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  1. goaliebob99

    13/18V switch for two c-band feeds (orthomode)

    I'm trying to get EBSpro to talk with an Orthomode that I put up last week on H/V. For some reason, I thought I would be able to slap an Ecoda 22khz switch and swap polarities that way. Both LNB's are on their own polarity and can take either 13 or 18v. So no need to supply voltage. I...
  2. goaliebob99

    FCC Replacing BUD for those with protected status.

    I filed to have my BUD protected back when the FCC was asking for it about a year back when FCC was asking for those seeking protection. I imagined I would eventually get a filter, but was presently surprised when I was told my mesh dish would be upgraded to an aluminum at no cost. Anyone...
  3. goaliebob99

    American Airlines forgot to pay it’s Dish Network Bill.

    Flew on two 737’s from Tucson to Atlanta today, each one live TV was not available. Viasat is saying they are no longer offering. This is terrible service, not to mention it wasn’t the best to begin with as video often froze on these flights, but something is better than nothing. Just wish they...
  4. goaliebob99

    AT&T’s massive TV losses continue as another 900,000 customers flee.

    When the nation is stuck at home, streaming and watching OTB TV services, losing nearly a million customers is not a good show of the strength of your offerings. "Stephenson said he’s looking at possible job cuts and other cost efficiencies in order to stem the bleeding."...
  5. goaliebob99

    Masked Singer in 4K after the Superbowl in 4K.

    I hope this leads to Fox launching a real 4K channel. Super stoked to see the masked singer in 4K. Dolby Atmos would be positive as well.
  6. goaliebob99

    Today was my last day as an AT&T employee

    Kind of a surreal day as I have been along for the ride. DirecTV was a great company to work for and I was with the company pre-AT&T, back in DirecTV's peak. Great benefits and great people. The company knew that the customer was the focus as they were what paid our paychecks. The sense...
  7. goaliebob99

    Is there any way to get a Hopper 3 without a credit check?

    My brother in law called me up looking for answers as I seem to be the satellite guru of the family, but I'm not knowledgeable in the promotions dish has. They want to get a hopper 3 as a new customer but dont want to do the credit check. They looked at dish but it seems to be really...
  8. goaliebob99

    Cant remotely set recording for 4K NFL

    I left on vacation and forgot to set the DVR. I know I'm an idiot. So... I pull out my phone and my laptop and try to set the game to record from there. I cant. Channel 105 shows up as no information available in the guide online through and on the iPhone app the channels...
  9. goaliebob99

    Anyone else notice the Pizza Hut ads when paused?

    Paused the screen for a bit, and noticed that instead of going to the usual screensaver, there was a Pizza Hut logo with on the screen. The bottom had press any key to go back to your paused program. Interesting that ATT seems to now be selling advertising space when your...
  10. goaliebob99

    DirecTV Now to rebrand under AT&T TV family.

    No matter what product you end up getting both AT&T TV and DirecTV satellite will be around for some time. AT&T TV will most likely be for those on Fiber / Uverse / 5G or other high speed Internet options who can support multiple IPTV streams from both AT&T and 3rd Party Internet providers...
  11. goaliebob99

    DirecTV Q1 2019 Results - 627,000 Net Loss Subs (DirecTV & Directv Now)

    AT&T Reports First-Quarter Results AT&T Reports First-Quarter Results First-Quarter Consolidated Results Diluted EPS of $0.56 as reported compared to $0.75 in the year-ago quarter Adjusted EPS of $0.86 compared to $0.85 in the year-ago quarter Consolidated revenues of $44.8 billion Cash...
  12. goaliebob99

    New 4K PPV Sports overflow and PPV Channel coming.

    Let's get some good news and vibes going. A birdie has told me that two new 4K channels are coming (currently in engineering mode in the 9800's) but is expected to launch on or after the 26th. The live sports 4K channel will be on 103 TXP 4, and the HD PPV HDR will be on 103 TXP 6. As...
  13. goaliebob99

    Want to watch UFC 234 on PPV. Not on Directv!

    Anyone have the backstory on why UFC 234 is not available to order on DirecTV? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. goaliebob99

    T16 approved by FCC, Reverse band satellite as well? From the public notice: If I'm reading this correctly, The T16 space station will be capable of providing direct broadcast satellite service in the 12.2-12.7 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 17.3-17.8 GHz (Earth-to-space) frequency...
  15. goaliebob99

    Epix is now in 4K will DirecTV ever add?

    Epix now has 4K on demand content available through Tmobile (Layer 3 TV) and Dish. Wondering if we will ever see this added to DirecTV. I remember from an article way back DirecTV agreed to it in the current contract but declined to carry it. It would be a nice one to have considering they...
  16. goaliebob99

    DirecTV local channel connector.

    Has anyone seen any info on when this will be available to the general masses. It would be nice to get sub channels back on my DirecTV system. DIRECTV Local Channel Connector
  17. goaliebob99

    Outermax HD?

    Wondering now that AT&T owns Time Warner what the chances of us getting Outermax HD added to the lineup and the rest of the missing HBO / CInemax channels in HD that already are not. It would be nice to get Epix HD added as well even though they are not Time Warner channels.
  18. goaliebob99

    Giuliani says Trump did intervene in AT&T Time Warner Merger, then walks it back.

    Non political discussion, I wonder how this would effect the case considering the Judge is set to rule on this next month. I'm wondering if ATT will file an emergancy injuction considering that Giuliani is now saying that he (Trump) did tip the scales in denying this merger. Then Giuliani...
  19. goaliebob99

    Dish to buy Moviepass?

    I heard a rumor (cant find anything to substantiate it) that Dish Network is considering buying Movie Pass's owner Helios and Matheson Analytics Inc. in a bid to buy the company. I could see Charlie doing something like this make it a Blockbuster type of deal. While the rumor is speculation...
  20. goaliebob99

    Register your cband dish!

    Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on sbeblog Register Your C-Band Receive-Only Earth Station Now by SBE The Battle for the C-Band Heats Up On April 19, 2018, the FCC issued a public notice of a temporary freeze on applications for new or modified fixed satellite service...
  21. goaliebob99

    DirecTV/ AT&T Notably missing from SES press release.

    With Transponder bonding and Reverse band and the capability to deliver all of these channels in 4K, Directv is noticeably absent from this press release. Nasa UHD would have been a nice one to have. Seems like AT&T has been asleep at the wheel since they laid off a bunch of folks, and...
  22. goaliebob99

    Slingers TV Ad

    Who ever thought of this over at Sling is a genious. I about fell out of my chair!!!
  23. goaliebob99

    Directv to air Olympics in 4K on 106.

    Just saw this while watching the Puppy Bowl. I haven’t seen anything announced prior to this.
  24. goaliebob99

    RFDHD and Outdoor HD Now Live!

    For those who missed it, RFDHD is now testing on channel 345 OutdoorHD is also testing 606 Still in test mode and not available to customers as of this posting: FXMHD 258 AHCHD (American Heroes Channel) 287 DFCHD (Discovery Family Channel) 294 As always, these channels are in engineering...
  25. goaliebob99

    FOR SALE Owned HR54 for sale.

    I have an owned HR54 that has clean account history and is ready to activate. I would be willing to give the buyer the RID to confirm ownership with DirecTV. I am asking 200 for it, or 250 with AM21 thrown in or best offer. I recently upgraded and am now ready to sell this unit. A...