105, 110 ,119 and 61.5 to 3 receivers?


New Member
Original poster
Nov 26, 2003
I have a Dish500 with legacy lnb's and a dish pointed at 61.5 for SkyAngel programming. I am using a SW64 for the 4 inputs from the Dish 500 and 2 inputs from 61.5 running to 3 receivers. My locals have now been added to 105. How can I most easily accomplish receiving my locals keeping as much of my current setup as possible?

Thanks in advance for help,
Unfortunately for now you must decide which is more valuable to you your Sky Angel programming or your local channels.

The reason for this is the switch needed (a SW+44) will not be available until next year. A SW+44 will allow you to hook up 4 satellite locations, with the current switches you can only hook up 3 satellite locations.

Of course you could get around things if you dont watch anything off of 110 (ie you dont have the AT 150 package) then you can hook up 119, 105 and 61.5 together. :)

Hope this helps.
You can easily serve 2 of your receivers: need 2 SW21 and 1m dish with dual output FSS Ku LNBF.
Output from SW64-2[3] will come to SW21-1 and a cable from 105 sat will connect to SW21-2. For this setup you should use dual output legacy LNBF for 61.5; if you still want all 3 receivers - install legacy QUAD for 61.5 and add one more SW21.

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