811 pushed back again.....


Original poster
Nov 6, 2003
I just got off the phone with the CS rep. they told me the 811's have been pushed back again. My local channels became available on Dec. 16th so I called to order locals and the 811.

They told me to try again on Jan. 5th for the 811's. The CS rep said they got a memo this morning that said the 811 upgrade is pushed back again, with no date listed as to when they will be available.

So I am still waiting for the Superdish and the 811.
Yep... thats what I'm saying. The first time I called they said to call on the 5th. I called today and it has been delayed again! And there was no date given as to when they will be available.
I also called twice today and got the same answer. The 811 stand alone offer has been indefinitly postponed. I later got a call from dish to upgrade my movie channel package, I told the salesman I was pissed at Dish and explained why. He said he would put me on a first available list.

My son then called Dish an hour later to see if he would have any better luck but no dice. The rep he talked to told him that if we were on a list that we would not be guaranteed to receive the promotion price.

We are not happy campers, we were told they would be available after the 5th so we sold our OTA HD tuner now who knows when we will get one or if we will at the promotion price.

Bill :evil:
I hear ya... I have been waiting... I was not going to start bashing Dish, I have been a very loyal customer. I would still choose them over any other option... but sometimes you have to start thinking about change.

I just want the products that were supposed to be available. Even if they could give me a date. I want to add another 311 and SuperDish but I was going to do everything at the same time. Now Superdish is a 60 day wait.
I called my installer yesterday and was told still no 811s.

So I called Dish corperate, and while they could give me no timeframe for getting the 811. They did agree to come and install the Dishes and 2 301s so that I can at least watch TV while I am waiting.

Its a bad solution and I worry its going to drop me to the back of the 811 queue but I was getting tired of no TV, with Stargate and other shows starting up.

If anyone out in Southern California hears of anyone with 811s in stock or getting installed I would love to hear about it.
Interesting, I was at a local Satellite store today (for another reason) and on their floor was at least 2 811 receivers unopened collecting dust !!

They seemed to be in organized stacks, each stack had 2 301s with it. I assume these were going out later as Free Dish 811/301/301 deals.

811 apparantly available at sears, but for $399...


Sears item #05738173000
Mfr. model #SDCTUDP811

says available for pick up in store...
I'm in SoCal. I ordered one in mid December, scheduled for a dec 22nd installation date. I got a call on the 19th saying they couldn't do it, and rescheduled for the 29th. On the 29th, they called me again and said they didn't have any and needed to push it out a couple more weeks. I've forgotten what my new date is, not willing to rearrange my schedule again for them.
I was scheduled for today, and just found out they "expect" a shipment on the 21st and that I was rescheduled for the 22nd (January).... I am hoping this really happens since the Superbowl on CBS would be real nice to get!

I may call TWC and see what they have to offer, I'm getting might PO'ed at E*. I know TWC has at least 3 more HD channels than E*, and my bet is they will get more sooner.... if they would just reduce their costs 25%!
Thats wierd... I called the corp. number on the morning of the 5th and I'm now scheduled to get my 811 on the 19th. Hopefully it happens... I won't hold my breath though.
i'm still scheduled for the 19th, which would be perfect since it MLK day, and i'm off all day.

"I have a dream"
I was just rescheduled for the sixth (and final) time for the 17th - I ordered a month ago today and my 5th install slot for tomorrow was just moved another week.

The installer guy is nice, it has to be just as frustrating for him to have 20+ (by my estimation) jobs ready to go just waiting on product.

I'm a reasonable person, but I have my limits - he had to talk me out of cancelling today, which was my intention. However given the national shortage still, and his exact words were "Dish won't even let us order the box".. I figure I have a better chance of winning $1500 off the powerball then having the 811 here next Saturday :)

Of course, if I won the $1500, I wouldn't have to deal with Dish's shenanigan tactics to begin with. I'd hate to see them get into selling cars ... "With a 10 oil change commitment, new buyers get a 2004 Camry for $5000!" and then wait till 2010 to get it :p

So, we'll see... I want my Insectia-HD!!!
I order my 811 and got it 2 days later, end of December. Installer said it was last one in the state. I guess I could loan it to one of you so you could watch the Super Bowl in HD.

On second thought, I will just let you know how is was. And insecta on DISCHD as well as the Anaconda is totally amazing. You all are sure missing out.

Could order one through Sears and maybe take it back or Ebay it when your discounted one arrives !
Well I feel pretty lucky! My second re-schedule on my 811 was for Jan 8, 12 noon to 5PM. At 11:55 the installer was at my door with 811. I was very pleased with my install. He went to extra trouble to mount the dish where I wanted it and not on the roof where he normally puts it. I don't have my plasma HD monitor in yet, but on my Sony SD TV it has worked great so far. I live in the Dallas, Tx area for reference. The installer said as soon as a 811 comes in to his shop it goes right out to an install. He did not say how often or when they get shipments.
Good luck to everyone on the wait list!
If you are waiting on Dish and have a local retailer nearby check with them. I ordered from Dish on Dec 3 was given Jan 6 for installed. They cancelled on Jan 5 and rescheduled for Feb.6. I cancelled my order with Dish and signed up thru a local and he is suppose to install my 811 and Superdish on Wed of next week. He stated that the 811s were being sent out to the local installers first and to Dish direct order customers after that. Also I like the idea of having someone local to deal with.

Post your TV/receiver setup!

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