811/522 install tomorrow and guess what, HDTV goes out...

M Law

SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 30, 2003
I know I haven't waited as long for an 811 as some, but I signed up at the end of Jan for DHP with an 811 and a 522. 811 being in short supply, it took 4 weeks to get it in at my local dealer. Installer called Wed and set up a Sat install, and I was excited. Got home that evening and my Mits 55" HDTV goes out! Service crew comes out Thu and says they have to take it in. Ripped the guts right out of my baby and took it with them! Big hulking shell just staring at me. Only fall back is the bedroom TV, an old Sony 36", and no HD.

Since I can't watch HD, can't even verify if that portion of the 811 works, should I postpone the install? I'm thinking to go ahead and just get it in place before they give it to someone else and I end up back of the line again. Only problem that jumps out at me is, what if it is a lemon, and I don't get the HDTV back up and running for 2 weeks (almost a sure thing)? What would a dealer do if I tried coming back two weeks after an install with a problem?

On a side note, wanted to ask what is the typical cabling for an install like this? The dealer tells me there will be three cables to the rxers from the dish (2 for the 522, 1 for the 811). I thought a switch would be put into place on both ends, allowing the use of only one cable. Running 3 cables can be done, its just going to be a pain. I won't let anyone in my attic but me, so I get to do the crawling (the tunnelers in "The Great Escape" have nothing on me).

Whatcha think guys?
M Law said:
I know I haven't waited as long for an 811 as some, but I signed up at the end of Jan for DHP with an 811 and a 522. 811 being in short supply, it took 4 weeks to get it in at my local dealer. Installer called Wed and set up a Sat install, and I was excited. Got home that evening and my Mits 55" HDTV goes out! Service crew comes out Thu and says they have to take it in. Ripped the guts right out of my baby and took it with them! Big hulking shell just staring at me. Only fall back is the bedroom TV, an old Sony 36", and no HD.

Since I can't watch HD, can't even verify if that portion of the 811 works, should I postpone the install? I'm thinking to go ahead and just get it in place before they give it to someone else and I end up back of the line again. Only problem that jumps out at me is, what if it is a lemon, and I don't get the HDTV back up and running for 2 weeks (almost a sure thing)? What would a dealer do if I tried coming back two weeks after an install with a problem?

On a side note, wanted to ask what is the typical cabling for an install like this? The dealer tells me there will be three cables to the rxers from the dish (2 for the 522, 1 for the 811). I thought a switch would be put into place on both ends, allowing the use of only one cable. Running 3 cables can be done, its just going to be a pain. I won't let anyone in my attic but me, so I get to do the crawling (the tunnelers in "The Great Escape" have nothing on me).

Whatcha think guys?

I would take the 811 while you can get it, I actually got very lucky from the looks of it and only had to wait 3 days for mine to be installed (local dealer had 2 instock which they waited a month to get). Others in this forum have waited months! and according the the rumors by forum users and dish techs, the update is due out very soon.

Regarding the wiring, I had the same configuration installed just a few days ago and they used the wire config you described, 2-522 and 1-811. Also, to run the wiring, they made use of the existing rg-6 installed by the cable company, which may be an option for you as well.
M Law said:
I know I haven't waited as long for an 811 as some, but I signed up at the end of Jan for DHP with an 811 and a 522. 811 being in short supply, it took 4 weeks to get it in at my local dealer. Installer called Wed and set up a Sat install, and I was excited. Got home that evening and my Mits 55" HDTV goes out! Service crew comes out Thu and says they have to take it in. Ripped the guts right out of my baby and took it with them! Big hulking shell just staring at me. Only fall back is the bedroom TV, an old Sony 36", and no HD.

Since I can't watch HD, can't even verify if that portion of the 811 works, should I postpone the install? I'm thinking to go ahead and just get it in place before they give it to someone else and I end up back of the line again. Only problem that jumps out at me is, what if it is a lemon, and I don't get the HDTV back up and running for 2 weeks (almost a sure thing)? What would a dealer do if I tried coming back two weeks after an install with a problem?

On a side note, wanted to ask what is the typical cabling for an install like this? The dealer tells me there will be three cables to the rxers from the dish (2 for the 522, 1 for the 811). I thought a switch would be put into place on both ends, allowing the use of only one cable. Running 3 cables can be done, its just going to be a pain. I won't let anyone in my attic but me, so I get to do the crawling (the tunnelers in "The Great Escape" have nothing on me).

Whatcha think guys?

I think you should let the guy install it as scheduled. I believe you will need three cables so would suggest that you run them ahead of time. RG6 required for proper functioning. No need to install connectors on the ends of the cables as the installer will have the tools to do a good job and most likely good quality connectors.

If you are signing up for the HD package, you will at least be able to see that the 811 will tune them in. Probably will even be a better picture on them even on your old TV.
Thanks for the replies. I decided to go ahead with the install. Glad to know it will be 3 cables, I can go ahead and run it now and get it out of the way. Bought a spool of RG6 quad from HD, even checked that the installer has quad connectors. The ground's plenty wet here, but the sun is shining, so here's hoping all goes well.

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