sounds like a great deal for you! I wished I had the same situation happen to me. I've heard of this problem happening when diplexors fail to isolate or leak signals back into the satellite (power) side of the diplexor. Other than that, I wouldn't know. Besides, seems like you are going to get a...
  21. techdood

    How many of you are Tech's/installers?

    I work as a telecommunication technician. I hobbied around the satellite thing since MTV was still ITC on C-Band. Was very interested when Captain Midnight did his thing. I've installed friends and family, even took on a few clients. I'd most likely be the least qualified on paper, but I'm...
  22. techdood

    ViP 622 & 722 Running Bug Thread

    Problem: Broken Dial-tone (indicating message waiting on message center) not recognized by receiver as a good phone connection I just received a new 622, thank you Scott and dish-store, and installed the product this morning. I come to find out that a scheduled recording could not start...
  23. techdood

    dual tuner backfeed problems

    I'm NOT flaming you but... "attenuators" and a TV2 problem with signal LOSS I think even the worse technicians would leave it out. :)
  24. techdood

    Missing Some BEV Transponders in California

    I'm receving everything except for xponders 21 and 23. The ones slated on N3 are weaker than the others, but that is expected for Northern California exposure. I'm using a Toroidal 90 with a range from 81 thru 121W. I hope too much doesnt change because im binded for another 6 months using my...
  25. techdood

    Siruus / Fox News

    Hmmm. Something to ponder. Fox News, Fox Network, MLB, XM. Rupert Murdoch have something to do with all of them? I guess everyone likes to go down, down under. ;)