2012 Hall of Fame Class


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Jan 27, 2004
Barry Larkin is the newest member of the Hall of Fame.
Over Mark McGwire, Rafael Palmeiro, Jeff Bagwell, ...

Sounds like a "who else is on the list?" choice.

What does that have to do with it? Do you not know how the voting works?
Yay Barry! I am truly happy about this. Loved the man when he was playing for the Reds. It wasn't much after he retired that I stopped going to the games on a regular basis.

Of course, being an old time Big Red Machine fan I have to ask where is Pete Rose! :) Not sure what else a man could do on the field to get in the HOF than he did.
Congrats to Barry Larkin. I know how the voting works but just having one guy in the hall of fame is a little odd. Maybe thats me, though.
Don't get me wrong, I think Barry Larkin is a good player. But ...

" ... Baseball Think Factory research reveals that Larkin had been named on 93 of the 104 BBWAA votes that had been made public as of Friday (89.4 percent). Considering that Larkin received only 51.6 percent of the 2010 vote (with 75 percent required for induction), his progress at the polls falls somewhere between improbable and Illinois politics.

If Baseball Think Factory’s sample is consistent with the final tally, it will mean more than a third of the voters who considered Larkin unworthy of Cooperstown just two years ago have since changed their minds.

Or, perhaps, that in the absence of a surefire, slam-dunk, first-ballot no-brainer, the voters have chosen to grade greatness on a curve. ..."

In a numbers game, Larkin now bound for Hall of Fame | UTSanDiego.com
Don't get me wrong, I think Barry Larkin is a good player. But ...

" ... Baseball Think Factory research reveals that Larkin had been named on 93 of the 104 BBWAA votes that had been made public as of Friday (89.4 percent). Considering that Larkin received only 51.6 percent of the 2010 vote (with 75 percent required for induction), his progress at the polls falls somewhere between improbable and Illinois politics.

If Baseball Think Factory’s sample is consistent with the final tally, it will mean more than a third of the voters who considered Larkin unworthy of Cooperstown just two years ago have since changed their minds.

Or, perhaps, that in the absence of a surefire, slam-dunk, first-ballot no-brainer, the voters have chosen to grade greatness on a curve. ..."

In a numbers game, Larkin now bound for Hall of Fame | UTSanDiego.com

In the final years of Ozzie Smith, while he was getting all the pub, Barry Larkin, without a shadow of a doubt, was THE BEST SS in the National League and arguably in all the Majors.
Don't get me wrong, I think Barry Larkin is a good player. But ...

" ... Baseball Think Factory research reveals that Larkin had been named on 93 of the 104 BBWAA votes that had been made public as of Friday (89.4 percent). Considering that Larkin received only 51.6 percent of the 2010 vote (with 75 percent required for induction), his progress at the polls falls somewhere between improbable and Illinois politics.

If Baseball Think Factory’s sample is consistent with the final tally, it will mean more than a third of the voters who considered Larkin unworthy of Cooperstown just two years ago have since changed their minds.

Or, perhaps, that in the absence of a surefire, slam-dunk, first-ballot no-brainer, the voters have chosen to grade greatness on a curve. ..."

In a numbers game, Larkin now bound for Hall of Fame | UTSanDiego.com

Does EVERY player get voted in on the first ballot. NO.

What kind of stupid analysis is that???
Congrats to Barry Larkin. I know how the voting works but just having one guy in the hall of fame is a little odd. Maybe thats me, though.

VERY odd, usually you would see others that were marginal be put in, not this year.

To whoever posted, McGiure and that group are not eligible till next year from what I though I read.
Jimbo said:
VERY odd, usually you would see others that were marginal be put in, not this year.

To whoever posted, McGiure and that group are not eligible till next year from what I though I read.

No they have been eligible for a couple years now, people just aren't voting then I'm because of PEDs.
Don't get me wrong, I think Barry Larkin is a good player. But ...

" ... Baseball Think Factory research reveals that Larkin had been named on 93 of the 104 BBWAA votes that had been made public as of Friday (89.4 percent). Considering that Larkin received only 51.6 percent of the 2010 vote (with 75 percent required for induction), his progress at the polls falls somewhere between improbable and Illinois politics.

If Baseball Think Factory’s sample is consistent with the final tally, it will mean more than a third of the voters who considered Larkin unworthy of Cooperstown just two years ago have since changed their minds.

Or, perhaps, that in the absence of a surefire, slam-dunk, first-ballot no-brainer, the voters have chosen to grade greatness on a curve. ..."

In a numbers game, Larkin now bound for Hall of Fame | UTSanDiego.com

This happens every year.

Jack Morris was way down last year and previous years, but he got a big jump this year and they expect him to get in next year or the next.

Only one player over 65% has NOT made the HOF.
Morris was at 67% this years.

He was a TOP pitcher in his time, but gets no respect.
In the final years of Ozzie Smith, while he was getting all the pub, Barry Larkin, without a shadow of a doubt, was THE BEST SS in the National League and arguably in all the Majors.

Trammell has that problem too, should have gone to at least another 5-6 ASG's but you had to have Ripkin, past his prime as well taking up his potential spot.
Trammell and Ripken were the SS 's in that era in the AL, Ripken got all the accolates, Trammell got the garbage.

With the exception of ESPN, can networks create Bowl Games?

Seat of power: How the SEC came to rule college football

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