22Khz switch - Pixelation

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 15, 2006
I installed the 22Khz switch between the Invacom Quad LNB and the HH90 motor. Linear going into "Off" port of the switch while Circular into the "On". On the receiver side I set the 22Khz to ON for Circular birds.

Linear Reception all good.
Circular Reception signal goes up and down a lot. Very unstable and when on GolTV heavy pixelation going on.

Looks like a switch problem. Can someone confirm they are having same issue with circular signal going through a 22Khz.

Direct line from LNB to Receiver looks fine and via Disecq is also ok.
I use a 22k switch between my SG2100 motor and 2 LNB's (I have separate LNB's for DBS and KU) and no issues here
Have you tried moving the circular LNB to the "Off" port, the linear LNB to the "On" port, change the receiver settings and see if the problem follows? Maybe there's something in the 22 khz signal that's mixing with the circular LNB's electronics. Maybe the 22 khz signal from the receiver to the switch is intermittent causing problems. Check that your cables are good and the shield is properly connected so nothing is feeding back through them. Good luck and have fun.
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