3750QAM receiver


New Member
Original poster
May 9, 2004
I found a 3750 at a yard sale ---Using a only a Dish 500 antenna will this receiver work? Will I be able to receive all dish stations?

This is the info i found, on this site--- I searched for hours and couldn't find anything additional--- the link to dishnet comercial products did not work.

If the cost justifies it, DISH has a special MDU setup called QAM that uses a
DISH 500 hooked to a special headend modulator that translates each 119 or 110
transponder you want to use and "remaps" it to an unused cable TV channel
frequency. This allows the whole satellite signal to be mixed with off air and
travel through splitters, through RG-59, etc. without problem. What's the

Simple- the QAM headend runs about $15,000, and special receivers that can get satellite on cable frequencies instead of satellite transponders are used. The model number is "3750," and they run about $250. From the model number you've already guessed that things like PTV/DISHPlayers, cheap second receivers, or even event timers are out of the question!

Aggrevatingly ellusive answer to a simple question

921 Optical Out & Non-DD Q?

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