522 Missing recorded DVR events?


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Supporting Founder
Nov 17, 2003
North Arkansas
Today I wanted to record the 12 hour Call for Help marathon on 191.

I set up the 12 timers and made sure they didn't overlap. Everything looked good. I went about my business and just now decided to browse through my recorded programs.

The 522 only recorded the first 5 hours or 5 events. Now looking into the HISTORY screen, it reports starting and completing all 12 events. Where did the other 7 hours go? *sigh*

The DVR Events screen: 82 Hrs 44 min avail

Call for help-a-thon 1:00 (2PM)
Call for help-a-thon 1:00 (1PM)
Call for help-a-thon 1:00 (12PM)
Call for help-a-thon 1:00 (11AM)
Call for help-a-thon 1:00 (10AM)

Ice Age 1:22
Panic Room 2:04
Clockstoppers 1:39
Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius 1:29

Anyone have an idea what may have happened to the other 7? :?:
Anyone have an idea what may have happened to the other 7?
Well, if the 522 is Unix based, I'd guess they got recorded to /dev/null, which I guess you could call a "write-only" device. :( (Sorry, that's a bit of Unix humor that doesn't help at all right now.)

I don't think anyone is going to be able to give you an answer.

Does the 522 offer "manual timers" or is it strictly record via the program guide? If so you might have been able to set a few larger timers or one big timer, but that's still no guarantee that it would have worked as you wanted.
video62 said:
Does the 522 offer "manual timers" or is it strictly record via the program guide? If so you might have been able to set a few larger timers or one big timer, but that's still no guarantee that it would have worked as you wanted.

It offers BOTH ways to set up a timer, Manually via a time, channel and duration and also by selecting the show in the guide.

Either way it still ends up in a TIMERS menu list.

The ONLY thing I can remotely think of is that if the timer is NAME BASED, the DVR couldn't handle 12 files with the same name. Especially if there is a filename length limit as in older DOS days. (Again this is just speculation)

I first thought of recording it as 1 big 12 hour timer, but if there were only certain shows I wanted to save, I would not be able to edit out the unwanted parts.
Anywho, I am no closer to a solution. I will call E* today and see what the Techie's can tell me.
I have to agree with your speculation. The 522 can only handle 5 same name recordings per day. Why don't you try it out? Just up 1 minute manual timers for the same show, and see how far it goes. I watched parts of the Call for help marathon, didn't have the balls to record it all though. Besides my penguins were playing on center ice.
Created 7 timers tonight. 1 to 2 minutes each in succession.

All 7 timers fired and recorded just fine. They show up in the DVR events screen and can all be played and each have the exact same name......BUT

Timer #1 was for 1 minute at 10:30PM to 10:31PM (Formula 51 on HBO)
In the DVR timer menu it showed up as 1 minute.

The timer fired and recorded as it should. But in the DVR Events menu it has a time length of 52 minutes.

When viewing the recorded program, it also recorded the 'viewed buffer' of the previous 51 minutes AND the 1 minute of 'Formula 51'.

I had left the TV on HBO most of the evening while doing other stuff around the house and didn't think about anything in the buffer. To my surprise, the previous 51 minutes was about the 'bunny ranch' in NV.

The only reason I mention this is that if anyone watched some adult oriented programming and then decided to set a DVR timer for something that immediately followed, you may just end up with more than you bargained for.

I double checked the Timer and it definitely was set for 10:30 to 10:31, so it has to be a bug that the buffer also got stuck in there with it.

Can anyone else reproduce this error to verify that it is a bug and not just me?
BobaBird said:
Mark, is your 522 on L128? I am trying to track software features, bugs and fixes but have almost nothing on the 522

On the last Retailer Chat 12/22/03 they mentioned that L160 was supposed to take care of some Caller ID issues.

I can verify that I have had no problems with Caller ID since install. It seems to be the ONLY thing that functions properly.

Guess you can add that to your list.
Mark I have L160 on my showroom unit and caller ID does not work correctly it either dosen't display or the display freezes on screen and won't go off without changing channels.

Will Local OTA Schedule Show in Program Guide?

522 - Newbie has questions...

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