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  1. JohnTomFerg

    Hopper Upgrades

    Same-to-same no reply either. If it is helpful, I would be a simple upgrade. 722 lease to 1 hopper 3 joey. :)
  2. JohnTomFerg

    Hopper Upgrades

    Request for PM from DIRT member about an equipment upgrade.
  3. JohnTomFerg

    Is channel 365 (OLMPB) crooked?

    I think you are seeing an optical illusion. Or at least, I can't see the problem as described. I however was equally lazy and didn't break out the tape measure :D
  4. JohnTomFerg

    Incompetence at its finest.

    Installer #2 - he called, he came, he arrived and left on time. Like clock work. Kudos to an installer that knows what he is doing. The only sad part as it turns out is I can't get a good enough signal anyway without a mounted extension (that violated the lease here). So all of last...
  5. JohnTomFerg

    Incompetence at its finest.

    Yes, did on call 2 and she read it back to me.
  6. JohnTomFerg

    Incompetence at its finest.

    Keep in mind (though I don't recall if I stated it before) that the install was still listed as 'Pending' when I called the first csr 40 minutes after the window had transpired. The 'surprise surprise' if he failed to make any of the 3 efforts to gain access to the building, then why would I...
  7. JohnTomFerg

    Weather Channel HD Coming ....

    They give 'maternity leave' a new meaning... I guess they just get bored of the job after 6 months and then *whammo* baby on the way.
  8. JohnTomFerg

    Incompetence at its finest.

    Yeah_ for me...:rolleyes: Anyone have a tripod mounted dish with LNBs and a switch configured for a 622 I can buy? :eureka
  9. JohnTomFerg

    A&E HD To Launch Wednesday

    So to summarize, we now have: Full HD HD Lite Skim HD (courtesy of A&E HD) in case you don't get the skim relationship - it is like water, but without the milk. :D
  10. JohnTomFerg

    Anyone notice the major increase in commercials being shot in HD ?

    Not nearly as funny as 2 comparable HD Televisions sitting in Best Buy / Circuit City with one getting and SD signal and the other an HD signal and the guy telling you the one that is more expensive (and getting the HD signal) is clearly the better TV. :-)
  11. JohnTomFerg

    Weather Channel HD Coming ....

    If only there was a way to tie this to global warming. ;) ... I'll just wait, I'm sure someone at the weather channel will think of a way... :rolleyes:
  12. JohnTomFerg

    Incompetence at its finest.

    LOL yes the 12AM would be better served as 'NOON' but you get the point.
  13. JohnTomFerg

    Incompetence at its finest.

    Admittedly this is a Rant, but hopefully there is enough spice and humor in it that the read is worth it. :) :) :) So I just physically moved to Pasadena, schedule the installer in advance to be here Wednesday morning (I flew in on tuesday) to put a tripod setup on the balcony of the...
  14. JohnTomFerg

    Temporary relocation to Pasadena - what cardinal direction(s)

    Unknown at this time. She's stretching her legs a bit already going to various place in california while she is out there. Thanks for caring.
  15. JohnTomFerg

    Temporary relocation to Pasadena - what cardinal direction(s)

    I will plan to officially move - thank you kindly. Just not until I physically move. South seems to be the concensus. Thanks guys.
  16. JohnTomFerg

    Temporary relocation to Pasadena - what cardinal direction(s)

    The wife is out in Pasadena at this time looking at apartments for her temporary work assignment (6-9 mos). I plan on going out and joining her sometime next month. I need to know what cardinal direction facing apartment I need to be able to point to the sats (NW, etc). Thanks in advance...
  17. JohnTomFerg

    The ANSWER to last night's HD Poll

    What is the possibility that they could shift all HD to Mpeg4 and all SD to Mpeg4? I know there are many subscribers who don't have the pre-requisite boxes for Mpeg4 decoding... but is there any chance that there could be a forced upgrade program? If they have to maintain some Mpeg2...
  18. JohnTomFerg

    Anyone think the compression on SD took a leap?

    I think I have noticed the SD compression (poor color transition and the small artifacts) have become more promement over the last couple of weeks... has anyone else notice a shift in the quality? Or is it just me?
  19. JohnTomFerg

    Charlie and Technical Chat Highlights for 06

    Follow-up question, will the guy that comes out to check alignment arrive before the storm ends so that he sees the problem and doesn't just say "it appears to be working fine now, excuse we while I go back to my truck on this nice sunny day" :-)
  20. JohnTomFerg

    The solution to our bandwidth and content needs!

    I need to go back and edit: Copyright Johntomferg and put something at the bottom like "this document may contain forward looking statements..." LOL
  21. JohnTomFerg

    The solution to our bandwidth and content needs!

    Sunlight is over rated anyway :-)
  22. JohnTomFerg

    The solution to our bandwidth and content needs!

    I don't generally post that often, but with this stroke of genius I could not hold back. I may be going out on a limb here, but realize I am writing this with a smile on my face and a tongue in my cheek. Comments are appreciated. Humorous comments are really appreciated. I read new entries...
  23. JohnTomFerg

    Unwrapped Turkey Day???

    Here's a funny/scary thought (and a merging of thoughts at the very least)... What if when the USB Hard drive solution becomes available (if/when/etc) that they only allow you to use a fraction of the drive for things you want, and then download ondemand videos onto it as well. There is a...
  24. JohnTomFerg

    Info on Dish Networks New Adult Channels

    I'm still at a loss for the distinction of XX1/2 vs XXX ---> I have to say that just the fact that the distinction is being made is comical to me.
  25. JohnTomFerg

    Sat pirates busted

    Because I have been asked enough times by enough people who I come in contact with during my "day job" trips to Calgary if I am want them to get me a *special* box from their 'provider' and that the common comment back when I ask "does anyone here pay for sat tv" is "most don't". So I'll...