921 OTA PVR problems


Original poster
Jan 20, 2004
HELP! :confused:

As soon as the superbowl came on (OTA-HD), I hit the record button, and the 921 prompted me for a manual recording, which I did select. When the game was over I hit stop, then selected DVR so I could go and see if that was really Janet Jackson's boob, but the DVR showed the event as being 0 (zero) minutes long. ARGGGHH!

What happened???
Sailor said:
HELP! :confused:

As soon as the superbowl came on (OTA-HD), I hit the record button, and the 921 prompted me for a manual recording, which I did select. When the game was over I hit stop, then selected DVR so I could go and see if that was really Janet Jackson's boob, but the DVR showed the event as being 0 (zero) minutes long. ARGGGHH!

What happened???

Evidently, the 921 is not proficient at OTA recordings. There has been much, er, um, discussion on this topic.
Sailor said:
HELP! :confused:

As soon as the superbowl came on (OTA-HD), I hit the record button, and the 921 prompted me for a manual recording, which I did select. When the game was over I hit stop, then selected DVR so I could go and see if that was really Janet Jackson's boob, but the DVR showed the event as being 0 (zero) minutes long. ARGGGHH!

What happened???

I had a different experience. After my timer failed to fire for the OTA HD recording, I quickly hit the record button. Once the game was over, I hit rewind or Start Over to see if I got it all, and it started at half-time. Apparently, it can't record more than two hours!!
srrobinson2 said:
I had a different experience. After my timer failed to fire for the OTA HD recording, I quickly hit the record button. Once the game was over, I hit rewind or Start Over to see if I got it all, and it started at half-time. Apparently, it can't record more than two hours!!

Thats not true. Mine recorded the Superbowl without a hitch, including the "wardrobe malfunction" I had a manual timer set for 7 hours, didn't miss a second of it. It is capable of recording at least 7 hours straight.


Dish HDTV Televisions DVI Update

Recording OTA with a timer??

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